CLI parameters

Help screen

$ mpm --help
Usage: mpm [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  CLI options shared by all subcommands.

Package manager selection options:
  Use these options to restrict the subcommand to a subset of managers.

  - By default, mpm will evaluate all managers supported on the current platform.
  - Only target a subset of managers with the --<manager-id> selectors.
  - Remove a manager from the selection with --no-<manager-id> selectors.
  - Order of the selectors is preserved for priority-sensitive subcommands.
  - Exclusion of a manager always takes precedence over its inclusion.
  --apm               (Deprecated) Select Atom's apm.
  --apt               Select APT.
  --apt-mint          Select Linux Mint's apt.
  --brew              Select Homebrew Formulae.
  --cargo             Select Rust's cargo.
  --cask              Select Homebrew Cask.
  --choco             Select Chocolatey.
  --composer          Select PHP's Composer.
  --dnf               Select DNF.
  --dnf5              Select DNF5.
  --emerge            Select Emerge.
  --eopkg             Select Solus package manager.
  --flatpak           Select Flatpak.
  --fwupd             Select Linux Vendor Firmware Service.
  --gem               Select Ruby Gems.
  --mas               Select Mac AppStore.
  --npm               Select Node's npm.
  --opkg              Select OPKG.
  --pacaur            Select Pacaur.
  --pacman            Select Pacman.
  --paru              Select Paru.
  --pip               Select Pip.
  --pipx              Select Pipx.
  --pkg               Select FreeBSD System Manager.
  --scoop             Select Scoop.
  --snap              Select Snap.
  --steamcmd          Select Valve Steam.
  --uv                Select UV.
  --vscode            Select Visual Studio Code.
  --vscodium          Select VSCodium.
  --winget            Select WinGet.
  --yarn              Select Node's yarn.
  --yay               Select Yay.
  --yum               Select YUM.
  --zypper            Select Zypper.
  --no-apm            (Deprecated) Deselect Atom's apm.
  --no-apt            Deselect APT.
  --no-apt-mint       Deselect Linux Mint's apt.
  --no-brew           Deselect Homebrew Formulae.
  --no-cargo          Deselect Rust's cargo.
  --no-cask           Deselect Homebrew Cask.
  --no-choco          Deselect Chocolatey.
  --no-composer       Deselect PHP's Composer.
  --no-dnf            Deselect DNF.
  --no-dnf5           Deselect DNF5.
  --no-emerge         Deselect Emerge.
  --no-eopkg          Deselect Solus package manager.
  --no-flatpak        Deselect Flatpak.
  --no-fwupd          Deselect Linux Vendor Firmware Service.
  --no-gem            Deselect Ruby Gems.
  --no-mas            Deselect Mac AppStore.
  --no-npm            Deselect Node's npm.
  --no-opkg           Deselect OPKG.
  --no-pacaur         Deselect Pacaur.
  --no-pacman         Deselect Pacman.
  --no-paru           Deselect Paru.
  --no-pip            Deselect Pip.
  --no-pipx           Deselect Pipx.
  --no-pkg            Deselect FreeBSD System Manager.
  --no-scoop          Deselect Scoop.
  --no-snap           Deselect Snap.
  --no-steamcmd       Deselect Valve Steam.
  --no-uv             Deselect UV.
  --no-vscode         Deselect Visual Studio Code.
  --no-vscodium       Deselect VSCodium.
  --no-winget         Deselect WinGet.
  --no-yarn           Deselect Node's yarn.
  --no-yay            Deselect Yay.
  --no-yum            Deselect YUM.
  --no-zypper         Deselect Zypper.
  -a, --all-managers  Force evaluation of all managers implemented by mpm,
                      including those not supported by the current platform or
                      deprecated. Still applies filtering by --<manager-id> /
                      --no-<manager-id> options before calling the subcommand.
  -x, --xkcd          Preset manager selection as defined by XKCD #1654.
                      Equivalent to: --pip --brew --npm --dnf --apt --steamcmd.

Manager options:
  --ignore-auto-updates / --include-auto-updates
                               Report all outdated packages, including those
                               tagged as auto-updating. Only applies to outdated
                               and upgrade subcommands.  [default: ignore-auto-
  --stop-on-error / --continue-on-error
                               Stop right away or continue operations on manager
                               CLI error.  [default: continue-on-error]
  -d, --dry-run                Do not actually perform any action, just simulate
                               CLI calls.
  -t, --timeout INTEGER RANGE  Set maximum duration in seconds for each CLI
                               call.  [default: 500; x>=0]

Output options:
  --description         Show package description in results.
  -s, --sort-by [manager_id|manager_name|package_id|package_name|version]
                        Sort results.  [default: manager_id]
  --stats / --no-stats  Print per-manager package statistics.  [default: stats]
  -o, --output-format [asciidoc|csv|csv-excel|csv-excel-tab|csv-unix|double_grid|double_outline|fancy_grid|fancy_outline|github|grid|heavy_grid|heavy_outline|html|jira|json|latex|latex_booktabs|latex_longtable|latex_raw|mediawiki|mixed_grid|mixed_outline|moinmoin|orgtbl|outline|pipe|plain|presto|pretty|psql|rounded_grid|rounded_outline|rst|simple|simple_grid|simple_outline|textile|tsv|unsafehtml|vertical|youtrack]
                        Rendering mode of the output.  [default:

Xbar/SwiftBar options:
  --bar-plugin-path  Print location of the Xbar/SwiftBar plugin.

Other options:
  --time / --no-time        Measure and print elapsed execution time.  [default:
  --color, --ansi / --no-color, --no-ansi
                            Strip out all colors and all ANSI codes from output.
                            [default: color]
  -C, --config CONFIG_PATH  Location of the configuration file. Supports glob
                            pattern of local path and remote URL.  [default:
  --show-params             Show all CLI parameters, their provenance, defaults
                            and value, then exit.
  -v, --verbosity LEVEL     Either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG.
                            [default: INFO]
  --version                 Show the version and exit.
  -h, --help                Show this message and exit.

Explore subcommands:
  managers            List supported package managers and their location.
  installed (list)    List installed packages.
  outdated            List outdated packages.
  search              Search packages.
  which (locate)      Locate CLIs on system.

Maintenance subcommands:
  install             Install a package.
  upgrade (update)    Upgrade packages.
  remove (uninstall)  Remove a package.
  sync                Sync local package info.
  cleanup             Cleanup local data.

Package snapshots subcommands:
  backup (lock, freeze, snapshot)
                      Save installed packages to a TOML file.
  restore             Install packages referenced in TOML files.

SBOM subcommands:
  sbom                Export installed packages to a SBOM document.



CLI options shared by all subcommands.




(Deprecated) Select Atom’s apm.


Select APT.


Select Linux Mint’s apt.


Select Homebrew Formulae.


Select Rust’s cargo.


Select Homebrew Cask.


Select Chocolatey.


Select PHP’s Composer.


Select DNF.


Select DNF5.


Select Emerge.


Select Solus package manager.


Select Flatpak.


Select Linux Vendor Firmware Service.


Select Ruby Gems.


Select Mac AppStore.


Select Node’s npm.


Select OPKG.


Select Pacaur.


Select Pacman.


Select Paru.


Select Pip.


Select Pipx.


Select FreeBSD System Manager.


Select Scoop.


Select Snap.


Select Valve Steam.


Select UV.


Select Visual Studio Code.


Select VSCodium.


Select WinGet.


Select Node’s yarn.


Select Yay.


Select YUM.


Select Zypper.


(Deprecated) Deselect Atom’s apm.


Deselect APT.


Deselect Linux Mint’s apt.


Deselect Homebrew Formulae.


Deselect Rust’s cargo.


Deselect Homebrew Cask.


Deselect Chocolatey.


Deselect PHP’s Composer.


Deselect DNF.


Deselect DNF5.


Deselect Emerge.


Deselect Solus package manager.


Deselect Flatpak.


Deselect Linux Vendor Firmware Service.


Deselect Ruby Gems.


Deselect Mac AppStore.


Deselect Node’s npm.


Deselect OPKG.


Deselect Pacaur.


Deselect Pacman.


Deselect Paru.


Deselect Pip.


Deselect Pipx.


Deselect FreeBSD System Manager.


Deselect Scoop.


Deselect Snap.


Deselect Valve Steam.


Deselect UV.


Deselect Visual Studio Code.


Deselect VSCodium.


Deselect WinGet.


Deselect Node’s yarn.


Deselect Yay.


Deselect YUM.


Deselect Zypper.

-a, --all-managers

Force evaluation of all managers implemented by mpm, including those not supported by the current platform or deprecated. Still applies filtering by –<manager-id> / –no-<manager-id> options before calling the subcommand.

-x, --xkcd

Preset manager selection as defined by XKCD #1654. Equivalent to: –pip –brew –npm –dnf –apt –steamcmd.

--ignore-auto-updates, --include-auto-updates

Report all outdated packages, including those tagged as auto-updating. Only applies to outdated and upgrade subcommands.

--stop-on-error, --continue-on-error

Stop right away or continue operations on manager CLI error.

-d, --dry-run

Do not actually perform any action, just simulate CLI calls.

-t, --timeout <timeout>

Set maximum duration in seconds for each CLI call.


Show package description in results.

-s, --sort-by <sort_by>

Sort results.


manager_id | manager_name | package_id | package_name | version

--stats, --no-stats

Print per-manager package statistics.


Print location of the Xbar/SwiftBar plugin.

--time, --no-time

Measure and print elapsed execution time.

--color, --ansi, --no-color, --no-ansi

Strip out all colors and all ANSI codes from output.

-C, --config <CONFIG_PATH>

Location of the configuration file. Supports glob pattern of local path and remote URL.


Show all CLI parameters, their provenance, defaults and value, then exit.

-v, --verbosity <LEVEL>





Show the version and exit.

-o, --output-format <output_format>

Rendering mode of the output.


asciidoc | csv | csv-excel | csv-excel-tab | csv-unix | double_grid | double_outline | fancy_grid | fancy_outline | github | grid | heavy_grid | heavy_outline | html | jira | json | latex | latex_booktabs | latex_longtable | latex_raw | mediawiki | mixed_grid | mixed_outline | moinmoin | orgtbl | outline | pipe | plain | presto | pretty | psql | rounded_grid | rounded_outline | rst | simple | simple_grid | simple_outline | textile | tsv | unsafehtml | vertical | youtrack

Environment variables


Provide a default for --apm


Provide a default for --apt


Provide a default for --apt-mint


Provide a default for --brew


Provide a default for --cargo


Provide a default for --cask


Provide a default for --choco


Provide a default for --composer


Provide a default for --dnf


Provide a default for --dnf5


Provide a default for --emerge


Provide a default for --eopkg


Provide a default for --flatpak


Provide a default for --fwupd


Provide a default for --gem


Provide a default for --mas


Provide a default for --npm


Provide a default for --opkg


Provide a default for --pacaur


Provide a default for --pacman


Provide a default for --paru


Provide a default for --pip


Provide a default for --pipx


Provide a default for --pkg


Provide a default for --scoop


Provide a default for --snap


Provide a default for --steamcmd


Provide a default for --uv


Provide a default for --vscode


Provide a default for --vscodium


Provide a default for --winget


Provide a default for --yarn


Provide a default for --yay


Provide a default for --yum


Provide a default for --zypper


Provide a default for --no-apm


Provide a default for --no-apt


Provide a default for --no-apt-mint


Provide a default for --no-brew


Provide a default for --no-cargo


Provide a default for --no-cask


Provide a default for --no-choco


Provide a default for --no-composer


Provide a default for --no-dnf


Provide a default for --no-dnf5


Provide a default for --no-emerge


Provide a default for --no-eopkg


Provide a default for --no-flatpak


Provide a default for --no-fwupd


Provide a default for --no-gem


Provide a default for --no-mas


Provide a default for --no-npm


Provide a default for --no-opkg


Provide a default for --no-pacaur


Provide a default for --no-pacman


Provide a default for --no-paru


Provide a default for --no-pip


Provide a default for --no-pipx


Provide a default for --no-pkg


Provide a default for --no-scoop


Provide a default for --no-snap


Provide a default for --no-steamcmd


Provide a default for --no-uv


Provide a default for --no-vscode


Provide a default for --no-vscodium


Provide a default for --no-winget


Provide a default for --no-yarn


Provide a default for --no-yay


Provide a default for --no-yum


Provide a default for --no-zypper


Provide a default for -a


Provide a default for -x


Provide a default for -m


Provide a default for -e


Provide a default for --ignore-auto-updates


Provide a default for --stop-on-error


Provide a default for -d


Provide a default for -t


Provide a default for --description


Provide a default for -s


Provide a default for --stats


Provide a default for --bar-plugin-path


Provide a default for --time


Provide a default for --color


Provide a default for --config


Provide a default for --show-params


Provide a default for --verbosity


Provide a default for --version


Provide a default for -o


Dump the list of installed packages to a TOML file.

By default the generated TOML content is displayed directly in the console output. So mpm backup is the same as a call to mpm backup -. To have the result written in a file on disk, specify the output file like so: mpm backup packages.toml.

Files produced by this subcommand can be safely consumed by mpm restore.

Sections of the TOML file will be named after the manager ID. Sections are ordered in the same order as the manager selection priority. Each section will contain a list of package IDs and their installed version.

mpm backup [OPTIONS] [TOML_PATH]


--overwrite, --force, --replace

Allow the provided TOML file to be silently wiped out if it already exists.


Read the provided TOML file and update each entry with the version currently installed on the system. Requires the [TOML_PATH] argument.


Read the provided TOML file and update each existing entry with the version currently installed on the system. Requires the [TOML_PATH] argument.



Optional argument

Environment variables


Provide a default for --overwrite


Provide a default for --merge


Provide a default for --update-version


Cleanup local data, temporary artifacts and removes orphaned dependencies.

mpm cleanup [OPTIONS]


Install one or more packages.

This subcommand is sensible to the order of the package managers selected by the user.

Installation will first proceed for all the packages found to be tied to a specific manager. Which is the case for packages provided with precise package specifiers (like purl). This will also happens in situations in which a tighter selection of managers is provided by the user.

For packages whose manager is not known, or if multiple managers are candidates for the installation, mpm will try to find the best manager to install it with.

Installation will be attempted with each manager, in the order they were selected. If a search for the package ID returns no result from the highest-priority manager, we will skip the installation and try the next available managers in the order of their priority.




Required argument(s)

A mix of plain <package_id>, simple <package_id@version> specifiers or full <pkg:npm/left-pad> purls.


List all packages installed on the system by each manager.

mpm installed [OPTIONS]


-d, --duplicates

Only list installed packages sharing the same ID. Implies –sort_by package_id to make duplicates easier to compare between themselves.

Environment variables


Provide a default for -d


List all supported package managers and autodetect their presence on the system.

mpm managers [OPTIONS]


List available package upgrades and their versions for each manager.

mpm outdated [OPTIONS]



Output results for direct consumption by an Xbar/SwiftBar-compatible plugin. The layout is dynamic and depends on environment variables set by either Xbar or SwiftBar.

Environment variables


Provide a default for --plugin-output


Remove one or more packages.

Packages recognized by multiple managers will be remove with each of them. You can fine-tune this behavior with more precise package specifiers (like purl) and/or tighter selection of managers.

Packages unrecognized by any selected manager will be skipped.




Required argument(s)

A mix of plain <package_id>, simple <package_id@version> specifiers or full <pkg:npm/left-pad> purls.


Read TOML files then install or upgrade each package referenced in them.

mpm restore [OPTIONS] TOML_FILES...



Required argument(s)


Export list of installed packages to a SPDX or CycloneDX file.



--spdx, --cyclonedx

SBOM standard to export to.

--format <format>

File format of the export. Defaults to JSON for <stdout>. If not provided, will be autodetected from file extension.


json | xml | yaml | tag | rdf

--overwrite, --force, --replace

Allow the target file to be silently wiped out if it already exists.



Optional argument

Environment variables


Provide a default for --spdx


Provide a default for --format


Provide a default for --overwrite


Sync local package metadata and info from external sources.

mpm sync [OPTIONS]


Upgrade one or more outdated packages.

All outdated package will be upgraded by default if no specifiers are provided as arguments. I.e. assumes -A/–all option if no [PACKAGES_SPECS]….

Packages recognized by multiple managers will be upgraded with each of them. You can fine-tune this behavior with more precise package specifiers (like purl) and/or tighter selection of managers.

Packages unrecognized by any selected manager will be skipped.

mpm upgrade [OPTIONS] [PACKAGES_SPECS]...


-A, --all

Upgrade all outdated packages. Will make the command ignore package IDs provided as parameters.



Optional argument(s)

A mix of plain <package_id>, simple <package_id@version> specifiers or full <pkg:npm/left-pad> purls.

Environment variables


Provide a default for -A


Search from the user’s environment all CLIs matching the query.

This is mpm’s own version of the which -a UNIX command, used internally to locate binaries for each manager. It is exposed as a subcommand for convenience and to help troubleshoot CLI resolution logic.

Compared to the venerable which command, this will respect the additional path configured for each package manager. It will ignore files that are empty (0 size). On Windows, it additionally suppress the default lookup in the current directory, which takes precedence on other paths.

mpm which [OPTIONS] CLI_NAMES...



Required argument(s)