Source code for click_extra.tests.test_colorize

# Copyright Kevin Deldycke <> and contributors.
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import re
from textwrap import dedent

import click
import cloup
import pytest
from boltons.strutils import strip_ansi
from pytest_cases import parametrize

from click_extra import (
from click_extra.colorize import (
from click_extra.colorize import (
    default_theme as theme,
from click_extra.decorators import (
from click_extra.logging import LOG_LEVELS

from .conftest import (

[docs]def test_theme_definition(): """Ensure we do not leave any property we would have inherited from cloup and logging primitives.""" assert ( set(HelpTheme.__dataclass_fields__) <= HelpExtraTheme.__dataclass_fields__.keys() ) log_levels = {level.lower() for level in LOG_LEVELS} assert log_levels <= HelpExtraTheme.__dataclass_fields__.keys() assert log_levels.isdisjoint(HelpTheme.__dataclass_fields__)
[docs]def test_extra_theme(): theme = HelpExtraTheme() # Check the same instance is returned when no attribute is set. assert theme.with_() == theme assert theme.with_() is theme # Check that we can't set a non-existing attribute. with pytest.raises(TypeError): theme.with_(random_arg=Style()) # Create a new theme with a different color. assert theme.choice != Style(fg=Color.magenta) new_theme = theme.with_(choice=Style(fg=Color.magenta)) assert new_theme != theme assert new_theme is not theme assert new_theme.choice == Style(fg=Color.magenta) # Derives a second theme from the first one. second_theme = new_theme.with_(choice=Style(fg=Color.magenta)) assert second_theme == new_theme assert second_theme is new_theme
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( ("opt", "expected_outputs"), ( # Short option. ( # Short option name is highlighted in both the synopsis and the description. ExtraOption(["-e"], help="Option -e (-e), not -ee or --e."), ( f" {theme.option('-e')} {theme.metavar('TEXT')} ", f" Option {theme.option('-e')} ({theme.option('-e')}), not -ee or --e.", ), ), # Long option. ( # Long option name is highlighted in both the synopsis and the description. ExtraOption(["--exclude"], help="Option named --exclude."), ( f" {theme.option('--exclude')} {theme.metavar('TEXT')} ", f" Option named {theme.option('--exclude')}.", ), ), # Default value. ( ExtraOption(["--n"], default=1, show_default=True), ( f" {theme.option('--n')} {theme.metavar('INTEGER')} ", f" {theme.bracket('[')}" f"{theme.bracket('default: ')}" f"{theme.default('1')}" f"{theme.bracket(']')}", ), ), # Dynamic default. ( ExtraOption( ["--username"], prompt=True, default=lambda: os.environ.get("USER", ""), show_default="current user", ), ( f" {theme.option('--username')} {theme.metavar('TEXT')} ", f" {theme.bracket('[')}" f"{theme.bracket('default: ')}" f"{theme.default('(current user)')}" f"{theme.bracket(']')}", ), ), # Required option. ( ExtraOption(["--x"], required=True, type=int), ( f" {theme.option('--x')} {theme.metavar('INTEGER')} ", f" {theme.bracket('[')}" f"{theme.bracket('required')}" f"{theme.bracket(']')}", ), ), # Required and default value. ( ExtraOption(["--y"], default=1, required=True, show_default=True), ( f" {theme.option('--y')} {theme.metavar('INTEGER')} ", f" {theme.bracket('[')}" f"{theme.bracket('default: ')}" f"{theme.default('1')}" f"{theme.bracket('; ')}" f"{theme.bracket('required')}" f"{theme.bracket(']')}", ), ), # Range option. ( ExtraOption(["--digit"], type=IntRange(0, 9)), ( f" {theme.option('--digit')} {theme.metavar('INTEGER RANGE')} ", f" {theme.bracket('[')}" f"{theme.bracket('0<=x<=9')}" f"{theme.bracket(']')}", ), ), # Boolean flags. ( # Option flag and its opposite names are highlighted, including in the # description. ExtraOption( ["--flag/--no-flag"], default=False, help="Auto --no-flag and --flag options.", ), ( f" {theme.option('--flag')} / {theme.option('--no-flag')} ", f" Auto {theme.option('--no-flag')}" f" and {theme.option('--flag')} options.", ), ), ( # Option with single flag is highlighted, but not its negative. ExtraOption( ["--shout"], is_flag=True, help="Auto --shout but no --no-shout.", ), ( f" {theme.option('--shout')} ", f" Auto {theme.option('--shout')} but no --no-shout.", ), ), ( # Option flag with alternative leading symbol. ExtraOption( ["/debug;/no-debug"], help="Auto /no-debug and /debug options.", ), ( f" {theme.option('/debug')}; {theme.option('/no-debug')} ", f" Auto {theme.option('/no-debug')}" f" and {theme.option('/debug')} options.", ), ), ( # Option flag with alternative leading symbol. ExtraOption(["+w/-w"], help="Auto +w, and -w. Not ++w or -woo."), ( f" {theme.option('+w')} / {theme.option('-w')} ", f" Auto {theme.option('+w')}, and {theme.option('-w')}." " Not ++w or -woo.", ), ), ( # Option flag, and its short and negative name are highlighted. ExtraOption( ["--shout/--no-shout", " /-S"], default=False, help="Auto --shout, --no-shout and -S.", ), ( f" {theme.option('--shout')} / {theme.option('-S')}," f" {theme.option('--no-shout')} ", f" Auto {theme.option('--shout')}, {theme.option('--no-shout')}" f" and {theme.option('-S')}.", ), ), # Choices. ( # Choices after the option name are highlighted. Case is respected. ExtraOption( ["--manager"], type=click.Choice(["apm", "apt", "brew"]), help="apt, APT (not aptitude or apt_mint) and brew.", ), ( f" {theme.option('--manager')} " f"[{theme.choice('apm')}|{theme.choice('apt')}" f"|{theme.choice('brew')}] ", f" {theme.choice('apt')}, APT (not aptitude or apt_mint) and" f" {theme.choice('brew')}.", ), ), # Tuple option. ( ExtraOption(["--item"], type=(str, int), help="Option with tuple type."), (f" {theme.option('--item')} {theme.metavar('<TEXT INTEGER>...')} ",), ), # Metavar. ( # Metavar after the option name is highlighted. ExtraOption( ["--special"], metavar="SPECIAL", help="Option with SPECIAL metavar.", ), ( f" {theme.option('--special')} {theme.metavar('SPECIAL')} ", f" Option with {theme.metavar('SPECIAL')} metavar.", ), ), # Envvars. ( # All envvars in square brackets are highlighted. ExtraOption( ["--flag1"], is_flag=True, envvar=["custom1", "FLAG1"], show_envvar=True, ), ( f" {theme.option('--flag1')} ", f" {theme.bracket('[')}" f"{theme.bracket('env var: ')}" f"{theme.envvar('custom1, FLAG1, TEST_FLAG1')}" f"{theme.bracket(']')}", ), ), ( # Envvars and default. ExtraOption( ["--flag1"], default=1, envvar="custom1", show_envvar=True, show_default=True, ), ( f" {theme.option('--flag1')} ", f" {theme.bracket('[')}" f"{theme.bracket('env