Source code for extra_platforms.docs_update

# Copyright Kevin Deldycke <> and contributors.
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
"""Automation to keep extra-platforms documentation up-to-date.

.. tip::

    When the module is called directly, it will update all documentation files in-place:

    .. code-block:: shell-session

        $ run python -m extra_platforms.docs_update

    See how it is `used in .github/workflows/docs.yaml workflow

from __future__ import annotations

import html
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent, indent


[docs] def replace_content( filepath: Path, start_tag: str, end_tag: str, new_content: str, ) -> None: """Replace in the provided file the content surrounded by the provided tags.""" filepath = filepath.resolve() assert filepath.exists(), f"File {filepath} does not exist." assert filepath.is_file(), f"File {filepath} is not a file." orig_content = filepath.read_text() # Extract pre- and post-content surrounding the tags. pre_content, table_start = orig_content.split(start_tag, 1) _, post_content = table_start.split(end_tag, 1) # Reconstruct the content with our updated table. filepath.write_text( f"{pre_content}{start_tag}{new_content}{end_tag}{post_content}", )
[docs] def generate_platform_sankey() -> str: """Produce a Sankey diagram to map all platforms to their platforms.""" table = [] # Display biggest groups first. Add ID in the sorting key to get stable sorting on # tie. for group in sorted( ALL_GROUPS, key=lambda g: (len(g.platform_ids),, reverse=True ): for platform in group.platforms: # XXX Sankey diagrams do not support emoji icons yet. # table.append( # f'"{html.escape(group.icon)} {}",' # f'"{html.escape(platform.icon)} {}",1' # ) table.append(f"{},{},1") output = dedent("""\ ```mermaid --- config: sankey: showValues: false --- sankey-beta\n """) output += "\n".join(table) output += "\n```" return output
[docs] def generate_platforms_graph( graph_id: str, description: str, groups: frozenset[Group], ) -> str: """Generates an `Euler diagram <>`_ of platform and their grouping. Euler diagrams are `not supported by mermaid yet <>`_ so we fallback on a flowchart without arrows. Returns a ready to use and properly indented MyST block. """ INDENT = " " * 4 subgraphs = set() # Create one subgraph per group. for group in sorted(groups, key=lambda g: nodes = set() for platform in group: # Make the node ID unique for overlapping groups. nodes.add( f"{}_{}" f"(<code>{}</code><br/>" f"{html.escape(platform.icon)} <em>{html.escape(}</em>)", ) subgraphs.add( f'subgraph "<code>extra_platforms.{}</code>' "<br/>" f'{html.escape(group.icon)} <em>{html.escape(}</em>"' "\n" + indent("\n".join(sorted(nodes)), INDENT) + "\nend", ) # Wrap the Mermaid code into a MyST block. return "\n".join( ( # Use attributes blocks extension to add a title. f"#### `extra_platforms.{graph_id}` - {description}\n", "```mermaid", "flowchart", indent("\n".join(sorted(subgraphs)), INDENT), "```", ), )
[docs] def update_docs() -> None: """Update documentation with dynamic content.""" project_root = Path(__file__).parent.parent # TODO: Replace this hard-coded dict by allowing Group dataclass to group # other groups. all_groups = ( { "id": "NON_OVERLAPPING_GROUPS", "description": "Non-overlapping groups.", "groups": NON_OVERLAPPING_GROUPS, }, { "id": "EXTRA_GROUPS", "description": "Overlapping groups, defined for convenience.", "groups": EXTRA_GROUPS, }, ) assert frozenset(g for groups in all_groups for g in groups["groups"]) == ALL_GROUPS # Update the platform diagrams in readme. replace_content( project_root.joinpath(""), "<!-- platform-sankey-start -->\n\n", "\n\n<!-- platform-sankey-end -->", generate_platform_sankey(), ) platform_doc = project_root.joinpath("") for top_groups in all_groups: replace_content( platform_doc, f"<!-- {top_groups['id']}-graph-start -->\n\n", f"\n\n<!-- {top_groups['id']}-graph-end -->", generate_platforms_graph( top_groups["id"], # type: ignore[arg-type] top_groups["description"], # type: ignore[arg-type] top_groups["groups"], # type: ignore[arg-type] ), )
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(update_docs()) # type: ignore[func-returns-value]