mail_deduplicate package

Expose package-wide elements.

mail_deduplicate.HASH_HEADERS: tuple[str, ...] = ('Date', 'From', 'To', 'Subject', 'MIME-Version', 'Content-Type', 'Content-Disposition', 'User-Agent', 'X-Priority', 'Message-ID')

Default ordered list of headers to use to compute the unique hash of a mail.

By default we choose to exclude:


Since mailman apparently sometimes trims list members from the Cc header to avoid sending duplicates. Which means that copies of mail reflected back from the list server will have a different Cc to the copy saved by the MUA at send-time.


Because copies of the mail saved by the MUA at send-time will have Bcc, but copies reflected back from the list server won’t.


Since a mail could be Cc’d to two lists with different Reply-To munging options set.

mail_deduplicate.MINIMAL_HEADERS_COUNT = 4

Below this value, we consider not having enough headers to compute a solid hash.

mail_deduplicate.DEFAULT_SIZE_THRESHOLD = 512

Default size threshold in bytes.

Since we’re ignoring the Content-Length header by default because of mailing-list effects, we introduced a limit on the allowed difference between the sizes of the message payloads.

If this is exceeded, a warning is issued and the messages are not considered duplicates, because this could point to message corruption somewhere, or a false positive.


Headers are not counted towards this threshold, because many headers can be added by mailing list software such as mailman, or even by the process of sending the mail through various MTAs.

One copy could have been stored by the sender’s MUA prior to sending, without any Received: headers, and another copy could be reflected back via a Cc-to-self mechanism or mailing list server.

This threshold has to be large enough to allow for footers added by mailing list servers.

mail_deduplicate.DEFAULT_CONTENT_THRESHOLD = 768

Default content threshold in bytes.

As above, we similarly generates unified diffs of duplicates and ensure that the diff is not greater than a certain size to limit false-positives.

mail_deduplicate.TIME_SOURCES = frozenset({'ctime', 'date-header'})

Methods used to extract a mail’s canonical timestamp:

  • date-header: sourced from the message’s Date header.

  • ctime: sourced from the email’s file from the filesystem. Only available for maildir sources.

Also see:

exception mail_deduplicate.TooFewHeaders[source]

Bases: Exception

Not enough headers were found to produce a solid hash.

exception mail_deduplicate.SizeDiffAboveThreshold[source]

Bases: Exception

Difference in mail size is greater than `threshold.

< deduplicate/mail_deduplicate.html#mail_deduplicate.DEFAULT_SIZE_THRESHOLD>`_.

exception mail_deduplicate.ContentDiffAboveThreshold[source]

Bases: Exception

Difference in mail content is greater than `threshold.

< deduplicate/mail_deduplicate.html#mail_deduplicate.DEFAULT_CONTENT_THRESHOLD>`_.

class mail_deduplicate.Config(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Holds global configuration.

Validates configuration parameter types and values.

default_conf = {'action': None, 'content_threshold': 768, 'dry_run': False, 'export': None, 'export_append': False, 'export_format': 'mbox', 'force_unlock': False, 'hash_body': None, 'hash_headers': ('Date', 'From', 'To', 'Subject', 'MIME-Version', 'Content-Type', 'Content-Disposition', 'User-Agent', 'X-Priority', 'Message-ID'), 'hash_only': False, 'input_format': False, 'regexp': None, 'show_diff': False, 'size_threshold': 512, 'strategy': None, 'time_source': None}


mail_deduplicate.action module

mail_deduplicate.action.DELETE_DISCARDED = 'delete-discarded'

Define all available action IDs.

mail_deduplicate.action.copy_mails(dedup, mails)[source]

Copy provided mails to a brand new box or an existing one.

Return type:


mail_deduplicate.action.move_mails(dedup, mails)[source]

Move provided mails to a brand new box or an existing one.

Return type:


mail_deduplicate.action.delete_mails(dedup, mails)[source]

Remove provided mails in-place, from their original boxes.

Return type:



Copy all selected mails to a brand new box.

Return type:



Copy all discarded mails to a brand new box.

Return type:



Move all selected mails to a brand new box.

Return type:



Move all discarded mails to a brand new box.

Return type:



Remove in-place all selected mails, from their original boxes.

Return type:



Remove in-place all discarded mails, from their original boxes.

Return type:


mail_deduplicate.action.ACTIONS = {'copy-discarded': <function copy_discarded>, 'copy-selected': <function copy_selected>, 'delete-discarded': <function delete_discarded>, 'delete-selected': <function delete_selected>, 'move-discarded': <function move_discarded>, 'move-selected': <function move_selected>}

Map action ID’s to their implementation.


