
Click Extra provides its own version option which, compared to Click’s built-in:


To prevent any confusion, and to keep on the promise of drop-in replacement, Click Extra’s version option is prefixed with extra_:


Here is how the defaults looks like:

from click_extra import command, extra_version_option

def cli():
$ cli --help
Usage: cli [OPTIONS]

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

The default version message is the same as Click’s default, but colored:

$ cli --version
cli, version 1.2.3


In this example I have hard-coded the version to 1.2.3 for the sake of demonstration. In most cases, you do not need to force it. By default, the version will be automatically fetched from the __version__ attribute of the module where the command is defined.


The message template is a format string, which defaults to:

"{prog_name}, version {version}"


This is different from Click, which uses the %(prog)s, version %(version)s template.

Click is based on old-school printf-style formatting, which relies on variables of the %(variable)s form.

Click Extra uses modern format string syntax, with variables of the {variable} form, to provide a more flexible and powerful templating.

You can customize the message template with the following variables:




The module object in which the command is implemented.


The __name__ of the module in which the command is implemented.


The full path of the file in which the command is implemented.


The string found in the local __version__ variable of the module.


The name of the package in which the CLI is distributed.


The version from the package metadata in which the CLI is distributed.


User-friendly name of the executed CLI. Returns {module_name}, {package_name} or script’s filename, in this order.


Version of the CLI. Returns {module_version}, {package_version} or None, in this order.


The name of the program, from Click’s point of view.


The environment information in JSON.


Some Click’s built-in variables are not recognized:

  • %(package)s should be replaced by {package_name}

  • %(prog)s should be replaced by {prog_name}

  • All other %(variable)s should be replaced by their {variable} counterpart

You can compose your own version string by passing the message argument:

from click_extra import command, extra_version_option

@extra_version_option(message="✨ {prog_name} v{version} - {package_name}")
def my_own_cli():
$ my-own-cli --version
✨ my-own-cli v4.14.3 - click_extra


Notice here how the {package_name} string takes the click_extra value. That’s because this snippet of code is dynamiccaly executed by Sphinx in the context of Click Extra itself. And as a result, the {version} string takes the value of the current version of Click Extra (i.e. click_extra.__version__).

You will not have this behavior once your get your CLI packaged: your CLI will properly inherits its metadata automatically from your package.

Standalone script

The --version option works with standalone scripts.

Let’s put this code in a file named

from click_extra import extra_command

def greet():
    print("Hello world")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Here is the result of the --version option:

$ python ./ --version, version None

Because the script is not packaged, the {package_name} is set to the script file name ( and {version} variable to None.

But Click Extra recognize a __version__ variable. So you can force the version string in your script:

from click_extra import extra_command

__version__ = "0.9.3-alpha"

def greet():
    print("Hello world")

if __name__ == "__main__":
$ python ./ --version, version 0.9.3-alpha


The __version__ variable is not an enforced Python standard and more like a tradition.

It is supported by Click Extra as a convenience for script developers.


Each variable listed in the section above can be rendered in its own style. They all have dedicated parameters you can pass to the extra_version_option decorator:




Default style of the message.


Style of the {module} variable.


Style of the {module_name} variable.


Style of the {module_file} variable.


Style of the {module_version} variable.


Style of the {package_name} variable.


Style of the {package_version} variable.


Style of the {exec_name} variable.


Style of the {version} variable.


Style of the {prog_name} variable.


Style of the {env_info} variable.

Here is an example:

from click_extra import command, extra_version_option, Style

   message="{prog_name} v{version} 🔥 {package_name} ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)",
   prog_name_style=Style(fg="green", bold=True),
   version_style=Style(fg="bright_yellow", bg="red"),
   package_name_style=Style(fg="bright_blue", italic=True),
def cli():
$ cli --version
cli v4.14.3 🔥 click_extra ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)

You can pass None to any of the style parameters to disable styling for the corresponding variable:

from click_extra import command, extra_version_option

def cli():
$ cli --version
cli, version 4.14.3

Environment information

The {env_info} variable compiles all sorts of environment information.

