meta_package_manager.managers package¶
meta_package_manager.managers.apm module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.apm.APM[source]¶
list.- deprecated: bool = True¶
A manager marked as deprecated will be hidden from all package selection by default.
You can still use it but need to explicitly call for it on the command line.
Implementation of a deprecated manager will be kept within mpm source code, but some of its features or total implementation are allowed to be scraped in the face of maintenance pain and adversity.
Integration tests and unittests for deprecated managers can be removed. We do not care if a deprecated manager is not 100% reliable. A flakky deprecated manager should not block a release due to flakky tests.
- deprecation_url: str | None = ''¶
GitHub announced the end of the project for December 15, 2022. Source:
There is a tentative community fork being discussed. See:
In the mean time, as long as no apm alternative is useable, it is safe to tag this manager as deprecated.
- name: str = "Atom's apm"¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='freebsd', name='FreeBSD', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='macos', name='macOS', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='midnightbsd', name='MidnightBSD', current=False), Platform(id='netbsd', name='NetBSD', current=False), Platform(id='openbsd', name='OpenBSD', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='sunos', name='SunOS', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='windows', name='Windows', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '1.0.0'¶
Minimal required version.
Should be a string parseable by
.Defaults to
, which deactivate version check entirely.
- version_regex: str = 'apm\\s+(?P<version>\\S+)'¶
► apm --version apm 2.6.2 npm 6.14.13 node 12.14.1 x64 atom 1.58.0 python 2.7.16 git 2.33.0
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► apm list --json | jq { "core": [ { "_args": [ [ { "raw": "/private/var/folders/(...)/package.tgz", "scope": null, "escapedName": null, "name": null, "rawSpec": "/private/var/folders/(...)/package.tgz", "spec": "/private/var/folders/(...)/package.tgz", "type": "local" }, "/Users/distiller/atom" ] ], "_inCache": true, "_installable": true, "_location": "/background-tips", "_phantomChildren": {}, "_requested": { "raw": "/private/var/folders/(...)/package.tgz", "scope": null, "escapedName": null, "name": null, "rawSpec": "/private/var/folders/(...)/package.tgz", "spec": "/private/var/folders/(...)/package.tgz", "type": "local" }, "_requiredBy": [ "#USER" ], "_resolved": "file:../../../private/var/(...)/package.tgz", "_shasum": "7978e4fdab3b162d93622fc64d012df7a92aa569", "_shrinkwrap": null, "_spec": "/private/var/folders/(...)/package.tgz", "_where": "/Users/distiller/atom", "bugs": { "url": "" }, "dependencies": { "underscore-plus": "1.x" }, "description": "Displays tips about Atom in the background.", "devDependencies": { "coffeelint": "^1.9.7" }, "engines": { "atom": ">0.42.0" }, "homepage": "", "license": "MIT", "main": "./lib/background-tips", "name": "background-tips", "optionalDependencies": {}, "private": true, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "" }, "version": "0.26.1", "_atomModuleCache": { "version": 1, "dependencies": [], "extensions": { ".js": [ "lib/background-tips-view.js", "lib/background-tips.js", "lib/tips.js" ] }, "folders": [ { "paths": [ "lib", "" ], "dependencies": { "underscore-plus": "1.x" } } ] } }, (...) ] }
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► apm outdated --compatible --json | jq [ { "_args": [ [ { "raw": "/private/var/folders/(...)/package.tgz", "scope": null, "escapedName": null, "name": null, "rawSpec": "/private/var/folders/(...)/package.tgz", "spec": "/private/var/folders/(...)/package.tgz", "type": "local" }, "/private/var/folders/(...)/apm-install-dir-117017" ] ], "_from": "../d-117017-63877-vcgh4t/package.tgz", "_id": "file-icons@2.0.9", "_inCache": true, "_installable": true, "_location": "/file-icons", "_phantomChildren": {}, "_requested": { "raw": "/private/var/folders/(...)/package.tgz", "scope": null, "escapedName": null, "name": null, "rawSpec": "/private/var/folders/(...)/package.tgz", "spec": "/private/var/folders/(...)/package.tgz", "type": "local" }, "_requiredBy": [ "#USER" ], "_resolved": "file:../d-117017-63877-vcgh4t/package.tgz", "_shasum": "8b2df93ad752af1676d91c12afa068f2000b864c", "_shrinkwrap": null, "_spec": "/private/var/folders/(...)/package.tgz", "_where": "/private/var/folders/(...)/apm-install-dir-117017", "atom-mocha": { "interactive": { "mocha": { "bail": true } } }, "atomTestRunner": "./node_modules/.bin/atom-mocha", "bugs": { "url": "" }, "configSchema": { "coloured": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Untick this for colourless icons", "order": 1 }, "onChanges": { "type": "boolean", "default": false, "title": "Only colour when changed", "description": "Show different icon.", "order": 2 }, "tabPaneIcon": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "title": "Show icons in file tabs", "order": 3 }, "defaultIconClass": { "type": "string", "default": "default-icon", "title": "Default icon class", "description": "CSS added to files that lack an icon.", "order": 4 }, "strategies": { "type": "object", "title": "Match strategies", "description": "Advanced settings for icon assignment.", "order": 5, "properties": { "grammar": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "order": 1, "title": "Change on grammar override", "description": "Change a file's icon when setting." }, "hashbangs": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "order": 2, "title": "Check hashbangs", "description": "Allow lines like `#!/usr/bin/perl`." } } } }, "dependencies": { "micromatch": "*" }, "description": "Assign file extension icons", "devDependencies": { "atom-mocha": "*", "coffee-script": "*", "get-options": "*", "rimraf": "*", "tmp": "*", "unzip": "*" }, "engines": { "atom": ">1.11.0" }, "homepage": "", "license": "MIT", "main": "lib/main.js", "name": "file-icons", "optionalDependencies": {}, "private": true, "providedServices": { "file-icons.element-icons": { "versions": { "1.0.0": "provideService" } }, "atom.file-icons": { "versions": { "1.0.0": "suppressFOUC" } } }, "readme": "Blah blah", "readmeFilename": "", "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git+" }, "version": "2.0.9", "latestVersion": "2.0.10" } ]
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages. :rtype:
Search does not supports exact matching.
► apm search --json python | jq [ { "name": "atom-python-run", "main": "./lib/atom-python-run.js", "version": "0.7.3", "description": "Run a python source file.", "keywords": [ "python" ], "repository": "", "license": "MIT", "engines": { "atom": ">=1.0.0 <2.0.0" }, "dependencies": {}, "readme": "Blah blah", "downloads": 41379, "stargazers_count": 16 }, { "name": "build-python", "version": "0.6.3", "description": "Atom Build provider for python/python3", "repository": "", "license": "MIT", "keywords": [ "buildprovider", "compile", "python", "python3", "linter", "lint" ], "main": "lib/provider.js", "engines": { "atom": ">=1.0.0 <2.0.0" }, "providedServices": { "builder": { "description": "Compiles Python", "versions": { "2.0.0": "provideBuilder" } } }, "package-deps": [ "build" ], "dependencies": { "atom-package-deps": "^4.3.1" }, "devDependencies": { "babel-eslint": "^7.1.1", "coffeelint-stylish": "^0.1.2", "eslint": "^3.13.1", "eslint-config-atom-build": "^4.0.0", "gulp": "github:gulpjs/gulp#4.0", "gulp-coffeelint": "^0.6.0", "gulp-debug": "^3.0.0", "gulp-jshint": "^2.0.4", "gulp-jsonlint": "^1.2.0", "gulp-lesshint": "^2.1.0", "jshint": "^2.9.4" }, "scripts": { "test": "gulp lint" }, "readme": "Blah blah", "downloads": 2838, "stargazers_count": 0 }, (...) ]
► apm search --no-description --json python | jq
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('apm',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'apm'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
► apm update --no-confirm
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.apt module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.apt.APT[source]¶
Base package manager shared by variation of the apt command.
Documentation: - -
See other command equivalences at:
list.- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='aix', name='IBM AIX', current=False), Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='cygwin', name='Cygwin', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='freebsd', name='FreeBSD', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='hurd', name='GNU/Hurd', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='midnightbsd', name='MidnightBSD', current=False), Platform(id='netbsd', name='NetBSD', current=False), Platform(id='openbsd', name='OpenBSD', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='solaris', name='Solaris', current=False), Platform(id='sunos', name='SunOS', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '1.0.0'¶
Minimal required version.
Should be a string parseable by
.Defaults to
, which deactivate version check entirely.
- pre_args: tuple[str, ...] = ('--quiet',)¶
: produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators.
- version_regex: str = 'apt\\s+(?P<version>\\S+)'¶
► apt --version apt 2.0.6 (amd64)
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► apt --quiet list --installed Listing... adduser/xenial,now 3.113+nmu3ubuntu4 all [installed] bc/xenial,now 1.06.95-9build1 amd64 [installed] bsdmainutils/xenial,now 9.0.6ubuntu3 amd64 [installed,automatic] ca-certificates/xenial,now 20160104ubuntu1 all [installed] cron/xenial,now 3.0pl1-128ubuntu2 amd64 [installed] debconf/xenial,now 1.5.58ubuntu1 all [installed] debianutils/xenial,now 4.7 amd64 [installed] diffutils/xenial,now 1:3.3-3 amd64 [installed] e2fsprogs/xenial,now 1.42.13-1ubuntu1 amd64 [installed] ethstatus/xenial,now 0.4.3ubuntu2 amd64 [installed] file/xenial,now 1:5.25-2ubuntu1 amd64 [installed] findutils/xenial,now 4.6.0+git+20160126-2 amd64 [installed] libidn2-0/jammy,now 2.3.2-2build1 amd64 [installed,automatic] libidn2-0/jammy,now 2.3.2-2build1 i386 [installed,automatic]
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► apt --quiet list --upgradable Listing... apt/xenial-updates 1.2.19 amd64 [upgradable from: 1.2.15ubuntu0.2] nano/xenial-updates 2.5.3-2ubuntu2 amd64 [upgradable from: 2.5.3-2]
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages.
