Source code for click_extra.logging

# Copyright Kevin Deldycke <> and contributors.
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
"""Logging utilities."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import sys
from gettext import gettext as _
from logging import (
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal, TypeVar

import click

from . import Choice, Context, Parameter
from .colorize import default_theme
from .parameters import ExtraOption

    from import Generator, Iterable, Sequence

_original_get_logger = logging.getLogger

def _patched_get_logger(name: str | None = None) -> Logger:
    """Patch ``logging.getLogger`` to return the right root logger object.

    .. warning::
        This is a bugfix for Python 3.8 and earlier for which the ``root`` logger
        cannot be fetched with its plain ``root`` name.

        - `cpython#81923 <>`_
        - `cpython@cb65b3a <>`_
    if name == "root":
        name = None
    return _original_get_logger(name)

if sys.version_info < (3, 9):
    logging.getLogger = _patched_get_logger

LOG_LEVELS: dict[str, int] = {
    name: value
    for value, name in sorted(_levelToName.items(), reverse=True)
    if name != "NOTSET"
"""Mapping of canonical log level names to their IDs.

Sorted from lowest to highest verbosity.

Are ignored:

- ``NOTSET``, which is considered internal
- ``WARN``, which `is obsolete
- ``FATAL``, which `shouldn't be used <>`_
  and `replaced by CRITICAL

"""``WARNING`` is the default level we expect any loggers to starts their lives at.

``WARNING`` has been chosen as it is `the level at which the default Python's global
root logger is set up

This value is also used as the default level of the ``--verbosity`` option below.

TFormatter = TypeVar("TFormatter", bound=Formatter)
THandler = TypeVar("THandler", bound=Handler)
"""Custom types to be used in type hints below."""

