
With pip

This package is available on PyPi, so you can install the latest stable release and its dependencies with a simple pip call:

$ pip install extra-platforms

See also pip installation instructions.

Main dependencies

This is a graph of the default, main dependencies of the Python package:

flowchart TD classDef missing stroke-dasharray: 5 boltons["boltons\n24.0.0"] distro["distro\n1.9.0"] extra-platforms["extra-platforms\n1.3.2"] extra-platforms -- "~=1.9.0" --> distro extra-platforms -- "~=24.0.0" --> boltons

Extra dependencies

To get additional utilities for Pytest, you may need to install extra dependencies:

$ pip install extra-platforms[pytest]


[!TIP] I wanted to call this package platforms, but it’s already taken on PyPI. So I went with extra-platforms instead, to mark its affiliation with Click Extra.