Performs the action on selected mail candidates.

Return type:


mail_deduplicate.cli module

mail_deduplicate.cli.validate_regexp(ctx, param, value)[source]

Validate and compile regular expression provided as parameters to the CLI.

Return type:

Union[str, Pattern[str]]

class mail_deduplicate.cli.MdedupCommand(*args, version=None, extra_option_at_end=True, populate_auto_envvars=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ExtraCommand

List of extra parameters:

  • version (str | None) – allows a version string to be set directly on the command. Will be passed to the first instance of ExtraVersionOption parameter attached to the command.

  • extra_option_at_end (bool) – reorders all parameters attached to the command, by moving all instances of ExtraOption at the end of the parameter list. The original order of the options is preserved among themselves.

  • populate_auto_envvars (bool) – forces all parameters to have their auto-generated environment variables registered. This address the shortcoming of click which only evaluates them dynamiccaly. By forcing their registration, the auto-generated environment variables gets displayed in the help screen, fixing click#2483 issue.

By default, these Click context settings are applied:

Additionally, these Cloup context settings are set:

Click Extra also adds its own context_settings:

  • show_choices = None (Click Extra feature)

    If set to True or False, will force that value on all options, so we can globally show or hide choices when prompting a user for input. Only makes sense for options whose prompt property is set.

    Defaults to None, which will leave all options untouched, and let them decide of their own show_choices setting.

  • show_envvar = None (Click Extra feature)

    If set to True or False, will force that value on all options, so we can globally enable or disable the display of environment variables in help screen.

    Defaults to None, which will leave all options untouched, and let them decide of their own show_envvar setting. The rationale being that discoverability of environment variables is enabled by the --show-params option, which is active by default on extra commands. So there is no need to surcharge the help screen.

    This addresses the click#2313 issue.

To override these defaults, you can pass your own settings with the context_settings parameter:

        "show_default": False,
format_help(ctx, formatter)[source]

Extend the help screen with the description of all available strategies.

Return type:


mail_deduplicate.deduplicate module

mail_deduplicate.deduplicate.STATS_DEF = {'mail_copied': 'Number of mails copied from their original mailbox to another.', 'mail_deleted': 'Number of mails deleted from their mailbox in-place.', 'mail_discarded': 'Number of mails discarded from the final selection.', 'mail_duplicates': 'Number of duplicate mails (sum of mails in all duplicate sets with at least 2 mails).', 'mail_found': 'Total number of mails encountered from all mail sources.', 'mail_hashes': 'Number of unique hashes.', 'mail_moved': 'Number of mails moved from their original mailbox to another.', 'mail_rejected': 'Number of mails rejected individually because they were unparsable or did not have enough metadata to compute hashes.', 'mail_retained': 'Number of valid mails parsed and retained for deduplication.', 'mail_selected': 'Number of mails kept in the final selection on which the action will be performed.', 'mail_skipped': 'Number of mails ignored in the selection step because the whole set they belong to was skipped.', 'mail_unique': 'Number of unique mails (which where automatically added to selection).', 'set_deduplicated': 'Number of valid sets on which the selection strategy was successfully applied.', 'set_single': 'Total number of sets containing only a single mail with no applicable strategy. They were automatically kept in the final selection.', 'set_skipped_content': 'Number of sets skipped from the selection process because they were too dissimilar in content.', 'set_skipped_encoding': 'Number of sets skipped from the selection process because they had encoding issues.', 'set_skipped_size': 'Number of sets skipped from the selection process because they were too dissimilar in size.', 'set_skipped_strategy': 'Number of sets skipped from the selection process because the strategy could not be applied.', 'set_total': 'Total number of duplicate sets.'}

All tracked statistics and their definition.

mail_deduplicate.deduplicate.BODY_HASHERS = {'normalized': <function <lambda>>, 'raw': <function <lambda>>, 'skip': <function <lambda>>}

Method used to hash the body of mails.

class mail_deduplicate.deduplicate.DuplicateSet(hash_key, mail_set, conf)[source]

Bases: object

A set of mails sharing the same hash.

Implements all the safety checks required before we can apply any selection strategy.

Load-up the duplicate set of mail and freeze pool.

Once loaded-up, the pool of parsed mails is considered frozen for the rest of the duplicate set’s life. This allows aggressive caching of lazy instance attributes depending on the pool content.

property size: int

Returns the number of mails in the duplicate set.

property newest_timestamp

Returns the newest timestamp among all mails in the set.

property oldest_timestamp

Returns the oldest timestamp among all mails in the set.

property biggest_size

Returns the biggest size among all mails in the set.

property smallest_size

Returns the smallest size among all mails in the set.