► apt --quiet search abc --names-only Sorting... Full Text Search... abcde/xenial 2.7.1-1 all A Better CD Encoder abcmidi/xenial 20160103-1 amd64 converter from ABC to MIDI format and back berkeley-abc/xenial 1.01+20150706hgc3698e0+dfsg-2 amd64 ABC - A System for Sequential Synthesis and Verification fuse-overlayfs/jammy,now 1.7.1-1 amd64 [installed] implementation of overlay+shiftfs in FUSE for rootless containers grabcd-rip/xenial 0009-1 all rip and encode audio CDs - ripper libakonadi-kabc4/xenial 4:4.14.10-1ubuntu2 amd64 Akonadi address book access library
► apt --quiet search ^sed$ --names-only Sorting... Full Text Search... sed/xenial 2.1.9-3 all Blah blah blah
► apt --quiet search abc --full Sorting... Full Text Search... abcde/xenial 2.7.1-1 all This package contains the essential basic system utilities. . Specifically, this package includes: basename cat chgrp chmod chown chroot cksum comm cp csplit cut dircolors dirname du echo env expand expr factor false fmt hostid id install join link ln logname ls md5sum mkdir mkfifo nohup od paste pathchk pinky pr printenv printf ptx pwd sha1sum seq shred sleep sort split stat stty sum sync tac tail tr true tsort tty uname unexpand uniq unlink users vdir wc who (...) midi/xenial 20160103-1 amd64 converter from ABC to MIDI format and back
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
► sudo apt --quiet --yes upgrade
- upgrade_one_cli(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Returns the complete CLI to upgrade one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- sync()[source]¶
Sync package metadata.
► sudo apt --quiet --yes update Hit:1 xenial InRelease Get:2 xenial-updates InRelease [102 kB] Get:3 xenial-security InRelease [102 kB] Get:4 xenial/main Translation-en [568 kB] Fetched 6,868 kB in 2s (2,680 kB/s) Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information...
- Return type:
- cleanup()[source]¶
Removes things we don’t need anymore.
► sudo apt --quiet --yes autoremove ► sudo apt --quiet --yes clean
- Return type:
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('apt',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'apt'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- name: str = 'APT'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
- class meta_package_manager.managers.apt.APT_Mint[source]¶
Special version of apt for Linux Mint.
Exactly the same as its parent but implement specific version extraction.
list.- name: str = "Linux Mint's apt"¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('apt',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'apt-mint'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
- version_cli_options: tuple[str, ...] = ('version', 'apt')¶
► apt version apt 1.6.11
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages. :rtype:
Search does not supports extended matching.
► /usr/local/bin/apt --quiet search sed v librust-slog-2.5+erased-serde-dev - p python3-blessed - Practical wrapper i sed - GNU stream editor p sed:i386 - GNU stream editor
► /usr/local/bin/apt --quiet search ^sed$ i sed - GNU stream editor p sed:i386 - GNU stream editor
meta_package_manager.managers.cargo module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.cargo.Cargo[source]¶
list.- name: str = "Rust's cargo"¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='aix', name='IBM AIX', current=False), Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='cygwin', name='Cygwin', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='freebsd', name='FreeBSD', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='hurd', name='GNU/Hurd', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='macos', name='macOS', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='midnightbsd', name='MidnightBSD', current=False), Platform(id='netbsd', name='NetBSD', current=False), Platform(id='openbsd', name='OpenBSD', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='solaris', name='Solaris', current=False), Platform(id='sunos', name='SunOS', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='windows', name='Windows', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '1.0.0'¶
Minimal required version.
Should be a string parseable by
.Defaults to
, which deactivate version check entirely.
- pre_args: tuple[str, ...] = ('--color', 'never', '--quiet')¶
- version_regex: str = 'cargo\\s+(?P<version>\\S+)'¶
► cargo --version cargo 1.59.0
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► cargo --color never --quiet install --list bore-cli v0.4.0: bore ripgrep v13.0.0: rg
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages. :rtype:
Search does not support extended or exact matching. So we returns the best subset of results and let
refine them.► cargo --color never --quiet search --limit 100 python python = "0.0.0" # Python. pyo3-asyncio = "0.16.0" # PyO3 utilities for Python's Asyncio pyo3-asyncio-macros = "0.16.0" # Proc Macro Attributes for PyO3 Asyncio pyo3 = "0.16.4" # Bindings to Python interpreter pyenv-python = "0.4.0" # A pyenv shim for python python-launcher = "1.0.0" # The Python launcher for Unix py-spy = "0.3.11" # Sampling profiler for Python programs python_mixin = "0.0.0" # Use Python to generate your Rust, right… pyflow = "0.3.1" # A modern Python dependency manager pypackage = "0.0.3" # A modern Python dependency manager ... and 1664 crates more (use --limit N to see more)
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('cargo',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'cargo'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- remove(package_id)[source]¶
Remove one package.
► cargo --color never uninstall bore-cli Removing /Users/me/.cargo/bin/bore
- Return type:
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.chocolatey module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.chocolatey.Choco[source]¶
list.- name: str = 'Chocolatey'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='windows', name='Windows', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '2.0.0'¶
is the first version which is not requiring the--local-only
option, which has been entirely removed.Source: choco options and switches.
- post_args: tuple[str, ...] = ('--no-progress', '--no-color')¶
► choco --version 0.11.0
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► choco list --limit-output --no-progress --no-color adobereader|11.0.10 ccleaner|5.03.5128 chocolatey| ConEmu| gimp| git|
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► choco outdated --limit-output --no-progress --no-color 7zip.commandline|||false 7zip.portable|18.1|18.1|false atom|1.23.3|1.24.0|false autohotkey.portable|||false bulkrenameutility|||false bulkrenameutility.install|||false calibre|3.17.0|3.17.0|false chocolatey|0.10.8|0.10.8|false
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages.
► choco search VirtualBox --limit-output --no-progress --no-color virtualbox|6.1.0 VirtualBox.ExtensionPack| enigmavirtualbox|9.20 virtualbox-guest-additions-guest.install|6.1.0 VBoxHeadlessTray| VBoxVmService|6.1 multipass|1.0.0
► choco search VirtualBox --by-id-only --limit-output --no-progress --no-color virtualbox|6.1.0 VirtualBox.ExtensionPack| enigmavirtualbox|9.20 virtualbox-guest-additions-guest.install|6.1.0
► choco search VirtualBox --by-id-only --exact --limit-output --no-progress --no-color virtualbox|6.1.0
► choco search virtualbox --exact --limit-output --no-progress --no-color virtualbox|6.1.0
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('choco',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'choco'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
► choco upgrade all --yes --limit-output --no-progress --no-color
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.composer module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.composer.Composer[source]¶
list.- name: str = "PHP's Composer"¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='aix', name='IBM AIX', current=False), Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='cygwin', name='Cygwin', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='freebsd', name='FreeBSD', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='hurd', name='GNU/Hurd', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='macos', name='macOS', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='midnightbsd', name='MidnightBSD', current=False), Platform(id='netbsd', name='NetBSD', current=False), Platform(id='openbsd', name='OpenBSD', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='solaris', name='Solaris', current=False), Platform(id='sunos', name='SunOS', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='windows', name='Windows', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '1.4.0'¶
Minimal required version.
Should be a string parseable by
.Defaults to
, which deactivate version check entirely.
- pre_args: tuple[str, ...] = ('global',)¶
- version_regex: str = 'Composer\\s+version\\s+(?P<version>\\S+)'¶
► composer --version Composer version 2.1.8 2021-09-15 13:55:14
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► composer global show --format=json | jq { "installed": [ { "name": "carbondate/carbon", "version": "1.33.0", "description": "A simple API extension for DateTime." }, { "name": "guzzlehttp/guzzle", "version": "6.3.3", "description": "Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library" }, { "name": "guzzlehttp/promises", "version": "v1.3.1", "description": "Guzzle promises library" }, { "name": "guzzlehttp/psr7", "version": "1.4.2", "description": "PSR-7 message (...) methods" }, (...)
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► composer global outdated --format=json { "installed": [ { "name": "illuminate/contracts", "version": "v5.7.2", "latest": "v5.7.3", "latest-status": "semver-safe-update", "description": "The Illuminate Contracts package." }, { "name": "illuminate/support", "version": "v5.7.2", "latest": "v5.7.3", "latest-status": "semver-safe-update", "description": "The Illuminate Support package." } ] }
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages. :rtype:
Search does not supports exact matching.