Here is how it looks like:

from click_extra import command, extra_version_option

def env_info_cli():
$ env-info-cli --version
{'username': '-', 'guid': '7ca23af85f9bba88b6a630afcc5be28', 'hostname': '-', 'hostfqdn': '-', 'uname': {'system': 'Linux', 'node': '-', 'release': '6.8.0-1021-azure', 'version': '#25-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 15 20:45:09 UTC 2025', 'machine': 'x86_64', 'processor': 'x86_64'}, 'linux_dist_name': '', 'linux_dist_version': '', 'cpu_count': 4, 'fs_encoding': 'utf-8', 'ulimit_soft': 65536, 'ulimit_hard': 65536, 'cwd': '-', 'umask': '0o2', 'python': {'argv': '-', 'bin': '-', 'version': '3.12.3 (main, Jan 17 2025, 18:03:48) [GCC 13.3.0]', 'compiler': 'GCC 13.3.0', 'build_date': 'Jan 17 2025 18:03:48', 'version_info': [3, 12, 3, 'final', 0], 'features': {'openssl': 'OpenSSL 3.0.13 30 Jan 2024', 'expat': 'expat_2.6.1', 'sqlite': '3.45.1', 'tkinter': '', 'zlib': '1.3', 'unicode_wide': True, 'readline': True, '64bit': True, 'ipv6': True, 'threading': True, 'urandom': True}}, 'time_utc': '2025-02-23 15:34:32.270047+00:00', 'time_utc_offset': 0.0, '_eco_version': '1.1.0'}

It’s verbose but it’s helpful for debugging and reporting of issues from end users.


The JSON output is scrubbed out of identifiable information by default: current working directory, hostname, Python executable path, command-line arguments and username are replaced with -.

Another trick consist in picking into the content of {env_info} to produce highly customized version strings. This can be done because {env_info} is kept as a dict:

from click_extra import command, extra_version_option

    message="{prog_name} {version}, from {module_file} (Python {env_info[python][version]})"
def custom_env_info():
$ custom-env-info --version
custom-env-info 4.14.3, from /home/runner/work/click-extra/click-extra/click_extra/ (Python 3.12.3 (main, Jan 17 2025, 18:03:48) [GCC 13.3.0])

Debug logs

When the DEBUG level is enabled, all available variables will be printed in the log:

from click_extra import command, verbosity_option, extra_version_option, echo

def version_in_logs():
    echo("Standard operation")
$ version-in-logs --verbosity DEBUG
debug: Set <Logger click_extra (DEBUG)> to DEBUG.
debug: Set <RootLogger root (DEBUG)> to DEBUG.
debug: Version string template variables:
debug: {module}         : <module 'click_extra.testing' from '/home/runner/work/click-extra/click-extra/click_extra/'>
debug: {module_name}    : click_extra.testing
debug: {module_file}    : /home/runner/work/click-extra/click-extra/click_extra/
debug: {module_version} : None
debug: {package_name}   : click_extra
debug: {package_version}: 4.14.3
debug: {exec_name}      : click_extra.testing
debug: {version}        : 4.14.3
debug: {prog_name}      : version-in-logs
debug: {env_info}       : {'username': '-', 'guid': '7ca23af85f9bba88b6a630afcc5be28', 'hostname': '-', 'hostfqdn': '-', 'uname': {'system': 'Linux', 'node': '-', 'release': '6.8.0-1021-azure', 'version': '#25-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 15 20:45:09 UTC 2025', 'machine': 'x86_64', 'processor': 'x86_64'}, 'linux_dist_name': '', 'linux_dist_version': '', 'cpu_count': 4, 'fs_encoding': 'utf-8', 'ulimit_soft': 65536, 'ulimit_hard': 65536, 'cwd': '-', 'umask': '0o2', 'python': {'argv': '-', 'bin': '-', 'version': '3.12.3 (main, Jan 17 2025, 18:03:48) [GCC 13.3.0]', 'compiler': 'GCC 13.3.0', 'build_date': 'Jan 17 2025 18:03:48', 'version_info': [3, 12, 3, 'final', 0], 'features': {'openssl': 'OpenSSL 3.0.13 30 Jan 2024', 'expat': 'expat_2.6.1', 'sqlite': '3.45.1', 'tkinter': '', 'zlib': '1.3', 'unicode_wide': True, 'readline': True, '64bit': True, 'ipv6': True, 'threading': True, 'urandom': True}}, 'time_utc': '2025-02-23 15:34:32.270047+00:00', 'time_utc_offset': 0.0, '_eco_version': '1.1.0'}
Standard operation
debug: Reset <RootLogger root (DEBUG)> to WARNING.
debug: Reset <Logger click_extra (DEBUG)> to WARNING.