Ensures all mail differs in the limits imposed by size and content thresholds.

Compare all mails of the duplicate set with each other, both in size and content. Raise an error if we’re not within the limits imposed by the threshold settings.

diff(mail_a, mail_b)[source]

Return difference in bytes between two mails’ normalized body.


Rewrite the diff algorithm to not rely on naive unified diff result


pretty_diff(mail_a, mail_b)[source]

Returns a verbose unified diff between two mails’ normalized body.


Process the list of duplicates for action.

Run preliminary checks, then apply the strategy to the pool of mails.

The process results in two subsets of mails: the selected and the discarded.

class mail_deduplicate.deduplicate.Deduplicate(conf)[source]

Bases: object

Load-up messages, search for duplicates, apply selection strategy and perform the action.

Similar messages sharing the same hash are grouped together in a DuplicateSet.


Registers a source of mails, validates and opens it.

Duplicate sources of mails are not allowed, as when we perform the action, we use the path as a unique key to tie back a mail from its source.

Return type:



Browse all mails from all registered sources, compute hashes and group mails by hash.

Displays a progress bar as the operation might be slow.


Build the selected and discarded sets from each duplicate set.

We apply the selection strategy one duplicate set at a time to keep memory footprint low and make the log easier to read.


Close all open boxes.


Returns a text report of user-friendly statistics and metrics.


Perform some high-level consistency checks on metrics.

Helps users reports tricky edge-cases.

mail_deduplicate.mail module

class mail_deduplicate.mail.DedupMail(message=None)[source]

Bases: object

Message with deduplication-specific properties and utilities.

Extends standard library’s mailbox.Message, and shouldn’t be used directly, but composed with mailbox.Message sub-classes.

Initialize a pre-parsed Message instance the same way the default factory in Python’s mailbox module does.

add_box_metadata(box, mail_id)[source]

Post-instantiation utility to attach to mail some metadata derived from its parent box.

Called right after the __init__() constructor.

This allows the mail to carry its own information on its origin box and index.

property uid

Unique ID of the mail.

property timestamp

Compute the normalized canonical timestamp of the mail.

Sourced from the message’s Date header by default. In the case of maildir, can be sourced from the email’s file from the filesystem.


ctime does not refer to creation time on POSIX systems, but rather the last time the inode data changed.


Investigate what mailbox.MaildirMessage.get_date() does and if we can use it.

property size

Returns canonical mail size.

Size is computed as the length of the message body, i.e. the payload of the mail stripped of all its headers, not from the mail file persisting on the file- system.


Allow customization of the way the size is computed, by getting the file size instead for example: `python size = os.path.getsize(mail_file) `

property body_lines

Return a normalized list of lines from message’s body.

property subject

Normalized subject.

Only used for debugging and human-friendly logging.


Returns the canonical hash of a mail.


This method hasn’t been made explicitly into a cached property in order to reduce the overall memory footprint.

property hash_raw_body

Returns the canonical body hash of a mail.

property hash_normalized_body

Returns the normalized body hash of a mail.

property canonical_headers

Returns the full list of all canonical headers names and values in preparation for hashing.


Renders a table of headers names and values used to produce the mail’s hash.


This method hasn’t been made explicitly into a cached property in order to reduce the overall memory footprint.

Returns a string ready to be printed.


Serialize the canonical headers into a single string ready to be hashed.

At this point we should have at an absolute minimum of headers.


This method hasn’t been made explicitly into a cached property in order to reduce the overall memory footprint.

static normalize_header_value(header_id, value)[source]

Normalize and clean-up header value into its canonical form.

Always returns a unicode string.

mail_deduplicate.mail_box module

Patch and Python’s standard library mail box constructors.

Python’s `mailbox module<>`_ needs some tweaks and sane defaults.


Build our own mail constructors for each subclass of mailbox.Mailbox.

Gather all constructors defined by the standard Python library and augments them with our DedupMail class.

Only augment direct subclasses of the mailbox.Mailbox interface. Ignore mailbox.Mailbox itself but the latter and all others starting with an underscore.

mail_deduplicate.mail_box.BOX_TYPES = {'babyl': functools.partial(<class 'mailbox.Babyl'>, factory=<class 'mail_deduplicate.mail_box.BabylDedupMail'>, create=False), 'maildir': functools.partial(<class 'mailbox.Maildir'>, factory=<class 'mail_deduplicate.mail_box.MaildirDedupMail'>, create=False), 'mbox': functools.partial(<class 'mailbox.mbox'>, factory=<class 'mail_deduplicate.mail_box.mboxDedupMail'>, create=False), 'mh': functools.partial(<class 'mailbox.MH'>, factory=<class 'mail_deduplicate.mail_box.MHDedupMail'>, create=False), 'mmdf': functools.partial(<class 'mailbox.MMDF'>, factory=<class 'mail_deduplicate.mail_box.MMDFDedupMail'>, create=False)}

Mapping between supported box type IDs and their constructors.

mail_deduplicate.mail_box.BOX_STRUCTURES = {'file': {'babyl', 'mbox', 'mmdf'}, 'folder': {'maildir', 'mh'}}

Categorize each box type into its structure type.

mail_deduplicate.mail_box.MAILDIR_SUBDIRS = frozenset({'cur', 'new', 'tmp'})

List of required sub-folders defining a properly structured maildir.