► composer global search symfony symfony/symfony The Symfony PHP framework symfony/yaml Symfony Yaml Component symfony/var-dumper Symfony (...) dumping PHP variables symfony/translation Symfony Translation Component symfony/routing Symfony Routing Component symfony/process Symfony Process Component symfony/polyfill-php70 Symfony (...) features to lower PHP versions symfony/polyfill-mbstring Symfony (...) Mbstring extension symfony/polyfill-ctype Symfony polyfill for ctype functions symfony/http-kernel Symfony HttpKernel Component symfony/http-foundation Symfony HttpFoundation Component symfony/finder Symfony Finder Component symfony/event-dispatcher Symfony EventDispatcher Component symfony/debug Symfony Debug Component symfony/css-selector Symfony CssSelector Component
► composer global search --only-name python hiqdev/hidev-python aanro/pythondocx laravel-admin-ext/python-editor pythonphp/pythonphp blyxxyz/python-server nim-development/python-domotics rakshitbharat/pythoninphp tequilarapido/python-bridge
► search global --only-name pythonphp/pythonphp pythonphp/pythonphp
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
► composer global update
- upgrade_one_cli(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Returns the complete CLI to upgrade one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- cleanup()[source]¶
Removes things we don’t need anymore.
► composer global clear-cache
- Return type:
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('composer',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'composer'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.dnf module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.dnf.DNF[source]¶
See other command equivalences at:
list.- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='aix', name='IBM AIX', current=False), Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='cygwin', name='Cygwin', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='freebsd', name='FreeBSD', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='hurd', name='GNU/Hurd', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='midnightbsd', name='MidnightBSD', current=False), Platform(id='netbsd', name='NetBSD', current=False), Platform(id='openbsd', name='OpenBSD', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='solaris', name='Solaris', current=False), Platform(id='sunos', name='SunOS', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '4.0.0'¶
Minimal required version.
Should be a string parseable by
.Defaults to
, which deactivate version check entirely.
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('dnf', 'dnf4')¶
► dnf --version 4.9.0
- pre_args: tuple[str, ...] = ('--color=never',)¶
- DELIMITER = '___MPM___'¶
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► dnf repoquery --userinstalled --qf FORMAT Installed Packages acl 2.2.53-1.el8 annaconda_dummary x86_64 audit 2.2.53-1.el8 audit_dummary x86_64 audit-libs 2.2.53-1.el8 audit_libs_dummary x86_64 (...)
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► dnf repoquery --upgrades --qf FORMAT Installed Packages acl 2.2.53-1.el8 2.6.53-1.el8 annaconda_dummary x86_64 audit 2.2.53-1.el8 2.5.53-1.el8 audit_dummary x86_64 audit-libs 2.2.53-1.el8 2.6.53-1.el8 audit_libs_dummary x86_64 (...)
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages. :rtype:
Search does not support extended or exact matching. So we returns the best subset of results and let
refine them.► dnf --color=never search usd Last metadata expiration check: 0:06:37 ago on Sun 03 Apr 2022. =================== Name Exactly Matched: usd ===================== usd.aarch64 : 3D VFX pipeline interchange file format =================== Name & Summary Matched: usd =================== python3-usd.aarch64 : Development files for USD usd-devel.aarch64 : Development files for USD ======================= Name Matched: usd ========================= lvm2-dbusd.noarch : LVM2 D-Bus daemon usd-libs.aarch64 : Universal Scene Description library
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
► sudo dnf --color=never --assumeyes upgrade
- upgrade_one_cli(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Returns the complete CLI to upgrade one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- cleanup()[source]¶
Removes things we don’t need anymore.
► sudo dnf --color=never --assumeyes autoremove ► dnf --color=never clean all
- Return type:
- remove(package_id)[source]¶
Remove one package and one only.
► sudo dnf --color=never --assumeyes autoremove package_id
- Return type:
- id: str = 'dnf'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- name: str = 'DNF'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- class meta_package_manager.managers.dnf.DNF5[source]¶
list.- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- requirement: str | None = '5.0.0'¶
dnf5 is the new reference package manager as of Fedora 41.
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('dnf5',)¶
► dnf --version 4.9.0
- pre_args: tuple[str, ...] = ()¶
Reset global options inherited from the DNF above.
dnf5 does not support –color=never parameter.
- id: str = 'dnf5'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- name: str = 'DNF5'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
- class meta_package_manager.managers.dnf.YUM[source]¶
Yum is dnf is yum.
list.- id: str = 'yum'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- name: str = 'YUM'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('yum',)¶
► dnf --version 4.9.0
meta_package_manager.managers.emerge module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.emerge.Emerge[source]¶
The Gentoo package manager.
Documentation: - -
See other command equivalences at:
list.- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='aix', name='IBM AIX', current=False), Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='cygwin', name='Cygwin', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='freebsd', name='FreeBSD', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='hurd', name='GNU/Hurd', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='midnightbsd', name='MidnightBSD', current=False), Platform(id='netbsd', name='NetBSD', current=False), Platform(id='openbsd', name='OpenBSD', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='solaris', name='Solaris', current=False), Platform(id='sunos', name='SunOS', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '3.0.0'¶
Minimal required version.
Should be a string parseable by
.Defaults to
, which deactivate version check entirely.
- version_regex: str = 'Portage\\s+(?P<version>\\S+)'¶
► emerge --version Portage 3.0.30 (python 3.9.9-final-0, gcc-11.2.1, 5.15.32-gentoo-r1 x86_64)
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
This suppose the
binary is available and present on the system. We do not search for it or try to resolves its canonical path withPackageManager.cli_path
, as we do for the referenceemerge
binary.► qlist --installed --verbose --nocolor acct-group/audio-0-r1 acct-group/cron-0 app-admin/hddtemp-0.3_beta15-r29 app-admin/perl-cleaner-2.30 app-admin/system-config-printer-1.5.16-r1 app-arch/p7zip-16.02-r8
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► emerge --update --deep --pretend --columns --color n --nospinner @world [blocks B ] app-text/dos2unix [ebuild N ] app-games/qstat [25c] [ebuild R ] sys-apps/sed [2.4.7-r6] [ebuild U] net-fs/samba [2.2.8_pre1] [2.2.7a] [ebuild U] sys-devel/distcc [2.16] [2.13-r1] USE=ip6* -gtk [ebuild r U] dev-libs/icu [50.1.1:0/50.1.1] [50.1-r2:0/50.1] [ebuild r R ] dev-libs/libxml2 [2.9.0-r1:2] USE=icu
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages.
► emerge --search --color n --nospinner blah [ Results for search key : blah ] Searching... * sys-process/htop Latest version available: 1.0.2-r1 Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ] Size of files: 380 KiB Homepage: Description: interactive process viewer License: BSD GPL-2 * x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers Latest version available: 455.45.01-r1 Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ] Size of files: 180.214 KiB Homepage: Description: NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver License: GPL-2 NVIDIA-r2 [ Applications found : 2 ]
► emerge --search --color n --nospinner %^sed$
► emerge --searchdesc --color n --nospinner sed
► emerge --searchdesc --color n --nospinner %^sed$
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
► sudo emerge --update --newuse --deep --color n --nospinner @world
- upgrade_one_cli(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Returns the complete CLI to upgrade one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- cleanup()[source]¶
Removes things we don’t need anymore.
An update is forced before calling the clean commands, as pointed to by the emerge documentation:
> As a safety measure, depclean will not remove any packages unless all > required dependencies have been resolved. As a consequence, it is often > necessary to run emerge –update –newuse –deep @world prior to depclean. :rtype:
This suppose the
binary is available and present on the system. We do not search for it or try to resolves its canonical path withPackageManager.cli_path
, as we do for the referenceemerge
binary.► sudo emerge --update --newuse --deep --color n --nospinner @world ► sudo emerge --depclean ► sudo eclean distfiles
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('emerge',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'emerge'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- name: str = 'Emerge'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.eopkg module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.eopkg.EOPKG[source]¶
list.- name: str = 'Solus package manager'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '3.2.0'¶
Minimal required version.
Should be a string parseable by
.Defaults to
, which deactivate version check entirely.
- pre_args: tuple[str, ...] = ('--no-color',)¶
- version_regex: str = 'eopkg\\s+(?P<version>\\S+)'¶
► eopkg --version eopkg 3.2.0
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► eopkg --no-color list-installed --install-info Package Name |St| Version| Rel.| Distro| Date ===================================================================== aalib | i| 1.4.0_5| 8| Solus|14 Oct 2024 abseil-cpp | i| 20240116.2| 10| Solus|14 Oct 2024 accountsservice | i| 23.13.9| 36| Solus|14 Oct 2024 acl | i| 2.3.2| 21| Solus|14 Oct 2024 adwaita-icon-theme | i| 46.2| 28| Solus|14 Oct 2024 adwaita-icon-theme-legacy | i| 46.2| 2| Solus|14 Oct 2024 alsa-firmware | i| 1.2.4| 7| Solus|14 Oct 2024 alsa-lib | i| 1.2.12| 38| Solus|14 Oct 2024 alsa-plugins | i| 1.2.12| 26| Solus|14 Oct 2024 alsa-utils | i| 1.2.12| 28| Solus|14 Oct 2024 aom | i| 3.10.0| 24| Solus|14 Oct 2024 appstream | i| 1.0.1| 9| Solus|14 Oct 2024 appstream-data | i| 49| 51| Solus|14 Oct 2024 appstream-glib | i| 0.8.2| 13| Solus|14 Oct 2024 argon2 | i| 20190702| 6| Solus|14 Oct 2024 at-spi2 | i| 2.52.0| 44| Solus|14 Oct 2024 atkmm | i| 2.28.4| 19| Solus|14 Oct 2024 attr | i| 2.5.2| 25| Solus|14 Oct 2024 audit | i| 4.0.2| 19| Solus|14 Oct 2024 avahi | i| 0.8| 27| Solus|14 Oct 2024 baobab | i| 46.0| 27| Solus|14 Oct 2024
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► eopkg --no-color list-upgrades --install-info Package Name |St| Version| Rel.| Distro| Date ===================================================================== adwaita-icon-theme | i| 46.2| 28| Solus|14 Oct 2024 appstream-data | i| 49| 51| Solus|14 Oct 2024 at-spi2 | i| 2.52.0| 44| Solus|14 Oct 2024 baobab | i| 46.0| 27| Solus|14 Oct 2024
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages. :rtype:
Search does not supports exact matching.