var: ')}" f"{theme.envvar('custom1, TEST_FLAG1')}" f"{theme.bracket('; ')}" f"{theme.bracket('default: ')}" f"{theme.default('1')}" f"{theme.bracket(']')}", ), ), ), ) def test_option_highlight(opt, expected_outputs): """Test highlighting of all option's variations.""" # Add option to a dummy command. cli = ExtraCommand("test", params=[opt]) ctx = ExtraContext(cli) # Render full CLI help. help = cli.get_help(ctx) # TODO: check extra elements of the option once # is released. # opt.get_help_extra() # Check that the option is highlighted. for expected in expected_outputs: assert expected in help
[docs]def test_only_full_word_highlight(): formatter = HelpExtraFormatter() formatter.write("package snapshot") formatter.choices.add("snap") output = formatter.getvalue() # Make sure no highlighting occurred assert strip_ansi(output) == output
[docs]@skip_windows_colors def test_keyword_collection(invoke): # Create a dummy Click CLI. @extra_group @option_group( "Group 1", option("-a", "--o1"), option("-b", "--o2"), ) @cloup.option_group( "Group 2", option("--o3", metavar="MY_VAR"), option("--o4"), ) @option("--test") # Windows-style parameters. @option("--boolean/--no-boolean", "-b/+B", is_flag=True) @option("/debug;/no-debug") # First option without an alias. @option("--shout/--no-shout", " /-S", default=False) def color_cli1(o1, o2, o3, o4, test, boolean, debug, shout): echo("It works!") @extra_command(params=None) @argument("MY_ARG", nargs=-1, help="Argument supports help.") def command1(my_arg): """CLI description with extra MY_VAR reference.""" echo("Run click-extra command #1...") @cloup.command() def command2(): echo("Run cloup command #2...") @click.command def command3(): echo("Run click command #3...") @command(deprecated=True) def command4(): echo("Run click-extra command #4...") color_cli1.section("Subcommand group 1", command1, command2) color_cli1.section("Extra commands", command3, command4) help_screen = ( r"\x1b\[94m\x1b\[1m\x1b\[4mUsage:\x1b\[0m \x1b\[97mcolor-cli1\x1b\[0m " r"\x1b\[36m\x1b\[2m\[OPTIONS\]\x1b\[0m" r" \x1b\[36m\x1b\[2mCOMMAND \[ARGS\]...\x1b\[0m\n\n" r"\x1b\[94m\x1b\[1m\x1b\[4mGroup 1:\x1b\[0m\n" r" \x1b\[36m-a\x1b\[0m, \x1b\[36m--o1\x1b\[0m \x1b\[36m\x1b\[2mTEXT\x1b\[0m\n" r" \x1b\[36m-b\x1b\[0m, \x1b\[36m--o2\x1b\[0m \x1b\[36m\x1b\[2mTEXT\x1b\[0m\n" r"\n" r"\x1b\[94m\x1b\[1m\x1b\[4mGroup 2:\x1b\[0m\n" r" \x1b\[36m--o3\x1b\[0m \x1b\[36m\x1b\[2mMY_VAR\x1b\[0m\n" r" \x1b\[36m--o4\x1b\[0m \x1b\[36m\x1b\[2mTEXT\x1b\[0m\n\n" r"\x1b\[94m\x1b\[1m\x1b\[4mOther options:\x1b\[0m\n" r" \x1b\[36m--test\x1b\[0m \x1b\[36m\x1b\[2mTEXT\x1b\[0m\n" r" \x1b\[36m-b\x1b\[0m, \x1b\[36m--boolean\x1b\[0m / \x1b\[36m\+B\x1b\[0m," r" \x1b\[36m--no-boolean\x1b\[0m\n" r" " r"\x1b\[2m\[\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2mdefault: " r"\x1b\[0m\x1b\[32m\x1b\[2m\x1b\[3mno-boolean\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2m\]\x1b\[0m\n" r" \x1b\[36m/debug\x1b\[0m; \x1b\[36m/no-debug\x1b\[0m" r" \x1b\[2m\[\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2mdefault:" r" \x1b\[0m\x1b\[32m\x1b\[2m\x1b\[3mno-debug\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2m\]\x1b\[0m\n" r" \x1b\[36m--shout\x1b\[0m / \x1b\[36m-S\x1b\[0m, \x1b\[36m--no-shout\x1b\[0m" r" \x1b\[2m\[\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2mdefault: " r"\x1b\[0m\x1b\[32m\x1b\[2m\x1b\[3mno-shout\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2m\]\x1b\[0m\n" rf"{default_options_colored_help}" r"\n" r"\x1b\[94m\x1b\[1m\x1b\[4mSubcommand group 1:\x1b\[0m\n" r" \x1b\[36mcommand1\x1b\[0m CLI description with extra" r" \x1b\[36m\x1b\[2mMY_VAR\x1b\[0m reference.