Source code for click_extra.tabulate

# Copyright Kevin Deldycke <> and contributors.
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
"""Collection of table rendering utilities."""

from __future__ import annotations

import csv
from functools import partial
from gettext import gettext as _
from io import StringIO
from typing import Sequence

import tabulate
from tabulate import DataRow, Line, TableFormat

from . import Choice, Context, Parameter, echo
from .parameters import ExtraOption

tabulate.MIN_PADDING = 0
"""Neutralize spurious double-spacing in table rendering."""

tabulate._table_formats.update(  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
        "github": TableFormat(
            lineabove=Line("| ", "-", " | ", " |"),
            linebelowheader=Line("| ", "-", " | ", " |"),
            headerrow=DataRow("| ", " | ", " |"),
            datarow=DataRow("| ", " | ", " |"),
"""Tweak table separators to match MyST and GFM syntax.

I.e. add a space between the column separator and the dashes filling a cell:

``|---|---|---|`` β†’ ``| --- | --- | --- |``

That way we produce a table that doesn't need any supplement linting.

This has been proposed upstream at `python-tabulate#261

output_formats: list[str] = sorted(
    # Formats from tabulate.
    list(tabulate._table_formats)  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
    # Formats inherited from previous legacy cli-helpers dependency.
    + ["csv", "vertical"]
    # Formats derived from CSV dialects.
    + [f"csv-{d}" for d in csv.list_dialects()],
"""All output formats supported by click-extra."""

[docs] def get_csv_dialect(format_id: str) -> str | None: """Extract, validate and normalize CSV dialect ID from format.""" assert format_id.startswith("csv") # Defaults to excel rendering, like in Python's csv module. dialect = "excel" parts = format_id.split("-", 1) assert parts[0] == "csv" if len(parts) > 1: dialect = parts[1] return dialect
[docs] def render_csv( tabular_data: Sequence[Sequence[str]], headers: Sequence[str] = (), **kwargs, ) -> None: # StringIO is used to capture CSV output in memory. Hard-coded to default to UTF-8: # with StringIO(newline="") as output: writer = csv.writer(output, **kwargs) writer.writerow(headers) writer.writerows(tabular_data) # Use print instead of echo to conserve CSV dialect's line termination, # avoid extra line returns and keep ANSI coloring. print(output.getvalue(), end="")
[docs] def render_vertical( tabular_data: Sequence[Sequence[str]], headers: Sequence[str] = (), **kwargs, ) -> None: """Re-implements ``cli-helpers``'s vertical table layout. See `cli-helpers source for reference <>`_. """ header_len = max(len(h) for h in headers) padded_headers = [h.ljust(header_len) for h in headers] for index, row in enumerate(tabular_data): # 27 has been hardcoded in cli-helpers: # echo(f"{'*' * 27}[ {index + 1}. row ]{'*' * 27}") for cell_label, cell_value in zip(padded_headers, row): echo(f"{cell_label} | {cell_value}")
[docs] def render_table( tabular_data: Sequence[Sequence[str]], headers: Sequence[str] = (), **kwargs, ) -> None: """Render a table with tabulate and output it via echo.""" defaults = { "disable_numparse": True, "numalign": None, } defaults.update(kwargs) echo(tabulate.tabulate(tabular_data, headers, **defaults)) # type: ignore[arg-type]
[docs] class TableFormatOption(ExtraOption): """A pre-configured option that is adding a ``-t``/``--table-format`` flag to select the rendering style of a table. The selected table format ID is made available in the context in ``ctx.meta["click_extra.table_format"]``. """ def __init__( self, param_decls: Sequence[str] | None = None, type=Choice(output_formats, case_sensitive=False), default="rounded_outline", expose_value=False, help=_("Rendering style of tables."), **kwargs, ) -> None: if not param_decls: param_decls = ("-t", "--table-format") kwargs.setdefault("callback", self.init_formatter) super().__init__( param_decls=param_decls, type=type, default=default, expose_value=expose_value, help=help, **kwargs, )
[docs] def init_formatter( self, ctx: Context, param: Parameter, value: str, ) -> None: """Save table format ID in the context, and adds ``print_table()`` to it. The ``print_table(tabular_data, headers)`` method added to the context is a ready-to-use helper that takes for parameters: - ``tabular_data``, a 2-dimensional iterable of iterables for cell values, - ``headers``, a list of string to be used as headers. """ ctx.meta["click_extra.table_format"] = value render_func = None if value.startswith("csv"): render_func = partial(render_csv, dialect=get_csv_dialect(value)) elif value == "vertical": render_func = render_vertical # type: ignore[assignment] else: render_func = partial(render_table, tablefmt=value) ctx.print_table = render_func # type: ignore[attr-defined]