Naked search without parameters is the same as extended search with all filtering parameters (i.e.
--name --summary --description
):► eopkg --no-color search firefox gjs-dbginfo - Debug symbols for gjs bleachbit - BleachBit frees disk space and maintains privacy firefox - Firefox web browser eid-mw-firefox - Belgian eID add-on for Mozilla Firefox gjs - GNOME JavaScript font-fira-ttf - Mozilla's new typeface, used in Firefox OS geckodriver - WebDriver for Firefox firefox-dbginfo - Debug symbols for firefox nvidia-vaapi-driver-dbginfo - Debug symbols for nvidia-vaapi-driver font-clear-sans-ttf - Clear Sans Fonts - TrueType gjs-devel - Development files for gjs geckodriver-dbginfo - Debug symbols for geckodriver ► eopkg --no-color search firefox --name --summary --description gjs-dbginfo - Debug symbols for gjs bleachbit - BleachBit frees disk space and maintains privacy firefox - Firefox web browser eid-mw-firefox - Belgian eID add-on for Mozilla Firefox gjs - GNOME JavaScript font-fira-ttf - Mozilla's new typeface, used in Firefox OS geckodriver - WebDriver for Firefox firefox-dbginfo - Debug symbols for firefox nvidia-vaapi-driver-dbginfo - Debug symbols for nvidia-vaapi-driver font-clear-sans-ttf - Clear Sans Fonts - TrueType gjs-devel - Development files for gjs geckodriver-dbginfo - Debug symbols for geckodriver
For default search on package name only, we rescript filtering to
only:► eopkg --no-color search firefox --name firefox - Firefox web browser eid-mw-firefox - Belgian eID add-on for Mozilla Firefox firefox-dbginfo - Debug symbols for firefox
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
► sudo eopkg --no-color upgrade --yes-all
- upgrade_one_cli(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Returns the complete CLI to upgrade one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- remove(package_id)[source]¶
Remove one package.
► sudo eopkg --no-color remove --yes-all firefox The following list of packages will be removed in the respective order to satisfy dependencies: firefox Removing package firefox Rebuilding the FilesDB... Adding packages to FilesDB /var/lib/eopkg/info/files.db: ................ 847 packages added in total. Done rebuilding FilesDB (version: 3) Removed firefox [✓] Syncing filesystems success [✓] Updating dynamic library cache success [ ] Updating clr-boot-manager skipped [ ] Updating clr-boot-manager skipped [ ] Updating clr-boot-manager skipped [ ] Updating clr-boot-manager skipped [ ] Registering QoL migration on next boot skipped [ ] Registering QoL migration on next boot skipped [ ] Registering QoL migration on next boot skipped [ ] Registering QoL migration on next boot skipped [ ] Registering QoL migration on next boot skipped [ ] Registering QoL migration on next boot skipped [ ] Registering QoL migration on next boot skipped [ ] Registering QoL migration on next boot skipped [ ] Registering QoL migration on next boot skipped [ ] Re-starting vendor-enabled .socket units skipped [ ] Re-executing systemd skipped [✓] Updating icon theme cache: hicolor success [✓] Updating desktop database success [✓] Updating manpages database success
- Return type:
- sync()[source]¶
Sync package metadata.
► sudo --no-color eopkg update-repo Updating repository: Solus eopkg-index.xml.xz.sha1sum (40.0 B)100% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] [complete] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB)100% 87.40 KB/s [00:00:34] [complete] Package database updated.
- Return type:
- cleanup()[source]¶
Removes things we don’t need anymore: - orphaned packages, - outdated package locks - package cache and package manager cache
► sudo eopkg --no-color remove-orphans --yes-all ► sudo eopkg --no-color clean ► sudo eopkg --no-color delete-cache
- Return type:
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('eopkg',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'eopkg'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.flatpak module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.flatpak.Flatpak[source]¶
list.- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='aix', name='IBM AIX', current=False), Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='cygwin', name='Cygwin', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='freebsd', name='FreeBSD', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='hurd', name='GNU/Hurd', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='midnightbsd', name='MidnightBSD', current=False), Platform(id='netbsd', name='NetBSD', current=False), Platform(id='openbsd', name='OpenBSD', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='solaris', name='Solaris', current=False), Platform(id='sunos', name='SunOS', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '1.2.0'¶
Minimal required version.
Should be a string parseable by
.Defaults to
, which deactivate version check entirely.
- version_regex: str = 'Flatpak\\s+(?P<version>\\S+)'¶
► flatpak --version Flatpak 1.4.2
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► flatpak list --app --columns=name,application,version > --ostree-verbose Name Application ID Version Peek com.uploadedlobster.peek 1.3.1 Fragments de.haeckerfelix.Fragments 1.4 GNOME MPV io.github.GnomeMpv 0.16 Syncthing GTK me.kozec.syncthingtk v0.9.4.3 Builder org.flatpak.Builder
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► flatpak remote-ls --app --updates --columns=name,application,version --ostree-verbose GNOME Dictionary org.gnome.Dictionary 3.26.0 stable x86_64
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages. :rtype:
Search does not support extended or exact matching. So we returns the best subset of results and let
refine them.► flatpak search gitg --ostree-verbose gitg GUI for git org.gnome.gitg 3.32.1 stable flathub
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
► flatpak update --noninteractive
- upgrade_one_cli(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Returns the complete CLI to upgrade one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- cleanup()[source]¶
Removes things we don’t need anymore.
► flatpak repair --user
- Return type:
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('flatpak',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'flatpak'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- name: str = 'Flatpak'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.fwupd module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.fwupd.FWUPD[source]¶
list.- name: str = 'Linux Vendor Firmware Service'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '1.9.5'¶
Version 1.9.5 is the first supporting –json parameter for get-devices command.
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('fwupdmgr',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- pre_args: tuple[str, ...] = ('--offline', '--assume-yes', '--no-reboot-check', '--no-device-prompt')¶
- version_regex: str = 'compile\\s+org\\.freedesktop\\.fwupd\\s+(?P<version>\\S+)\\s+'¶
► fwupdmgr --version compile com.hughsie.libxmlb 0.3.18 compile com.hughsie.libjcat 0.2.0 compile org.freedesktop.fwupd 1.9.24 runtime org.freedesktop.fwupd-efi 1.4 compile org.freedesktop.gusb 0.4.8 runtime com.hughsie.libxmlb 0.3.x runtime org.freedesktop.gusb 0.4.8 runtime com.hughsie.libjcat 0.2.0 runtime org.freedesktop.fwupd 1.9.24 runtime org.kernel 6.8.0-48-generic
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► fwupdmgr --offline --assume-yes --no-reboot-check --no-device-prompt get-devices --json | jq { "Devices": [ { "Name": "USB2.0 Hub", "DeviceId": "7622d5fdbf1d1e08138156da7d83bf693986ad16", "ParentDeviceId" : "b5540761dfe33d9abccd3bb21f1d725f9e69f541", "CompositeId" : "b5540761dfe33d9abccd3bb21f1d725f9e69f541", "InstanceIds": [ "USB\VID_17EF&PID_3080", "USB\VID_17EF&PID_3080&REV_5163", "USB\VID_17EF&PID_3080&HUB_20", "USB\VID_17EF&PID_3080&SPI_C220", "USB\VID_17EF&PID_3080&SPI_C220&REV_5163", "USB\VID_17EF&PID_3080&DEV_VL820Q7" ], "Guid": [ "8ee94f0e-9b44-596a-bdd9-6f90401664cc", "35199e34-cf82-5b09-9287-622d225056e4", "0987e3c9-b1ee-5763-ac6e-51329b034e4b", "163cea66-5a78-58af-80ba-21be960aae5c", "c7def18d-66ae-5531-924b-2020c3638181" ], "Summary": "USB 3.x hub", "Plugin": "vli", "Protocol" : "com.vli.usbhub", "Flags": [ "updatable", "registered", "can-verify", "can-verify-image", "dual-image", "self-recovery", "add-counterpart-guids", "unsigned-payload" ], "Vendor": "VIA Labs, Inc.", "VendorId" : "USB:0x17EF", "Version": "51.63", "VersionFormat" : "bcd", "VersionRaw": 20835, "Icons": [ "usb-hub" ], "InstallDuration" : 15, "Created": 1686048073 }, { "DeviceId" : "20de1d77d0d1787bc56ef62f7d05de49361e1e07", "InstanceIds" : [ "DRM\VEN_RHT&DEV_1234" ], "Guid" : [ "90b1437c-86da-5374-a9a7-ceca8b0afd5e" ], "Plugin" : "linux_display", "Flags" : [ "registered" ], "Created" : 1731659840 }, { "Name" : "UEFI dbx", "DeviceId" : "362301da643102b9f38477387e2193e57abaa590", "InstanceIds" : [ "UEFI\CRT_E1FFABB40A30D9EE750BDA8BAF36ACA304FF20526138129247576B3339C54537&ARCH_AA64", "UEFI\CRT_A1117F516A32CEFCBA3F2D1ACE10A87972FD6BBE8FE0D0B996E09E65D802A503&ARCH_AA64" ], "Guid" : [ "a9b31b16-b184-560f-97cb-1aa25e418c7d", "67d35028-ca5b-5834-834a-f97380381082" ], "Summary" : "UEFI revocation database", "Plugin" : "uefi_dbx", "Protocol" : "org.uefi.dbx", "Flags" : [ "internal", "updatable", "supported", "registered", "needs-reboot", "usable-during-update", "only-version-upgrade", "signed-payload" ], "Checksums" : [ "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855" ], "VendorId" : "UEFI:Linux Foundation", "Version" : "0", "VersionLowest" : "0", "VersionFormat" : "number", "Icons" : [ "computer" ], "InstallDuration" : 1, "Created" : 1731659840, "Releases" : [ { "AppstreamId" : "org.linuxfoundation.dbx.aa64.firmware", "ReleaseId" : "35289", "RemoteId" : "lvfs", "Name" : "Secure Boot dbx", "NameVariantSuffix" : "aa64", "Summary" : "UEFI Secure Boot Forbidden Signature Database", "Description" : "<p>Insecure versions of the Microsoft Windows boot manager affected by Black Lotus were added to the list of forbidden signatures due to a discovered security problem.This updates the dbx to the latest release from Microsoft.