\n" r" \x1b\[36mcommand2\x1b\[0m\n\n" r"\x1b\[94m\x1b\[1m\x1b\[4mExtra commands:\x1b\[0m\n" r" \x1b\[36mcommand3\x1b\[0m\n" r" \x1b\[36mcommand4\x1b\[0m \x1b\[93m\x1b\[1m\(Deprecated\)\x1b\[0m\n" ) result = invoke(color_cli1, "--help", color=True) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert re.fullmatch(help_screen, result.stdout) assert not result.stderr result = invoke(color_cli1, "-h", color=True) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert re.fullmatch(help_screen, result.stdout) assert not result.stderr # CLI main group is invoked before sub-command. result = invoke(color_cli1, "command1", "--help", color=True) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.stdout == ( "It works!\n" "\x1b[94m\x1b[1m\x1b[4mUsage:\x1b[0m \x1b[97mcolor-cli1 command1\x1b[0m" " \x1b[36m\x1b[2m[OPTIONS]\x1b[0m [\x1b[36mMY_ARG\x1b[0m]...\n" "\n" " CLI description with extra MY_VAR reference.\n" "\n" "\x1b[94m\x1b[1m\x1b[4mPositional arguments:\x1b[0m\n" " [\x1b[36mMY_ARG\x1b[0m]... Argument supports help.\n" "\n" "\x1b[94m\x1b[1m\x1b[4mOptions:\x1b[0m\n" " \x1b[36m-h\x1b[0m, \x1b[36m--help\x1b[0m Show this message and exit.\n" ) assert not result.stderr # Standalone call to command: CLI main group is skipped. result = invoke(command1, "--help", color=True) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.stdout == ( "\x1b[94m\x1b[1m\x1b[4mUsage:\x1b[0m \x1b[97mcommand1\x1b[0m" " \x1b[36m\x1b[2m[OPTIONS]\x1b[0m [\x1b[36mMY_ARG\x1b[0m]...\n" "\n" " CLI description with extra MY_VAR reference.\n" "\n" "\x1b[94m\x1b[1m\x1b[4mPositional arguments:\x1b[0m\n" " [\x1b[36mMY_ARG\x1b[0m]... Argument supports help.\n" "\n" "\x1b[94m\x1b[1m\x1b[4mOptions:\x1b[0m\n" " \x1b[36m-h\x1b[0m, \x1b[36m--help\x1b[0m Show this message and exit.\n" ) assert not result.stderr # Non-click-extra commands are not colorized nor have extra options. for cmd_id in ("command2", "command3"): result = invoke(color_cli1, cmd_id, "--help", color=True) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.stdout == dedent( f"""\ It works! Usage: color-cli1 {cmd_id} [OPTIONS] Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. """, ) assert not result.stderr
[docs]@skip_windows_colors @parametrize("option_decorator", (color_option, color_option())) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("param", "expecting_colors"), ( ("--color", True), ("--no-color", False), ("--ansi", True), ("--no-ansi", False), (None, True), ), ) def test_standalone_color_option(invoke, option_decorator, param, expecting_colors): """Check color option values, defaults and effects on all things colored, including verbosity option.""" @click.command @verbosity_option @option_decorator def standalone_color(): echo(Style(fg="yellow")("It works!")) echo("\x1b[0m\x1b[1;36mArt\x1b[46;34m\x1b[0m") echo(style("Run command.", fg="magenta")) logging.getLogger("click_extra").warning("Processing...") print(style("print() bypass Click.", fg="blue")) secho("Done.", fg="green") result = invoke(standalone_color, param, "--verbosity", "DEBUG", color=True) assert result.exit_code == 0 if expecting_colors: assert result.stdout == ( "\x1b[33mIt works!