Source code for click_extra.sphinx

# Copyright Kevin Deldycke <> and contributors.
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
"""Helpers and utilities for Sphinx rendering of CLI based on Click Extra.

.. danger::
    This module is quite janky but does the job. Still, it would benefits from a total
    clean rewrite. This would require a better understanding of Sphinx, Click and MyST
    internals. And as a side effect will eliminate the dependency on

    If you're up to the task, you can try to refactor it. I'll probably start by moving
    the whole ```` code here, merge it with
    the local collection of monkey-patches below, then clean the whole code to make it
    more readable and maintainable. And finally, address all the todo-list below.

.. todo::
    Add support for plain MyST directives to remove the need of wrapping rST into an
    ``{eval-rst}`` block. Ideally, this would allow for the following simpler syntax in

    .. code-block:: markdown

        from click_extra import echo, extra_command, option, style

        @option("--name", prompt="Your name", help="The person to greet.")
        def hello_world(name):
            "Simple program that greets NAME."
            echo(f"Hello, {style(name, fg='red')}!")

    .. code-block:: markdown

        invoke(hello_world, args=["--help"])

.. todo::
    Fix the need to have both ``.. click:example::`` and ``.. click:run::`` directives
    in the same ``{eval-rst}`` block in MyST. This is required to have both directives
    shares states and context.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any

from docutils.statemachine import ViewList
from sphinx.highlighting import PygmentsBridge

from .pygments import AnsiHtmlFormatter
from .tests.conftest import ExtraCliRunner

[docs]class PatchedViewList(ViewList): """Force the rendering of ANSI shell session. Replaces the ``.. sourcecode:: shell-session`` code block produced by ``.. click:run::`` directive with an ANSI Shell Session: ``.. code-block:: ansi-shell-session``. ``.. sourcecode:: shell-session`` has been `released in Pallets-Sphinx-Themes 2.1.0 <>`_. """
[docs] def append(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Search the default code block and replace it with our own version.""" default_code_block = ".. sourcecode:: shell-session" new_code_block = ".. code-block:: ansi-shell-session" if default_code_block in args: new_args = list(args) index = args.index(default_code_block) new_args[index] = new_code_block args = tuple(new_args) return super().append(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def setup(app: Any) -> None: """Register new directives, augmented with ANSI coloring. New directives: - ``.. click:example::`` - ``.. click:run::`` .. danger:: This function activates lots of monkey-patches: - ``sphinx.highlighting.PygmentsBridge`` is updated to set its default HTML formatter to an ANSI capable one for the whole Sphinx app. - ```` is `patched to force an ANSI lexer on the rST code block <#click_extra.sphinx.PatchedViewList>`_. - ```` is replaced with ``click_extra.testing.ExtraCliRunner`` to have full control of contextual color settings by the way of the ``color`` parameter. It also produce unfiltered ANSI codes so that the other ``PatchedViewList`` monkey-patch can do its job and render colors in the HTML output. """ # Set Sphinx's default HTML formatter to an ANSI capable one. PygmentsBridge.html_formatter = AnsiHtmlFormatter from import domain domain.ViewList = PatchedViewList # Brutal, but effective. # Alternative patching methods: domain.ExampleRunner.__bases__ = (ExtraCliRunner,) # Force color rendering in ``invoke`` calls. domain.ExampleRunner.force_color = True # Register directives to Sphinx. domain.setup(app)