Source code for click_extra.pytest

# Copyright Kevin Deldycke <> and contributors.
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
"""Pytest fixtures and marks to help testing Click CLIs."""

from __future__ import annotations

    import pytest  # noqa: F401
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError(
        "You need to install click_extra[pytest] extra dependencies to use this "

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

import click
import click.testing
import cloup
import pytest

from click_extra.decorators import command, extra_command, extra_group, group
from click_extra.testing import ExtraCliRunner

    from pathlib import Path

    from _pytest.mark import MarkDecorator
    from _pytest.mark.structures import ParameterSet

[docs] @pytest.fixture def extra_runner(): """Runner fixture for ``click.testing.ExtraCliRunner``.""" runner = ExtraCliRunner() with runner.isolated_filesystem(): yield runner
[docs] @pytest.fixture def invoke(extra_runner): """Invoke fixture shorthand for ``click.testing.ExtraCliRunner.invoke``.""" return extra_runner.invoke
skip_naked = pytest.mark.skip(reason="Naked decorator not supported yet.") """Mark to skip Cloup decorators without parenthesis. .. warning:: `Cloup does not yet support decorators without parenthesis <>`_. """
[docs] def command_decorators( no_commands: bool = False, no_groups: bool = False, no_click: bool = False, no_cloup: bool = False, no_redefined: bool = False, no_extra: bool = False, with_parenthesis: bool = True, with_types: bool = False, ) -> tuple[ParameterSet, ...]: """Returns collection of Pytest parameters to test all forms of click/cloup/click- extra command-like decorators.""" params: list[tuple[Any, set[str], str, tuple | MarkDecorator]] = [] if no_commands is False: if not no_click: params.append((click.command, {"click", "command"}, "click.command", ())) if with_parenthesis: params.append( (click.command(), {"click", "command"}, "click.command()", ()), ) if not no_cloup: params.append( (cloup.command, {"cloup", "command"}, "cloup.command", skip_naked), ) if with_parenthesis: params.append( (cloup.command(), {"cloup", "command"}, "cloup.command()", ()), ) if not no_redefined: params.append( (command, {"redefined", "command"}, "click_extra.command", ()), ) if with_parenthesis: params.append( (command(), {"redefined", "command"}, "click_extra.command()", ()), ) if not no_extra: params.append( ( extra_command, {"extra", "command"}, "click_extra.extra_command", (), ), ) if with_parenthesis: params.append( ( extra_command(), {"extra", "command"}, "click_extra.extra_command()", (), ), ) if not no_groups: if not no_click: params.append((, {"click", "group"}, "", ())) if with_parenthesis: params.append((, {"click", "group"}, "", ())) if not no_cloup: params.append((, {"cloup", "group"}, "", skip_naked)) if with_parenthesis: params.append((, {"cloup", "group"}, "", ())) if not no_redefined: params.append((group, {"redefined", "group"}, "", ())) if with_parenthesis: params.append( (group(), {"redefined", "group"}, "", ()), ) if not no_extra: params.append( ( extra_group, {"extra", "group"}, "click_extra.extra_group", (), ), ) if with_parenthesis: params.append( ( extra_group(), {"extra", "group"}, "click_extra.extra_group()", (), ), ) decorator_params = [] for deco, deco_type, label, marks in params: args = [deco] if with_types: args.append(deco_type) decorator_params.append(pytest.param(*args, id=label, marks=marks)) return tuple(decorator_params)
[docs] @pytest.fixture def create_config(tmp_path): """A generic fixture to produce a temporary configuration file.""" def _create_config(filename: str | Path, content: str) -> Path: """Create a fake configuration file.""" config_path: Path if isinstance(filename, str): config_path = tmp_path.joinpath(filename) else: config_path = filename.resolve() # Create the missing folder structure, like "mkdir -p" does. config_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) config_path.write_text(content) return config_path return _create_config