\x1b[0m\n" "\x1b[0m\x1b[1;36mArt\x1b[46;34m\x1b[0m\n" "\x1b[35mRun command.\x1b[0m\n" "\x1b[34mprint() bypass Click.\x1b[0m\n" "\x1b[32mDone.\x1b[0m\n" ) assert re.fullmatch( ( rf"{default_debug_colored_logging}" r"\x1b\[33mwarning\x1b\[0m: Processing...\n" rf"{default_debug_colored_log_end}" ), result.stderr, ) else: assert result.stdout == ( "It works!\n" "Art\n" "Run command.\n" "\x1b[34mprint() bypass Click.\x1b[0m\n" "Done.\n" ) assert re.fullmatch( ( rf"{default_debug_uncolored_logging}" rf"warning: Processing\.\.\.\n" rf"{default_debug_uncolored_log_end}" ), result.stderr, )
[docs]@skip_windows_colors @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("env", "env_expect_colors"), ( ({"COLOR": "True"}, True), ({"COLOR": "true"}, True), ({"COLOR": "1"}, True), ({"COLOR": ""}, True), ({"COLOR": "False"}, False), ({"COLOR": "false"}, False), ({"COLOR": "0"}, False), ({"NO_COLOR": "True"}, False), ({"NO_COLOR": "true"}, False), ({"NO_COLOR": "1"}, False), ({"NO_COLOR": ""}, False), ({"NO_COLOR": "False"}, True), ({"NO_COLOR": "false"}, True), ({"NO_COLOR": "0"}, True), (None, True), ), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("param", "param_expect_colors"), ( ("--color", True), ("--no-color", False), ("--ansi", True), ("--no-ansi", False), (None, True), ), ) def test_no_color_env_convention( invoke, env, env_expect_colors, param, param_expect_colors, ): @click.command @color_option def color_cli7(): echo(Style(fg="yellow")("It works!")) result = invoke(color_cli7, param, color=True, env=env) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert not result.stderr # Params always overrides env's expectations. expecting_colors = env_expect_colors if param: expecting_colors = param_expect_colors if expecting_colors: assert result.stdout == "\x1b[33mIt works!\x1b[0m\n" else: assert result.stdout == "It works!\n"
# TODO: test with configuration file
[docs]@skip_windows_colors @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("param", "expecting_colors"), ( ("--color", True), ("--no-color", False), ("--ansi", True), ("--no-ansi", False), (None, True), ), ) def test_integrated_color_option(invoke, param, expecting_colors): """Check effect of color option on all things colored, including verbosity option. Also checks the color option in subcommands is inherited from parent context. """ @extra_group @pass_context def color_cli8(ctx): echo(f"ctx.color={ctx.color}") echo(Style(fg="yellow")("It works!")) echo("\x1b[0m\x1b[1;36mArt\x1b[46;34m\x1b[0m") @color_cli8.command() @pass_context def command1(ctx): echo(f"ctx.color={ctx.color}") echo(style("Run command #1.", fg="magenta")) logging.getLogger("click_extra").warning("Processing...") print(style("print() bypass Click.", fg="blue")) secho("Done.", fg="green") result = invoke(color_cli8, param, "--verbosity", "DEBUG", "command1", color=True) assert result.exit_code == 0 if expecting_colors: assert result.stdout == ( "ctx.color=True\n" "\x1b[33mIt works!