Get metadata values

You can get the uncolored, Python values used in the composition of the version message from the context:

from click_extra import command, echo, pass_context, extra_version_option

def version_metadata(ctx):
    version = ctx.meta["click_extra.version"]
    package_name = ctx.meta["click_extra.package_name"]
    prog_name = ctx.meta["click_extra.prog_name"]
    env_info = ctx.meta["click_extra.env_info"]

    echo(f"version = {version}")
    echo(f"package_name = {package_name}")
    echo(f"prog_name = {prog_name}")
    echo(f"env_info = {env_info}")
$ version-metadata --version
version-metadata, version 4.14.3
$ version-metadata
version = 4.14.3
package_name = click_extra
prog_name = version-metadata
env_info = {'username': '-', 'guid': '7ca23af85f9bba88b6a630afcc5be28', 'hostname': '-', 'hostfqdn': '-', 'uname': {'system': 'Linux', 'node': '-', 'release': '6.8.0-1021-azure', 'version': '#25-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 15 20:45:09 UTC 2025', 'machine': 'x86_64', 'processor': 'x86_64'}, 'linux_dist_name': '', 'linux_dist_version': '', 'cpu_count': 4, 'fs_encoding': 'utf-8', 'ulimit_soft': 65536, 'ulimit_hard': 65536, 'cwd': '-', 'umask': '0o2', 'python': {'argv': '-', 'bin': '-', 'version': '3.12.3 (main, Jan 17 2025, 18:03:48) [GCC 13.3.0]', 'compiler': 'GCC 13.3.0', 'build_date': 'Jan 17 2025 18:03:48', 'version_info': [3, 12, 3, 'final', 0], 'features': {'openssl': 'OpenSSL 3.0.13 30 Jan 2024', 'expat': 'expat_2.6.1', 'sqlite': '3.45.1', 'tkinter': '', 'zlib': '1.3', 'unicode_wide': True, 'readline': True, '64bit': True, 'ipv6': True, 'threading': True, 'urandom': True}}, 'time_utc': '2025-02-23 15:34:32.270047+00:00', 'time_utc_offset': 0.0, '_eco_version': '1.1.0'}


These variables are presented in their original Python type. If most of these variables are strings, others like env_info retains their original dict type.

Template rendering

You can render the version string manually by calling the option’s internal methods:

from click_extra import command, echo, pass_context, extra_version_option, ExtraVersionOption, search_params

def template_rendering(ctx):
     # Search for a ``--version`` parameter.
     version_opt = search_params(ctx.command.params, ExtraVersionOption)
     version_string = version_opt.render_message()
     echo(f"Version string ~> {version_string}")


To fetch the --version parameter defined on the command, we rely on the click_extra.search_params.

$ template-rendering --version
template-rendering, version 4.14.3
$ template-rendering
Version string ~> template-rendering, version 4.14.3

That way you can collect the rendered version_string, as if it was printed to the terminal by a call to --version, and use it in your own way.

Other internal methods to build-up and render the version string are available in the API below.

click_extra.version API

  ExtraOption <|-- ExtraVersionOption

Gather CLI metadata and print them.

class click_extra.version.ExtraVersionOption(param_decls=None, message=None, module=None, module_name=None, module_file=None, module_version=None, package_name=None, package_version=None, exec_name=None, version=None, prog_name=None, env_info=None, message_style=None, module_style=None, module_name_style=Style(fg='bright_white', bg=None, bold=None, dim=None, underline=None, overline=None, italic=None, blink=None, reverse=None, strikethrough=None, text_transform=None, _style_kwargs={'fg': 'bright_white', 'bg': None, 'bold': None, 'dim': None, 'underline': None, 'overline': None, 'italic': None, 'blink': None, 'reverse': None, 'strikethrough': None}), module_file_style=None, module_version_style=Style(fg='green', bg=None, bold=None, dim=None, underline=None, overline=None, italic=None, blink=None, reverse=None, strikethrough=None, text_transform=None, _style_kwargs={'fg': 'green', 'bg': None, 'bold': None, 'dim': None, 'underline': None, 'overline': None, 'italic': None, 'blink': None, 'reverse': None, 'strikethrough': None}), package_name_style=Style(fg='bright_white', bg=None, bold=None, dim=None, underline=None, overline=None, italic=None, blink=None, reverse=None, strikethrough=None, text_transform=None, _style_kwargs={'fg': 'bright_white', 'bg': None, 'bold': None, 'dim': None, 'underline': None, 'overline': None, 'italic': None, 'blink': None, 'reverse': None, 'strikethrough': None}), package_version_style=Style(fg='green', bg=None, bold=None, dim=None, underline=None, overline=None, italic=None, blink=None, reverse=None, strikethrough=None, text_transform=None, _style_kwargs={'fg': 'green', 'bg': None, 'bold': None, 'dim': None, 'underline': None, 'overline': None, 'italic': None, 'blink': None, 'reverse': None, 'strikethrough': None}), exec_name_style=Style(fg='bright_white', bg=None, bold=None, dim=None, underline=None, overline=None, italic=None, blink=None, reverse=None, strikethrough=None, text_transform=None, _style_kwargs={'fg': 'bright_white', 'bg': None, 'bold': None, 'dim': None, 'underline': None, 'overline': None, 'italic': None, 'blink': None, 'reverse': None, 'strikethrough': None}), version_style=Style(fg='green', bg=None, bold=None, dim=None, underline=None, overline=None, italic=None, blink=None, reverse=None, strikethrough=None, text_transform=None, _style_kwargs={'fg': 'green', 'bg': None, 'bold': None, 'dim': None, 'underline': None, 'overline': None, 'italic': None, 'blink': None, 'reverse': None, 'strikethrough': None}), prog_name_style=Style(fg='bright_white', bg=None, bold=None, dim=None, underline=None, overline=None, italic=None, blink=None, reverse=None, strikethrough=None, text_transform=None, _style_kwargs={'fg': 'bright_white', 'bg': None, 'bold': None, 'dim': None, 'underline': None, 'overline': None, 'italic': None, 'blink': None, 'reverse': None, 'strikethrough': None}), env_info_style=Style(fg='bright_black', bg=None, bold=None, dim=None, underline=None, overline=None, italic=None, blink=None, reverse=None, strikethrough=None, text_transform=None, _style_kwargs={'fg': 'bright_black', 'bg': None, 'bold': None, 'dim': None, 'underline': None, 'overline': None, 'italic': None, 'blink': None, 'reverse': None, 'strikethrough': None}), is_flag=True, expose_value=False, is_eager=True, help='Show the version and exit.', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ExtraOption