default_options_uncolored_help = ( r" --time / --no-time Measure and print elapsed execution time." r" \[default:\n" r" no-time\]\n" r" --color, --ansi / --no-color, --no-ansi\n" r" Strip out all colors and all ANSI codes from" r" output.\n" r" \[default: color\]\n" r" -C, --config CONFIG_PATH Location of the configuration file. Supports glob\n" r" pattern of local path and remote URL." r" \[default:( \S+)?\n" r"( .+\n)*" r" \S+\.{toml,yaml,yml,json,ini,xml}\]\n" r" --show-params Show all CLI parameters, their provenance, defaults\n" r" and value, then exit.\n" r" -v, --verbosity LEVEL Either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG.\n" r" \[default: WARNING\]\n" r" --version Show the version and exit.\n" r" -h, --help Show this message and exit.\n" ) default_options_colored_help = ( r" \x1b\[36m--time\x1b\[0m / \x1b\[36m--no-time\x1b\[0m" r" Measure and print elapsed execution time." r" \x1b\[2m\[\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2mdefault:\n" r" " r"\x1b\[0m\x1b\[32m\x1b\[2m\x1b\[3mno-time\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2m\]\x1b\[0m\n" r" \x1b\[36m--color\x1b\[0m, \x1b\[36m--ansi\x1b\[0m /" r" \x1b\[36m--no-color\x1b\[0m, \x1b\[36m--no-ansi\x1b\[0m\n" r" Strip out all colors and all ANSI codes from" r" output.\n" r" \x1b\[2m\[\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2mdefault:" r" \x1b\[0m\x1b\[32m\x1b\[2m\x1b\[3mcolor\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2m\]\x1b\[0m\n" r" \x1b\[36m-C\x1b\[0m, \x1b\[36m--config\x1b\[0m" r" \x1b\[36m\x1b\[2mCONFIG_PATH\x1b\[0m" r" Location of the configuration file. Supports glob\n" r" pattern of local path and remote URL." r" \x1b\[2m\[\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2mdefault:( \S+)?\n" r"( .+\n)*" r" " r"\S+\.{toml,yaml,yml,json,ini,xml}\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2m\]\x1b\[0m\n" r" \x1b\[36m--show-params\x1b\[0m" r" Show all CLI parameters, their provenance, defaults\n" r" and value, then exit.\n" r" \x1b\[36m-v\x1b\[0m, \x1b\[36m--verbosity\x1b\[0m" r" \x1b\[36m\x1b\[2mLEVEL\x1b\[0m" r" Either \x1b\[35mCRITICAL\x1b\[0m, \x1b\[35mERROR\x1b\[0m, " r"\x1b\[35mWARNING\x1b\[0m, \x1b\[35mINFO\x1b\[0m, \x1b\[35mDEBUG\x1b\[0m.\n" r" \x1b\[2m\[\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2mdefault: " r"\x1b\[0m\x1b\[32m\x1b\[2m\x1b\[3mWARNING\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2m\]\x1b\[0m\n" r" \x1b\[36m--version\x1b\[0m Show the version and exit.\n" r" \x1b\[36m-h\x1b\[0m, \x1b\[36m--help\x1b\[0m" r" Show this message and exit.\n" ) default_debug_uncolored_logging = ( r"debug: Set <Logger click_extra \(DEBUG\)> to DEBUG.\n" r"debug: Set <RootLogger root \(DEBUG\)> to DEBUG.\n" ) default_debug_colored_logging = ( r"\x1b\[34mdebug\x1b\[0m: Set <Logger click_extra \(DEBUG\)> to DEBUG.\n" r"\x1b\[34mdebug\x1b\[0m: Set <RootLogger root \(DEBUG\)> to DEBUG.\n" ) default_debug_uncolored_config = ( r"debug: Load configuration matching .+\*\.{toml,yaml,yml,json,ini,xml}\n" r"debug: Pattern is not an URL: search local file system.\n" r"debug: No configuration file found.\n" ) default_debug_colored_config = ( r"\x1b\[34mdebug\x1b\[0m: Load configuration" r" matching .+\*\.{toml,yaml,yml,json,ini,xml}\n" r"\x1b\[34mdebug\x1b\[0m: Pattern is not an URL: search local file system.\n" r"\x1b\[34mdebug\x1b\[0m: No configuration file found.\n" ) default_debug_uncolored_version_details = ( "debug: Version string template variables:\n" r"debug: {module} : <module '\S+' from '.+'>\n" r"debug: {module_name} : \S+\n" r"debug: {module_file} : .+\n" r"debug: {module_version} : \S+\n" r"debug: {package_name} : \S+\n" r"debug: {package_version}: \S+\n" r"debug: {exec_name} : \S+\n" r"debug: {version} : \S+\n" r"debug: {prog_name} : \S+\n" r"debug: {env_info} : {.*}\n" ) default_debug_colored_version_details = ( r"\x1b\[34mdebug\x1b\[0m: Version string template variables:\n" r"\x1b\[34mdebug\x1b\[0m: {module} : <module '\S+' from '.+'>\n" r"\x1b\[34mdebug\x1b\[0m: {module_name} : \x1b\[97m\S+\x1b\[0m\n" r"\x1b\[34mdebug\x1b\[0m: {module_file} : .+\n" r"\x1b\[34mdebug\x1b\[0m: {module_version} : \x1b\[32m\S+\x1b\[0m\n" r"\x1b\[34mdebug\x1b\[0m: {package_name} : \x1b\[97m\S+\x1b\[0m\n" r"\x1b\[34mdebug\x1b\[0m: {package_version}: \x1b\[32m\S+\x1b\[0m\n" r"\x1b\[34mdebug\x1b\[0m: {exec_name} : \x1b\[97m\S+\x1b\[0m\n" r"\x1b\[34mdebug\x1b\[0m: {version} : \x1b\[32m\S+\x1b\[0m\n" r"\x1b\[34mdebug\x1b\[0m: {prog_name} : \x1b\[97m\S+\x1b\[0m\n" r"\x1b\[34mdebug\x1b\[0m: {env_info} : \x1b\[90m{.*}\x1b\[0m\n" ) default_debug_uncolored_log_start = ( default_debug_uncolored_logging + default_debug_uncolored_config + default_debug_uncolored_version_details ) default_debug_colored_log_start = ( default_debug_colored_logging + default_debug_colored_config + default_debug_colored_version_details ) default_debug_uncolored_log_end = ( r"debug: Reset <RootLogger root \(DEBUG\)> to WARNING.\n" r"debug: Reset <Logger click_extra \(DEBUG\)> to WARNING.\n" ) default_debug_colored_log_end = ( r"\x1b\[34mdebug\x1b\[0m: Reset <RootLogger root \(DEBUG\)> to WARNING.\n" r"\x1b\[34mdebug\x1b\[0m: Reset <Logger click_extra \(DEBUG\)> to WARNING.\n" )