[docs]class ExtraLogHandler(Handler): """A handler to output logs to console's ``<stderr>``."""
[docs] def emit(self, record: LogRecord) -> None: """Use ``click.echo`` to print to ``<stderr>`` and supports colors.""" try: msg = self.format(record) click.echo(msg, err=True) # If exception occurs format it to the stream. except Exception: self.handleError(record)
[docs]class ExtraLogFormatter(Formatter):
[docs] def formatMessage(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: """Colorize the record's log level name before calling the strandard formatter.""" level = record.levelname.lower() level_style = getattr(default_theme, level, None) if level_style: record.levelname = level_style(level) return super().formatMessage(record)
[docs]def extra_basic_config( logger_name: str | None = None, format: str | None = "{levelname}: {message}", datefmt: str | None = None, style: Literal["%", "{", "$"] = "{", level: int | None = None, handlers: Iterable[Handler] | None = None, force: bool = True, handler_class: type[THandler] = ExtraLogHandler, # type: ignore[assignment] formatter_class: type[TFormatter] = ExtraLogFormatter, # type: ignore[assignment] ) -> Logger: """Setup and configure a logger. Reimplements `logging.basicConfig <>`_, but with sane defaults and more parameters. :param logger_name: ID of the logger to setup. If ``None``, Python's ``root`` logger will be used. :param format: Use the specified format string for the handler. Defaults to ``levelname`` and ``message`` separated by a colon. :param datefmt: Use the specified date/time format, as accepted by :func:`time.strftime`. :param style: If *format* is specified, use this style for the format string. One of ``%``, ``{`` or ``$`` for :ref:`printf-style <old-string-formatting>`, :meth:`str.format` or :class:`string.Template` respectively. Defaults to ``{``. :param level: Set the logger level to the specified :ref:`level <levels>`. :param handlers: A list of ``logging.Handler`` instances to attach to the logger. If not provided, a new handler of the class set by the ``handler_class`` parameter will be created. Any handler in the list which does not have a formatter assigned will be assigned the formatter created in this function. :param force: Remove and close any existing handlers attached to the logger before carrying out the configuration as specified by the other arguments. Default to ``True`` so we always starts from a clean state each time we configure a logger. This is a life-saver in unittests in which loggers pollutes output. :param handler_class: Handler class to be used to create a new handler if none provided. Defaults to :py:class:`ExtraLogHandler`. :param formatter_class: Class of the formatter that will be setup on each handler if none found. Defaults to :py:class:`ExtraLogFormatter`. .. todo:: Add more parameters for even greater configurability of the logger, by re-implementing those supported by ``logging.basicConfig``. """ # Fetch the logger or create a new one. logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) # Remove and close any existing handlers. Copy of: # if force: for h in logger.handlers[:]: logger.removeHandler(h) h.close() # If no handlers provided, create a new one with the default handler class. if not handlers: handlers = (handler_class(),) # Set up the formatter with a default message format. formatter = formatter_class( fmt=format, datefmt=datefmt, style=style, ) # Attach handlers to the loggers. for h in handlers: if h.formatter is None: h.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(h) if level is not None: logger.setLevel(level) return logger
[docs]class VerbosityOption(ExtraOption): """A pre-configured ``--verbosity``/``-v`` option. Sets the level of the provided logger. The selected verbosity level name is made available in the context in ``ctx.meta["click_extra.verbosity"]``. .. important:: The internal ``click_extra`` logger level will be aligned to the value set via this option. """ logger_name: str """The ID of the logger to set the level to. This will be provided to `logging.getLogger <>`_ method to fetch the logger object, and as such, can be a dot-separated string to build hierarchical loggers. """ @property def all_loggers(self) -> Generator[Logger, None, None]: """Returns the list of logger IDs affected by the verbosity option. Will returns Click Extra's internal logger first, then the option's custom logger. """ for name in ("click_extra", self.logger_name): yield logging.getLogger(name)
[docs] def reset_loggers(self) -> None: """Forces all loggers managed by the option to be reset to the default level. Reset loggers in reverse order to ensure the internal logger is reset last. .. danger:: Resseting loggers is extremely important for unittests. Because they're global, loggers have tendency to leak and pollute their state between multiple test calls. """ for logger in list(self.all_loggers)[::-1]: logging.getLogger("click_extra").debug( f"Reset {logger} to {DEFAULT_LEVEL_NAME}.", ) logger.setLevel(DEFAULT_LEVEL)
[docs] def set_levels(self, ctx: Context, param: Parameter, value: str) -> None: """Set level of all loggers configured on the option. Save the verbosity level name in the context. Also prints the chosen value as a debug message via the internal ``click_extra`` logger. """ ctx.meta["click_extra.verbosity"] = value for logger in self.all_loggers: logger.setLevel(LOG_LEVELS[value]) logging.getLogger("click_extra").debug(f"Set {logger} to {value}.") ctx.call_on_close(self.reset_loggers)
def __init__( self, param_decls: Sequence[str] | None = None, default_logger: Logger | str | None = None, default: str = DEFAULT_LEVEL_NAME, metavar="LEVEL", type=Choice(LOG_LEVELS, case_sensitive=False), # type: ignore[arg-type] expose_value=False, help=_("Either {log_levels}.").format(log_levels=", ".join(LOG_LEVELS)), is_eager=True, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Set up the verbosity option. :param default_logger: If an instance of ``logging.Logger`` is provided, that's the instance to which we will set the level set via the option. If the parameter is a string, we will fetch it with `logging.getLogger <>`_. If not provided or ``None``, the `default Python root logger <>`_ is used. .. todo:: Write more documentation to detail in which case the user is responsible for setting up the logger, and when ``extra_basic_config`` is used. """ if not param_decls: param_decls = ("--verbosity", "-v") # Use the provided logger instance as-is. if isinstance(default_logger, Logger): logger = default_logger # If a string is provided, use it as the logger name. elif isinstance(default_logger, str): logger = logging.getLogger(default_logger) # ``None`` will produce a default root logger. else: logger = extra_basic_config(default_logger) # Store the logger name for later use. self.logger_name = kwargs.setdefault("callback", self.set_levels) super().__init__( param_decls=param_decls, default=default, metavar=metavar, type=type, expose_value=expose_value, help=help, is_eager=is_eager, **kwargs, )