Gather CLI metadata and prints a colored version string.


This started as a copy of the standard @click.version_option() decorator, but is no longer a drop-in replacement. Hence the Extra prefix.

This address the following Click issues:

  • click#2324, to allow its use with the declarative params= argument.

  • click#2331, by distinguishing the module from the package.

  • click#1756, by allowing path and Python version.

Preconfigured as a --version option flag.

template_fields: tuple[str, ...] = ('module', 'module_name', 'module_file', 'module_version', 'package_name', 'package_version', 'exec_name', 'version', 'prog_name', 'env_info')

List of field IDs recognized by the message template.

message: str = '{prog_name}, version {version}'

Default message template used to render the version string.

static cli_frame()[source]

Returns the frame in which the CLI is implemented.

Inspects the execution stack frames to find the package in which the user’s CLI is implemented.

Returns the frame name, the frame itself, and the frame chain for debugging.

Return type:


property module: ModuleType

Returns the module in which the CLI resides.

property module_name: str

Returns the full module name or ``__main__`.

property module_file: str | None

Returns the module’s file full path.

property module_version: str | None

Returns the string found in the local __version__ variable.

property package_name: str | None

Returns the package name.

property package_version: str | None

Returns the package version if installed.

property exec_name: str

User-friendly name of the executed CLI.

Returns the module name. But if the later is __main__, returns the package name.

If not packaged, the CLI is assumed to be a simple standalone script, and the returned name is the script’s file name (including its extension).

property version: str | None

Return the version of the CLI.

Returns the module version if a __version__ variable is set alongside the CLI in its module.

Else returns the package version if the CLI is implemented in a package, using importlib.metadata.version().

property prog_name: str | None

Return the name of the CLI, from Click’s point of view.

property env_info: dict[str, str]

Various environment info.

Returns the data produced by boltons.ecoutils.get_profile().


Insert ANSI styles to a message template.

Accepts a custom template as parameter, otherwise uses the default message defined on the Option instance.

This step is necessary because we need to linearize the template to apply the ANSI codes on the string segments. This is a consequence of the nature of ANSI, directives which cannot be encapsulated within another (unlike markup tags like HTML).

Return type:



Render the version string from the provided template.

Accepts a custom template as parameter, otherwise uses the default self.colored_template() produced by the instance.

Return type:


default: t.Union[t.Any, t.Callable[[], t.Any]]
type: types.ParamType
is_flag: bool
is_bool_flag: bool
flag_value: t.Any
name: t.Optional[str]
opts: t.List[str]
secondary_opts: t.List[str]

Render in debug logs all template fields in color. :rtype: None


Pretty print JSON output (easier to read in bug reports)?

print_and_exit(ctx, param, value)[source]

Print the version string and exits.

Also stores all version string elements in the Context’s meta dict.

Return type:
