Source code for click_extra.tests.test_testing

# Copyright Kevin Deldycke <> and contributors.
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
"""Test the testing utilities and the simulation of CLI execution."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path

import click
import pytest
from pytest_cases import fixture, parametrize

from click_extra import Style, command, echo, pass_context, secho, style
from click_extra.platforms import is_windows
from click_extra.testing import ExtraCliRunner, env_copy

from .conftest import command_decorators, skip_windows_colors

[docs]def test_real_fs(): """Check a simple test is not caught into the CLI runner fixture which is encapsulating all filesystem access into temporary directory structure.""" assert str(Path(__file__)).startswith(str(Path.cwd()))
[docs]def test_temporary_fs(extra_runner): """Check the CLI runner fixture properly encapsulated the filesystem in temporary directory.""" assert not str(Path(__file__)).startswith(str(Path.cwd()))
[docs]def test_env_copy(): env_var = "MPM_DUMMY_ENV_VAR_93725" assert env_var not in os.environ no_env = env_copy() assert no_env is None extended_env = env_copy({env_var: "yo"}) assert env_var in extended_env assert extended_env[env_var] == "yo" assert env_var not in os.environ
[docs]def test_runner_output(): @command def cli_output(): echo("1 - stdout") echo("2 - stderr", err=True) echo("3 - stdout") echo("4 - stderr", err=True) runner = ExtraCliRunner(mix_stderr=False) result = runner.invoke(cli_output) assert result.output == "1 - stdout\n3 - stdout\n" assert result.stdout == result.output assert result.stderr == "2 - stderr\n4 - stderr\n" runner_mix = ExtraCliRunner(mix_stderr=True) result_mix = runner_mix.invoke(cli_output) assert result_mix.output == "1 - stdout\n2 - stderr\n3 - stdout\n4 - stderr\n" assert result_mix.stdout == "1 - stdout\n3 - stdout\n" assert result_mix.stderr == "2 - stderr\n4 - stderr\n"
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("mix_stderr", (True, False)) def test_runner_empty_stderr(mix_stderr): @command def cli_empty_stderr(): echo("stdout") runner = ExtraCliRunner(mix_stderr=mix_stderr) result = runner.invoke(cli_empty_stderr) assert result.output == "stdout\n" assert result.stdout == result.output assert result.stderr == ""
@click.command @pass_context def run_cli1(ctx): """""" echo(Style(fg="green")("echo()")) echo(Style(fg="green")("echo(color=None)"), color=None) echo(Style(fg="red")("echo(color=True) bypass invoke.color = False"), color=True) echo(Style(fg="green")("echo(color=False)"), color=False) secho("secho()", fg="green") secho("secho(color=None)", fg="green", color=None) secho("secho(color=True) bypass invoke.color = False", fg="red", color=True) secho("secho(color=False)", fg="green", color=False) logging.getLogger("click_extra").warning("Is the logger colored?") print(style("print() bypass Click.", fg="blue")) echo(f"Context.color = {ctx.color!r}") echo(f"click.utils.should_strip_ansi = {click.utils.should_strip_ansi()!r}")
[docs]@fixture @parametrize("cmd_decorator", command_decorators(no_groups=True)) def color_cli(cmd_decorator): @cmd_decorator @pass_context def run_cli2(ctx): """""" echo(Style(fg="green")("echo()")) echo(Style(fg="green")("echo(color=None)"), color=None) echo( Style(fg="red")("echo(color=True) bypass invoke.color = False"), color=True, ) echo(Style(fg="green")("echo(color=False)"), color=False) secho("secho()", fg="green") secho("secho(color=None)", fg="green", color=None) secho("secho(color=True) bypass invoke.color = False", fg="red", color=True) secho("secho(color=False)", fg="green", color=False) logging.getLogger("click_extra").warning("Is the logger colored?") print(style("print() bypass Click.", fg="blue")) echo(f"Context.color = {ctx.color!r}") echo(f"click.utils.should_strip_ansi = {click.utils.should_strip_ansi()!r}") return run_cli2
[docs]def check_default_colored_rendering(result): assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.stdout.startswith( "\x1b[32mecho()\x1b[0m\n" "\x1b[32mecho(color=None)\x1b[0m\n" "\x1b[31mecho(color=True) bypass invoke.color = False\x1b[0m\n" "echo(color=False)\n" "\x1b[32msecho()\x1b[0m\n" "\x1b[32msecho(color=None)\x1b[0m\n" "\x1b[31msecho(color=True) bypass invoke.color = False\x1b[0m\n" "secho(color=False)\n" "\x1b[34mprint() bypass Click.\x1b[0m\n", ) assert result.stderr == "\x1b[33mwarning\x1b[0m: Is the logger colored?\n"
[docs]def check_default_uncolored_rendering(result): assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.stdout.startswith( "echo()\n" "echo(color=None)\n" "\x1b[31mecho(color=True) bypass invoke.color = False\x1b[0m\n" "echo(color=False)\n" "secho()\n" "secho(color=None)\n" "\x1b[31msecho(color=True) bypass invoke.color = False\x1b[0m\n" "secho(color=False)\n" "\x1b[34mprint() bypass Click.\x1b[0m\n", ) assert result.stderr == "warning: Is the logger colored?\n"
[docs]def check_forced_uncolored_rendering(result): assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.stdout.startswith( "echo()\n" "echo(color=None)\n" "echo(color=True) bypass invoke.color = False\n" "echo(color=False)\n" "secho()\n" "secho(color=None)\n" "secho(color=True) bypass invoke.color = False\n" "secho(color=False)\n" "print() bypass Click.\n", ) assert result.stderr == "warning: Is the logger colored?\n"
[docs]@skip_windows_colors def test_invoke_optional_color(invoke): result = invoke(run_cli1, color=None) check_default_uncolored_rendering(result) assert result.stdout.endswith( "Context.color = None\nclick.utils.should_strip_ansi = True\n", )
[docs]@skip_windows_colors def test_invoke_default_color(invoke): result = invoke(run_cli1) check_default_uncolored_rendering(result) assert result.stdout.endswith( "Context.color = None\nclick.utils.should_strip_ansi = True\n", )
[docs]@skip_windows_colors def test_invoke_forced_color_stripping(invoke): result = invoke(run_cli1, color=False) check_forced_uncolored_rendering(result) assert result.stdout.endswith( "Context.color = None\nclick.utils.should_strip_ansi = True\n", )
[docs]@skip_windows_colors def test_invoke_color_keep(invoke): """On Windows Click ends up deciding it is not running in an interactive terminal and forces the stripping of all colors.""" result = invoke(run_cli1, color=True) if is_windows(): check_default_uncolored_rendering(result) else: check_default_colored_rendering(result) assert result.stdout.endswith( "Context.color = None\nclick.utils.should_strip_ansi = False\n", )
[docs]@skip_windows_colors def test_invoke_color_forced(invoke): """Test colors are preserved while invoking, and forced to be rendered on Windows.""" result = invoke(run_cli1, color="forced") check_default_colored_rendering(result) assert result.stdout.endswith( "Context.color = True\nclick.utils.should_strip_ansi = False\n", )