\x1b[0m\n" "\x1b[0m\x1b[1;36mArt\x1b[46;34m\x1b[0m\n" "ctx.color=True\n" "\x1b[35mRun command #1.\x1b[0m\n" "\x1b[34mprint() bypass Click.\x1b[0m\n" "\x1b[32mDone.\x1b[0m\n" ) assert re.fullmatch( ( rf"{default_debug_colored_log_start}" r"\x1b\[33mwarning\x1b\[0m: Processing...\n" rf"{default_debug_colored_log_end}" ), result.stderr, ) else: assert result.stdout == ( "ctx.color=False\n" "It works!\n" "Art\n" "ctx.color=False\n" "Run command #1.\n" "\x1b[34mprint() bypass Click.\x1b[0m\n" "Done.\n" ) assert re.fullmatch( ( rf"{default_debug_uncolored_log_start}" rf"warning: Processing\.\.\.\n" rf"{default_debug_uncolored_log_end}" ), result.stderr, )
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( ("substrings", "expected", "ignore_case"), ( # Function input types. (["hey"], "Hey-xx-xxx-heY-xXxXxxxxx-\x1b[32mhey\x1b[0m", False), (("hey",), "Hey-xx-xxx-heY-xXxXxxxxx-\x1b[32mhey\x1b[0m", False), ({"hey"}, "Hey-xx-xxx-heY-xXxXxxxxx-\x1b[32mhey\x1b[0m", False), ( "hey", "H\x1b[32mey\x1b[0m-xx-xxx-\x1b[32mhe\x1b[0mY-xXxXxxxxx-\x1b[32mhey\x1b[0m", False, ), # Duplicate substrings. (["hey", "hey"], "Hey-xx-xxx-heY-xXxXxxxxx-\x1b[32mhey\x1b[0m", False), (("hey", "hey"), "Hey-xx-xxx-heY-xXxXxxxxx-\x1b[32mhey\x1b[0m", False), ({"hey", "hey"}, "Hey-xx-xxx-heY-xXxXxxxxx-\x1b[32mhey\x1b[0m", False), ( "heyhey", "H\x1b[32mey\x1b[0m-xx-xxx-\x1b[32mhe\x1b[0mY-xXxXxxxxx-\x1b[32mhey\x1b[0m", False, ), # Case-sensitivity and multiple matches. (["hey"], "Hey-xx-xxx-heY-xXxXxxxxx-\x1b[32mhey\x1b[0m", False), ( ["Hey"], "\x1b[32mHey\x1b[0m-xx-xxx-\x1b[32mheY\x1b[0m-xXxXxxxxx-\x1b[32mhey\x1b[0m", True, ), ( "x", "Hey-\x1b[32mxx\x1b[0m-\x1b[32mxxx\x1b[0m-heY-\x1b[32mx\x1b[0mX\x1b[32mx\x1b[0mX\x1b[32mxxxxx\x1b[0m-hey", False, ), ( "x", "Hey-\x1b[32mxx\x1b[0m-\x1b[32mxxx\x1b[0m-heY-\x1b[32mxXxXxxxxx\x1b[0m-hey", True, ), # Overlaps. ( ["xx"], "Hey-\x1b[32mxx\x1b[0m-\x1b[32mxxx\x1b[0m-heY-\x1b[32mxXxXxxxxx\x1b[0m-hey", True, ), ( ["xx"], "Hey-\x1b[32mxx\x1b[0m-\x1b[32mxxx\x1b[0m-heY-xXxX\x1b[32mxxxxx\x1b[0m-hey", False, ), # No match. ("z", "Hey-xx-xxx-heY-xXxXxxxxx-hey", False), (["XX"], "Hey-xx-xxx-heY-xXxXxxxxx-hey", False), ), ) def test_substring_highlighting(substrings, expected, ignore_case): result = highlight( "Hey-xx-xxx-heY-xXxXxxxxx-hey", substrings, styling_method=theme.success, ignore_case=ignore_case, ) assert result == expected
[docs]@parametrize( "cmd_decorator, cmd_type", # Skip click extra's commands, as help option is already part of the default. command_decorators(no_extra=True, with_types=True), ) @parametrize("option_decorator", (help_option, help_option())) def test_standalone_help_option(invoke, cmd_decorator, cmd_type, option_decorator): @cmd_decorator @option_decorator def standalone_help(): echo("It works!") result = invoke(standalone_help, "--help") assert result.exit_code == 0 assert not result.stderr if "group" in cmd_type: assert result.stdout == dedent( """\ Usage: standalone-help [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. """, ) else: assert result.stdout == dedent( """\ Usage: standalone-help [OPTIONS] Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. """, )