Auto-detect the format of the mailbox located at the provided path.

Returns a box type as indexed in the BOX_TYPES dictionary above.

If the path is a file, then it is considered as an mbox. Else, if the provided path is a folder and feature the expecteed sub-directories, it is parsed as a maildir. :rtype: str


Future finer autodetection heuristics should be implemented here.

Some ideas:
  • single mail from a maildir

  • plain text mail content

  • other mailbox formats supported in Python’s standard library:
    • MH

    • Babyl

    • MMDF

mail_deduplicate.mail_box.open_box(path, box_type=False, force_unlock=False)[source]

Open a mail box.

Returns a list of boxes, one per sub-folder. All are locked, ready for operations.

If box_type is provided, forces the opening of the box in the specified format. Else, defaults to autodetection.

mail_deduplicate.mail_box.lock_box(box, force_unlock)[source]

Lock an opened box and allows for forced unlocking.

Returns the locked box.

mail_deduplicate.mail_box.open_subfolders(box, force_unlock)[source]

Browse recursively the subfolder tree of a box.

Returns a list of opened and locked boxes, each for one subfolder.

Skips box types not supporting subfolders.

Return type:


mail_deduplicate.mail_box.create_box(path, box_type, export_append=False)[source]

Creates a brand new box from scratch.

Return type:


mail_deduplicate.strategy module

Strategy definitions.


Select all older duplicates.

Discards the newests, i.e. the subset sharing the most recent timestamp.


Select all the oldest duplicates.

Discards the newers, i.e. all mail of the duplicate set but those sharing the oldest timestamp.


Select all newer duplicates.

Discards the oldest, i.e. the subset sharing the most ancient timestamp.


Select all the newest duplicates.

Discards the olders, i.e. all mail of the duplicate set but those sharing the newest timestamp.


Select all smaller duplicates.

Discards the biggests, i.e. the subset sharing the biggest size.


Select all the smallest duplicates.

Discards the biggers. i.e. all mail of the duplicate set but those sharing the smallest size.


Select all bigger duplicates.

Discards the smallests, i.e. the subset sharing the smallest size.


Select all the biggest duplicates.

Discards the smallers, i.e. all mail of the duplicate set but those sharing the biggest size.


Select all duplicates whose file path match the regular expression provided via the –regexp parameter.


Select all duplicates whose file path doesn’t match the regular expression provided via the –regexp parameter.


Randomly select one duplicate, and discards all others.


Randomly discard one duplicate, and select all others.

mail_deduplicate.strategy.SELECT_NEWEST = 'select-newest'

Time-based strategies.

mail_deduplicate.strategy.SELECT_BIGGEST = 'select-biggest'

Size-based strategies.

mail_deduplicate.strategy.SELECT_NON_MATCHING_PATH = 'select-non-matching-path'

Location-based strategies.

mail_deduplicate.strategy.SELECT_ALL_BUT_ONE = 'select-all-but-one'

Quantity-based strategies.

mail_deduplicate.strategy.STRATEGY_ALIASES = frozenset({('select-all-but-one', 'discard-one'), ('select-bigger', 'discard-smallest'), ('select-biggest', 'discard-smaller'), ('select-matching-path', 'discard-non-matching-path'), ('select-newer', 'discard-oldest'), ('select-newest', 'discard-older'), ('select-non-matching-path', 'discard-matching-path'), ('select-older', 'discard-newest'), ('select-oldest', 'discard-newer'), ('select-one', 'discard-all-but-one'), ('select-smaller', 'discard-biggest'), ('select-smallest', 'discard-bigger')})

Groups strategy aliases and their definitions.

Aliases are great usability features as it helps users to better reason about the selection operators depending on their mental models.


Transform strategy ID to its method ID.


Precompute the mapping of all strategy IDs to their preferred method name, including aliases as fallbacks.

mail_deduplicate.strategy.apply_strategy(strategy_id, duplicates)[source]

Perform the selection strategy on the provided duplicate set.

Returns a set of selected mails objects.