</p><p>Before installing the update, fwupd will check for any affected executables in the ESP and will refuse to update if it finds any boot binaries signed with any of the forbidden signatures.Applying this update may also cause some Windows install media to not start correctly.</p>", "Version" : "26", "Filename" : "", "Protocol" : "org.uefi.dbx", "Categories" : [ "X-Configuration", "X-System" ], "Issues" : [ "CVE-2022-21894" ], "Checksum" : [ "46a42362cd34c0d103cf534ca431508d24715e51", "3ff3f17a9e5d372e51503803f22294f32ca90d1fe570b0bef4088c3a542617e6" ], "License" : "LicenseRef-proprietary", "Size" : 4610, "Created" : 1683590400, "Locations" : [ "" ], "Uri" : "", "Homepage" : "", "Vendor" : "Linux Foundation", "Flags" : [ "trusted-metadata", "is-upgrade" ], "InstallDuration" : 1 }, { "AppstreamId" : "org.linuxfoundation.dbx.aa64.firmware", "ReleaseId" : "28503", "RemoteId" : "lvfs", "Name" : "Secure Boot dbx", "NameVariantSuffix" : "aa64", "Summary" : "UEFI Secure Boot Forbidden Signature Database", "Description" : "<p>An insecure version of software from vmware has been added to the list of forbidden signatures due to a discovered security problem.This updates the dbx to the latest release from Microsoft.</p><p>Before installing the update, fwupd will check for any affected executables in the ESP and will refuse to update if it finds any boot binaries signed with any of the forbidden signatures.</p>", "Version" : "22", "Filename" : "", "Protocol" : "org.uefi.dbx", "Categories" : [ "X-Configuration", "X-System" ], "Issues" : [ "CVE-2023-28005" ], "Checksum" : [ "611e745638f05e9a11c2998cfba38f0bad651141", "533ce4ac028585925268d9e39079b71730a7abd94f611bc532707938d4271ad3" ], "License" : "LicenseRef-proprietary", "Size" : 4418, "Created" : 1678752000, "Locations" : [ "" ], "Uri" : "", "Homepage" : "", "Vendor" : "Linux Foundation", "Flags" : [ "trusted-metadata", "is-upgrade" ], "InstallDuration" : 1 }, { "AppstreamId" : "org.linuxfoundation.dbx.aa64.firmware", "ReleaseId" : "15180", "RemoteId" : "lvfs", "Name" : "Secure Boot dbx", "NameVariantSuffix" : "aa64", "Summary" : "UEFI Secure Boot Forbidden Signature Database", "Description" : "<p>This updates the dbx to the latest release from Microsoft which adds insecure versions of grub and shim to the list of forbidden signatures due to multiple discovered security updates.</p>", "Version" : "21", "Filename" : "", "Protocol" : "org.uefi.dbx", "Categories" : [ "X-Configuration", "X-System" ], "Issues" : [ "CVE-2022-34303", "309662", "CVE-2022-34302", "CVE-2022-34301" ], "Checksum" : [ "4032a1d8734e6085f4a6e4bb26a038eb639603b9", "bf56092de6586604d2b41d5bb4c9b7787a07adde408fd4134a3f3606f7fda999" ], "License" : "LicenseRef-proprietary", "Size" : 4370, "Created" : 1595980800, "Locations" : [ "" ], "Uri" : "", "Homepage" : "", "Vendor" : "Linux Foundation", "Flags" : [ "trusted-metadata", "is-upgrade" ], "InstallDuration" : 1 } ] }, { "Name" : "Virtio network device", "DeviceId" : "17076870bcf7a84a9c8e999d7e54e39b446032bb", "InstanceIds" : [ "PCI\VEN_1AF4&DEV_1000", "PCI\VEN_1AF4&DEV_1000&SUBSYS_1AF40001" ], "Guid" : [ "21c85fac-5270-576f-a84e-04969f8cf75a", "b93ef629-0df1-5505-9fee-6992b8b9abd8" ], "Plugin" : "optionrom", "Flags" : [ "internal", "registered", "can-verify", "can-verify-image" ], "Vendor" : "Red Hat, Inc.", "VendorId" : "PCI:0x1AF4", "Created" : 1731659840 } ] }
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► fwupdmgr --offline --assume-yes --no-reboot-check --no-device-prompt get-updates --json | jq { "Devices" : [ { "Name" : "UEFI dbx", "DeviceId" : "362301da643102b9f38477387e2193e57abaa590", "InstanceIds" : [ "UEFI\CRT_E1FFABB40A30D9EE750BDA8BAF36ACA304FF20526138129247576B3339C54537&ARCH_AA64", "UEFI\CRT_A1117F516A32CEFCBA3F2D1ACE10A87972FD6BBE8FE0D0B996E09E65D802A503&ARCH_AA64" ], "Guid" : [ "a9b31b16-b184-560f-97cb-1aa25e418c7d", "67d35028-ca5b-5834-834a-f97380381082" ], "Summary" : "UEFI revocation database", "Plugin" : "uefi_dbx", "Protocol" : "org.uefi.dbx", "Flags" : [ "internal", "updatable", "supported", "registered", "needs-reboot", "usable-during-update", "only-version-upgrade", "signed-payload" ], "Checksums" : [ "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855" ], "VendorId" : "UEFI:Linux Foundation", "Version" : "0", "VersionLowest" : "0", "VersionFormat" : "number", "Icons" : [ "computer" ], "InstallDuration" : 1, "Created" : 1731659840, "Releases" : [ { "AppstreamId" : "org.linuxfoundation.dbx.aa64.firmware", "ReleaseId" : "35289", "RemoteId" : "lvfs", "Name" : "Secure Boot dbx", "NameVariantSuffix" : "aa64", "Summary" : "UEFI Secure Boot Forbidden Signature Database", "Description" : "<p>Insecure versions of the Microsoft Windows boot manager affected by Black Lotus were added to the list of forbidden signatures due to a discovered security problem.This updates the dbx to the latest release from Microsoft.</p><p>Before installing the update, fwupd will check for any affected executables in the ESP and will refuse to update if it finds any boot binaries signed with any of the forbidden signatures.Applying this update may also cause some Windows install media to not start correctly.</p>", "Version" : "26", "Filename" : "", "Protocol" : "org.uefi.dbx", "Categories" : [ "X-Configuration", "X-System" ], "Issues" : [ "CVE-2022-21894" ], "Checksum" : [ "46a42362cd34c0d103cf534ca431508d24715e51", "3ff3f17a9e5d372e51503803f22294f32ca90d1fe570b0bef4088c3a542617e6" ], "License" : "LicenseRef-proprietary", "Size" : 4610, "Created" : 1683590400, "Locations" : [ "" ], "Uri" : "", "Homepage" : "", "Vendor" : "Linux Foundation", "Flags" : [ "trusted-metadata", "is-upgrade" ], "InstallDuration" : 1 }, { "AppstreamId" : "org.linuxfoundation.dbx.aa64.firmware", "ReleaseId" : "28503", "RemoteId" : "lvfs", "Name" : "Secure Boot dbx", "NameVariantSuffix" : "aa64", "Summary" : "UEFI Secure Boot Forbidden Signature Database", "Description" : "<p>An insecure version of software from vmware has been added to the list of forbidden signatures due to a discovered security problem.This updates the dbx to the latest release from Microsoft.</p><p>Before installing the update, fwupd will check for any affected executables in the ESP and will refuse to update if it finds any boot binaries signed with any of the forbidden signatures.</p>", "Version" : "22", "Filename" : "", "Protocol" : "org.uefi.dbx", "Categories" : [ "X-Configuration", "X-System" ], "Issues" : [ "CVE-2023-28005" ], "Checksum" : [ "611e745638f05e9a11c2998cfba38f0bad651141", "533ce4ac028585925268d9e39079b71730a7abd94f611bc532707938d4271ad3" ], "License" : "LicenseRef-proprietary", "Size" : 4418, "Created" : 1678752000, "Locations" : [ "" ], "Uri" : "", "Homepage" : "", "Vendor" : "Linux Foundation", "Flags" : [ "trusted-metadata", "is-upgrade" ], "InstallDuration" : 1 }, { "AppstreamId" : "org.linuxfoundation.dbx.aa64.firmware", "ReleaseId" : "15180", "RemoteId" : "lvfs", "Name" : "Secure Boot dbx", "NameVariantSuffix" : "aa64", "Summary" : "UEFI Secure Boot Forbidden Signature Database", "Description" : "<p>This updates the dbx to the latest release from Microsoft which adds insecure versions of grub and shim to the list of forbidden signatures due to multiple discovered security updates.</p>", "Version" : "21", "Filename" : "", "Protocol" : "org.uefi.dbx", "Categories" : [ "X-Configuration", "X-System" ], "Issues" : [ "CVE-2022-34303", "309662", "CVE-2022-34302", "CVE-2022-34301" ], "Checksum" : [ "4032a1d8734e6085f4a6e4bb26a038eb639603b9", "bf56092de6586604d2b41d5bb4c9b7787a07adde408fd4134a3f3606f7fda999" ], "License" : "LicenseRef-proprietary", "Size" : 4370, "Created" : 1595980800, "Locations" : [ "" ], "Uri" : "", "Homepage" : "", "Vendor" : "Linux Foundation", "Flags" : [ "trusted-metadata", "is-upgrade" ], "InstallDuration" : 1 } ] } ] }
- install(package_id, version=None)[source]¶
Install one package.
► sudo fwupdmgr --offline --assume-yes --no-reboot-check --no-device-prompt install 362301da643102b9f38477387e2193e57abaa590 WARNING: UEFI capsule updates not available or enabled in firmware setup See for more information. 0. Cancel 1. 26 2. 22 3. 21 Choose release [0-3]: 3 Scheduling… [***************************************] Successfully installed firmware ► sudo fwupdmgr --offline --assume-yes --no-reboot-check --no-device-prompt install 362301da643102b9f38477387e2193e57abaa590 21 WARNING: UEFI capsule updates not available or enabled in firmware setup See for more information. Scheduling… [***************************************] 362301da643102b9f38477387e2193e57abaa590 is already scheduled to be updated
- Return type:
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
► sudo fwupdmgr --offline --assume-yes --no-reboot-check --no-device-prompt update
- id: str = 'fwupd'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- upgrade_one_cli(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Returns the complete CLI to upgrade one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.gem module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.gem.Gem[source]¶
The RubyGems package manager.
Installs require ``sudo`` on system ruby. I (@tresni) recommend doing something like: .. code-block:: shell-session ► sudo dseditgroup -o edit -a -t user wheel And then do ``visudo`` to make it so the ``wheel`` group does not require a password. There is a line already there for it, you just need to uncomment it and save.
list.- name: str = 'Ruby Gems'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='aix', name='IBM AIX', current=False), Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='cygwin', name='Cygwin', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='freebsd', name='FreeBSD', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='hurd', name='GNU/Hurd', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='macos', name='macOS', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='midnightbsd', name='MidnightBSD', current=False), Platform(id='netbsd', name='NetBSD', current=False), Platform(id='openbsd', name='OpenBSD', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='solaris', name='Solaris', current=False), Platform(id='sunos', name='SunOS', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='windows', name='Windows', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '2.5.0'¶
► gem --version 3.0.3
- cli_search_path: tuple[str, ...] = ('/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin/gem', '/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin')¶
List of additional path to help mpm hunt down the package manager CLI.
Must be a list of strings whose order dictates the search sequence.
Most of the time unnecessary:
works well on all platforms.
- post_args: tuple[str, ...] = ('--quiet',)¶
Global list of options used before and after the invoked package manager CLI.
Automatically added to each
call.Essentially used to force silencing, low verbosity or no-color output.
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► gem list --quiet bigdecimal (default: 1.4.1) bundler (default: 1.17.2) CFPropertyList (2.3.6) cmath (default: 1.0.0) csv (default: 3.0.9) date (default: 2.0.0) fileutils (1.4.1, default: 1.1.0) io-console (0.5.6, default: 0.4.7) ipaddr (default: 1.2.2) molinillo (0.5.4, 0.4.5, 0.2.3) nokogiri (1.5.6) psych (2.0.0) rake (0.9.6) rdoc (4.0.0) sqlite3 (1.3.7) test-unit (
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► gem outdated --quiet did_you_mean (1.0.0 < 1.0.2) io-console (0.4.5 < 0.4.6) json (1.8.3 < 2.0.1) minitest (5.8.3 < 5.9.0) power_assert (0.2.6 < 0.3.0) psych (2.0.17 < 2.1.0)
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages. :rtype:
Search does not supports extended mode.
► gem search python --versions --quiet at_coder_friends-generator-python_ref (0.2.0) bee_python (0.2.3) dependabot-python (0.117.5) logstash-filter-python (0.0.1 java) python (0.0.1) python-generator (1.1.0) python_with_git_test (2.499.8) rabbit-slide-niku-erlangvm-for-pythonista (2015.09.12) RubyToPython (0.0)
► gem search python --versions --exact --quiet python (0.0.1)
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
► gem update --user-install --quiet
- upgrade_one_cli(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Returns the complete CLI to upgrade one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- remove(package_id)[source]¶
Remove one package.
► gem uninstall --user-install --quiet left-pad Successfully uninstalled left-pad-1.1.0
- Return type:
- cleanup()[source]¶
Removes things we don’t need anymore.
► gem cleanup --quiet Cleaning up installed gems... Attempting to uninstall test-unit-3.2.9 Unable to uninstall test-unit-3.2.9: Gem::FilePermissionError: You don't have write permissions for the /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0 directory. Attempting to uninstall did_you_mean-1.3.0 Unable to uninstall did_you_mean-1.3.0: Gem::FilePermissionError: You don't have write permissions for the /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0 directory. Clean up complete
- Return type:
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('gem',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'gem'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.homebrew module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.homebrew.Homebrew[source]¶
Virtual package manager shared by brew and cask CLI defined below.
Homebrew is the umbrella project providing both brew and brew cask commands.
list.- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='macos', name='macOS', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
Homebrew core is now compatible with Linux and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 2.
- requirement: str | None = '2.7.0'¶
CLIs now shares the same version.2.7.0 is the first release to enforce the use of
- virtual: bool = True¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- extra_env: EnvVars | None = {'HOMEBREW_NO_ANALYTICS': '1', 'HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE': '1', 'HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS': '1'}¶
Additional environment variables to add to the current context.
Automatically applied on each
- version_regex: str = 'Homebrew\\s+(?P<version>\\S+)'¶
► brew --version Homebrew 1.8.6-124-g6cd4c31 Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 533d; last commit 2018-12-28) Homebrew/homebrew-cask (git revision 5095b; last commit 2018-12-28)
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► brew list --versions --formula ack 2.14 apg 2.2.3 audacity (!) 2.1.2 apple-gcc42 4.2.1-5666.3 atk 2.22.0 bash 4.4.5 bash-completion 1.3_1 boost 1.63.0 c-ares 1.12.0 graphviz 2.40.1 2.40.20161221.0239 quicklook-json latest
► brew list --versions --cask aerial 1.2beta5 android-file-transfer latest audacity (!) 2.1.2 firefox 49.0.1 flux 37.7 gimp 2.8.18-x86_64 java 1.8.0_112-b16 tunnelblick 3.6.8_build_4625 3.6.9_build_4685 virtualbox 5.1.8-111374 5.1.10-112026
Use the
variable to detect removed packages (which are reported with a(!)
flag). See: /reporting_bugs/ and .
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► brew outdated --json=v2 --formula | jq { "formulae": [ { "name": "pygobject3", "installed_versions": [ "3.36.1" ], "current_version": "3.38.0", "pinned": false, "pinned_version": null }, { "name": "rav1e", "installed_versions": [ "0.3.3" ], "current_version": "0.3.4", "pinned": false, "pinned_version": null } ], "casks": [] }
► brew outdated --json=v2 --cask | jq { "formulae": [], "casks": [ { "name": "electrum", "installed_versions": "4.0.2", "current_version": "4.0.3" }, { "name": "qlcolorcode", "installed_versions": "3.0.2", "current_version": "3.1.1" } ] }
► brew outdated --json=v2 --greedy --cask | jq { "formulae": [], "casks": [ { "name": "amethyst", "installed_versions": "0.14.3", "current_version": "0.15.3" }, { "name": "balenaetcher", "installed_versions": "1.5.106", "current_version": "1.5.108" }, { "name": "caldigit-thunderbolt-charging", "installed_versions": "latest", "current_version": "latest" }, { "name": "electrum", "installed_versions": "4.0.2", "current_version": "4.0.3" }, { "name": "lg-onscreen-control", "installed_versions": "5.33,cV8xqv5TSZA.upgrading, 5.47,yi5XuIZw6hg", "current_version": "5.48,uYXSwyUCNFBbSch9PFw" } ] }
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages. :rtype:
Search does not supports extended mode.
► brew search sed ==> Formulae gnu-sed ✔ libxdg-basedir minised ==> Casks eclipse-dsl marsedit focused physicseditor google-adwords-editor prefs-editor licensed subclassed-mnemosyne
► brew search sed --formulae ==> Formulae gnu-sed ✔ libxdg-basedir minised
► brew search sed --cask ==> Casks eclipse-dsl marsedit focused physicseditor google-adwords-editor prefs-editor licensed subclassed-mnemosyne
► brew search python --formulae ==> Formulae app-engine-python boost-python3 python ✔ python-yq boost-python gst-python python-markdown python@3.8 ✔
► brew search "/^ssed$/" --formulae ==> Formulae ssed
► brew search "/^sed$/" --formulae Error: No formula or cask found for "/^sed$/".
► brew search tetris --formulae --desc ==> Formulae bastet: Bastard Tetris netris: Networked variant of tetris vitetris: Terminal-based Tetris clone yetris: Customizable Tetris for the terminal
► brew search tetris --cask --desc ==> Casks not-tetris: (Not Tetris) [no description] tetrio: (TETR.IO) Free-to-play Tetris clone
More doc at:–s-options-textregex-
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
share the same command.► brew upgrade --formula ==> Upgrading 2 outdated packages: node 13.11.0 -> 13.12.0 sdl2 2.0.12 -> 2.0.12_1 ==> Upgrading node 13.11.0 -> 13.12.0 ==> Downloading ==> Downloading from ############################################################ 100.0% ==> Pouring node-13.12.0.catalina.bottle.tar.gz ==> Caveats Bash completion has been installed to: /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d ==> Summary 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/node/13.12.0: 4,660 files, 60.3MB Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/node/13.11.0... (4,686 files, 60.4MB) ==> Upgrading sdl2 2.0.12 -> 2.0.12_1 ==> Downloading ==> Downloading from ############################################################ 100.0% ==> Pouring sdl2-2.0.12_1.catalina.bottle.tar.gz 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/sdl2/2.0.12_1: 89 files, 4.7MB Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/sdl2/2.0.12... (89 files, 4.7MB) ==> Checking for dependents of upgraded formulae... ==> No dependents found! ==> Caveats ==> node Bash completion has been installed to: /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d
► brew upgrade --cask ==> Casks with `auto_updates` or `version :latest` will not be upgraded ==> Upgrading 1 outdated packages: aerial 2.0.7 -> 2.0.8 ==> Upgrading aerial ==> Downloading ==> Downloading from ==> Verifying SHA-256 checksum for Cask 'aerial'. ==> Backing Screen Saver up to '/usr/local/Caskroom/Aerial.saver'. ==> Removing Screen Saver '/Users/kde/Library/Screen Savers/Aerial.saver'. ==> Moving Screen Saver to '/Users/kde/Library/Screen Savers/Aerial.saver'. ==> Purging files for version 2.0.7 of Cask aerial 🍺 aerial was successfully upgraded!
- upgrade_one_cli(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Returns the complete CLI to upgrade one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- remove(package_id)[source]¶
Removes a package.
► brew uninstall bat Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/bat/0.21.0... (14 files, 5MB)
- Return type:
- cleanup()[source]¶
Removes things we don’t need anymore.
Scrub the cache, including latest version’s downloads. Also remove unused dependencies.
Downloads for all installed formulae and casks will not be deleted.
► brew cleanup -s --prune=all Removing: ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew/node--1.bottle.tar.gz... (9MB) Warning: Skipping sdl2: most recent version 2.0.12_1 not installed Removing: ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew/Cask/ (5MB) Removing: ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew/Cask/prey--1.9.pkg... (19.9MB) Removing: ~/Library/Logs/Homebrew/readline... (64B) Removing: ~/Library/Logs/Homebrew/libfido2... (64B) Removing: ~/Library/Logs/Homebrew/libcbor... (64B)
More doc at:
► brew autoremove ==> Uninstalling 17 unneeded formulae: gtkmm3 highlight lua@5.1 nasm nghttp2 texi2html Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/nghttp2/1.41.0_1... (26 files, 2.7MB) Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/highlight/3.59... (558 files, 3.5MB) Warning: The following highlight configuration files have not been removed! If desired, remove them manually with `rm -rf`: /usr/local/etc/highlight /usr/local/etc/highlight/filetypes.conf /usr/local/etc/highlight/filetypes.conf.default Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/gtkmm3/3.24.2_1... (1,903 files, 173.7MB) Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/texi2html/5.0... (279 files, 6.2MB) Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/lua@5.1/5.1.5_8... (22 files, 245.6KB) Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/nasm/2.15.05... (29 files, 2.9MB)
- Return type:
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('homebrew',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'homebrew'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- name: str = 'Homebrew'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
- class meta_package_manager.managers.homebrew.Brew[source]¶
list.- name: str = 'Homebrew Formulae'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('brew',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- post_args: tuple[str, ...] = ('--formula',)¶
Global list of options used before and after the invoked package manager CLI.
Automatically added to each
call.Essentially used to force silencing, low verbosity or no-color output.
- id: str = 'brew'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
- class meta_package_manager.managers.homebrew.Cask[source]¶
list.- name: str = 'Homebrew Cask'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- id: str = 'cask'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='macos', name='macOS', current=False)})¶
Casks are only available on macOS, not Linux or WSL.
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('brew',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- post_args: tuple[str, ...] = ('--cask',)¶
Global list of options used before and after the invoked package manager CLI.
Automatically added to each
call.Essentially used to force silencing, low verbosity or no-color output.
meta_package_manager.managers.mas module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.mas.MAS[source]¶
list.- name: str = 'Mac AppStore'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='macos', name='macOS', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- version_cli_options: tuple[str, ...] = ('version',)¶
► mas version 1.8.3
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► mas list 1569813296 1Password for Safari (2.3.5) 1295203466 Microsoft Remote Desktop (10.7.6) 409183694 Keynote (12.0) 1408727408 com.adriangranados.wifiexplorerlite (1.5.5) 409203825 Numbers (12.0)
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► mas outdated 409183694 Keynote (11.0 -> 12.0) 1176895641 Spark (2.11.20 -> 2.11.21)
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages. :rtype:
Search does not support extended or exact matching. So we returns the best subset of results and let
refine them.► mas search python 689176796 Python Runner (1.3) 630736088 Learning Python (1.0) 945397020 Run Python (1.0) 1164498373 PythonGames (1.0) 1400050251 Pythonic (1.0.0)
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
► mas upgrade
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('mas',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'mas'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- upgrade_one_cli(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Returns the complete CLI to upgrade one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.npm module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.npm.NPM[source]¶
list.- name: str = "Node's npm"¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='aix', name='IBM AIX', current=False), Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='cygwin', name='Cygwin', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='freebsd', name='FreeBSD', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='hurd', name='GNU/Hurd', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='macos', name='macOS', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='midnightbsd', name='MidnightBSD', current=False), Platform(id='netbsd', name='NetBSD', current=False), Platform(id='openbsd', name='OpenBSD', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='solaris', name='Solaris', current=False), Platform(id='sunos', name='SunOS', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='windows', name='Windows', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '4.0.0'¶
Minimal required version.
Should be a string parseable by
.Defaults to
, which deactivate version check entirely.
- pre_args: tuple[str, ...] = ('--global', '--no-progress', '--no-update-notifier', '--no-fund', '--no-audit')¶
► npm --version 6.13.7
- run_cli(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Like the common run_cli helper, but silence NPM’s JSON output on error.
NPM is prone to breakage if local node version is not in sync:
► npm --global --no-progress --no-update-notifier --no-fund --no-audit --json outdated { "error": { "code": "ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE", "summary": "The value of "err" is out of range. Received 536870212", "detail": "" } }
- Return type:
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► npm --global --no-progress --no-update-notifier --no-fund --no-audit --json --depth 0 list | jq { "name": "lib", "dependencies": { "@eslint/json": { "version": "0.9.0", "overridden": false }, "@mermaid-js/mermaid-cli": { "version": "10.8.0", "overridden": false }, "corepack": { "version": "0.30.0", "overridden": false }, "google-closure-compiler": { "version": "20240317.0.0", "overridden": false }, "npm": { "version": "10.9.2", "overridden": false }, "raven": { "version": "2.6.4", "overridden": false }, "wrangler": { "version": "3.51.2", "overridden": false } } }
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► npm --global --no-progress --no-update-notifier --no-fund --no-audit --json outdated | jq { "my-linked-package": { "current": "0.0.0-development", "wanted": "linked", "latest": "linked", "location": "/Users/..." }, "npm": { "current": "3.10.3", "wanted": "3.10.5", "latest": "3.10.5", "location": "/opt/homebrew/lib/node_modules/npm" } }
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages.
Doc: :rtype:
Search does not supports exact matching.
► npm --global --no-progress --no-update-notifier --no-fund --no-audit search --json python | jq [ { "name": "python", "description": "Interact with a python child process", "maintainers": [ { "username": "drderidder", "email": "" } ], "version": "0.0.4", "date": "2015-01-25T02:48:07.820Z" }, { "name": "raven", "description": "A standalone (Node.js) client for Sentry", "maintainers": [ { "username": "benvinegar", "email": "" }, { "username": "lewisjellis", "email": "" }, { "username": "mattrobenolt", "email": "" }, { "username": "zeeg", "email": "" } ], "keywords": [ "raven", "sentry", "python", "errors", "debugging", "exceptions" ], "version": "1.1.2", "date": "2017-02-09T02:54:07.723Z" }, { "name": "brush-python", "description": "Python brush module for SyntaxHighlighter.", "maintainers": [ { "username": "alexgorbatchev", "email": "" } ], "keywords": [ "syntaxhighlighter", "brush", "python" ], "version": "4.0.0", "date": "2016-02-07T21:32:39.597Z" }, (...) ]
► npm --global --no-progress --no-update-notifier --no-fund --no-audit search --json --no-description python | jq
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
► npm --global --no-progress --no-update-notifier --no-fund --no-audit upgrade
- upgrade_one_cli(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Returns the complete CLI to upgrade one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('npm',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'npm'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- remove(package_id)[source]¶
Remove one package and one only.
► npm --global --no-progress --no-update-notifier --no-fund --no-audit uninstall raven
- Return type:
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.opkg module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.opkg.OPKG[source]¶
list.- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='aix', name='IBM AIX', current=False), Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='cygwin', name='Cygwin', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='freebsd', name='FreeBSD', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='hurd', name='GNU/Hurd', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='midnightbsd', name='MidnightBSD', current=False), Platform(id='netbsd', name='NetBSD', current=False), Platform(id='openbsd', name='OpenBSD', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='solaris', name='Solaris', current=False), Platform(id='sunos', name='SunOS', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '0.2.0'¶
Minimal required version.
Should be a string parseable by
.Defaults to
, which deactivate version check entirely.
- version_regex: str = 'opkg\\s+version\\s+(?P<version>\\S+)'¶
► opkg --version opkg version 0.3.6 (libsolv 0.7.5)
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► opkg list-installed 3rd-party-feed-configs - 1.1-r0 aio-grab - 1.0+git71+c79e264-r0 alsa-conf - 1.1.9-r0 alsa-state - 0.2.0-r5 alsa-states - 0.2.0-r5 alsa-utils-alsactl - 1.1.9-r0 avahi-daemon - 0.7-r0 base-files - 3.0.14-r89 base-files-dev - 3.0.14-r89 base-passwd - 3.5.29-r0 bash - 5.0-r0 bash-completion - 2.9-r0 bash-completion-dev - 2.9-r0 bash-dev - 5.0-r0 binutils - 2.32.0-r0 busybox - 1.31.0-r0 busybox-inetd - 1.31.0-r0 busybox-mdev - 1.31.0-r0 busybox-syslog - 1.31.0-r0 busybox-udhcpc - 1.31.0-r0
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► opkg list-upgradable openpli-bootlogo - 20190717-r0 - 20190718-r0 enigma2-hotplug - 2.7+git1720+55c6b34-r0 - 2.7+git1722+daf2f52-r0
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages. :rtype:
There is no search command so we simulate it by listing all packages.
Search does not support extended or exact matching. So we returns the best subset of results and let
refine them.► opkg list
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
► opkg upgrade
- upgrade_one_cli(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Returns the complete CLI to upgrade one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('opkg',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'opkg'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- name: str = 'OPKG'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.pacman module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.pacman.Pacman[source]¶
See command equivalences at:
list.- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='aix', name='IBM AIX', current=False), Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='cygwin', name='Cygwin', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='freebsd', name='FreeBSD', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='hurd', name='GNU/Hurd', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='midnightbsd', name='MidnightBSD', current=False), Platform(id='netbsd', name='NetBSD', current=False), Platform(id='openbsd', name='OpenBSD', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='solaris', name='Solaris', current=False), Platform(id='sunos', name='SunOS', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '5.0.0'¶
Minimal required version.
Should be a string parseable by
.Defaults to
, which deactivate version check entirely.
- pre_args: tuple[str, ...] = ('--noconfirm',)¶
- version_regex: str = '.*Pacman\\s+v(?P<version>\\S+)'¶
Search version right after the ``Pacman `` string.
► pacman --version .--. Pacman v6.0.1 - libalpm v13.0.1 / _.-' .-. .-. .-. Copyright (C) 2006-2021 Pacman Development Team \ '-. '-' '-' '-' Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Judd Vinet '--' This program may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► pacman --noconfirm --query a52dec 0.7.4-11 aalib 1.4rc5-14 abseil-cpp 20211102.0-2 accountsservice 22.08.8-2 acl 2.3.1-2 3.0.2-1 acpi 1.7-3 acpid 2.0.33-1
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► pacman --noconfirm --query --upgrades linux 4.19.1.arch1-1 -> 4.19.2.arch1-1 linux-headers 4.19.1.arch1-1 -> 4.19.2.arch1-1
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages. :rtype:
Search does not supports extended matching.
► pacman --noconfirm --sync --search fire extra/dump_syms 0.0.7-1 Symbol dumper for Firefox extra/firefox 99.0-1 Standalone web browser from extra/firefox-i18n-ach 99.0-1 Acholi language pack for Firefox extra/firefox-i18n-af 99.0-1 Afrikaans language pack for Firefox extra/firefox-i18n-an 99.0-1 Aragonese language pack for Firefox extra/firefox-i18n-ar 99.0-1 Arabic language pack for Firefox extra/firefox-i18n-ast 99.0-1 Asturian language pack for Firefox
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade the package provided as parameter.
► sudo pacman --noconfirm --sync --refresh --sysupgrade
- upgrade_one_cli(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Returns the complete CLI to upgrade one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- remove(package_id)[source]¶
Removes a package.
► sudo pacman --noconfirm --remove firefox
- Return type:
- cleanup()[source]¶
Removes things we don’t need anymore.
► sudo pacman --noconfirm --sync --clean --clean
- Return type:
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('pacman',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'pacman'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- name: str = 'Pacman'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
- class meta_package_manager.managers.pacman.Pacaur[source]¶
and shadows its options.Initialize
list.- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- requirement: str | None = '4.0.0'¶
Minimal required version.
Should be a string parseable by
.Defaults to
, which deactivate version check entirely.
- version_regex: str = 'pacaur\\s+(?P<version>\\S+)'¶
Search version right after the
string.► pacaur --version pacaur 4.8.6
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('pacaur',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'pacaur'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- name: str = 'Pacaur'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
- class meta_package_manager.managers.pacman.Paru[source]¶
and shadows its options.Initialize
list.- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- requirement: str | None = '1.9.3'¶
Minimal required version.
Should be a string parseable by
.Defaults to
, which deactivate version check entirely.
- version_regex: str = 'paru\\s+v(?P<version>\\S+)'¶
Search version right after the
string.► paru --version paru v1.10.0 - libalpm v13.0.1
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('paru',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'paru'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- name: str = 'Paru'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
- class meta_package_manager.managers.pacman.Yay[source]¶
and shadows its options.Initialize
list.- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('yay',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- id: str = 'yay'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- name: str = 'Yay'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
- requirement: str | None = '11.0.0'¶
Minimal required version.
Should be a string parseable by
.Defaults to
, which deactivate version check entirely.
- version_regex: str = 'yay\\s+v(?P<version>\\S+)'¶
Search version right after the
string.► yay --version yay v11.1.2 - libalpm v13.0.1
meta_package_manager.managers.pip module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.pip.Pip[source]¶
We will use the Python binary to call out
as a module instead of a CLI.This is a more robust way of managing packages: “if you’re on Windows there is an added benefit to using python -m pip as it lets pip update itself.” Source:
list.- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='aix', name='IBM AIX', current=False), Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='cygwin', name='Cygwin', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='freebsd', name='FreeBSD', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='hurd', name='GNU/Hurd', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='macos', name='macOS', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='midnightbsd', name='MidnightBSD', current=False), Platform(id='netbsd', name='NetBSD', current=False), Platform(id='openbsd', name='OpenBSD', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='solaris', name='Solaris', current=False), Platform(id='sunos', name='SunOS', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='windows', name='Windows', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '10.0.0'¶
Minimal required version.
Should be a string parseable by
.Defaults to
, which deactivate version check entirely.
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('python3', 'python')¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- pre_args: tuple[str, ...] = ('-m', 'pip', '--no-color')¶
- version_cli_options: tuple[str, ...] = ('-m', 'pip', '--no-color', '--version')¶
List of options to get the version from the package manager CLI.
- version_regex: str = 'pip\\s+(?P<version>\\S+)'¶
► python -m pip --no-color --version pip 2.0.2 from /usr/local/lib/python/site-packages/pip (python 3.7)
- property version: TokenizedString | None¶
Print Python’s own version before Pip’s.
This gives much more context to the user about the environment when a Python executable is found but Pip is not.
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► python -m pip --no-color list --format=json --verbose --quiet > | jq [ { "version": "1.3", "name": "backports.functools-lru-cache", "location": "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages", "installer": "pip" }, { "version": "0.9999999", "name": "html5lib", "location": "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages", "installer": "pip" }, { "name": "setuptools", "version": "46.0.0", "location": "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages", "installer": "" }, { "version": "2.8", "name": "Jinja2", "location": "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages", "installer": "" }, (...) ]
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► python -m pip --no-color list --format=json --outdated > --verbose --quiet | jq [ { "latest_filetype": "wheel", "version": "0.7.9", "name": "alabaster", "latest_version": "0.7.10", "location": "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages", "installer": "pip" }, { "latest_filetype": "wheel", "version": "0.9999999", "name": "html5lib", "latest_version": "0.999999999", "location": "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages", "installer": "pip" }, { "latest_filetype": "wheel", "version": "2.8", "name": "Jinja2", "latest_version": "2.9.5", "location": "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages", "installer": "pip" }, { "latest_filetype": "wheel", "version": "0.5.3", "name": "mccabe", "latest_version": "0.6.1", "location": "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages", "installer": "pip" }, { "latest_filetype": "wheel", "version": "2.2.0", "name": "pycodestyle", "latest_version": "2.3.1", "location": "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages", "installer": "pip" }, { "latest_filetype": "wheel", "version": "2.1.3", "name": "Pygments", "latest_version": "2.2.0", "location": "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages", "installer": "" } ]
- search_xxx_disabled(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages. :rtype:
That function was previously named
but has been renamed to make it invisible from thempm
framework, disabling search feature altogether forpip
.This had to be done has Pip’s maintainers disabled the server-side API because of unmanageable high-load. See:
Search is extended by default. So we returns the best subset of results and let
refine them► python -m pip --no-color search abc ABC (0.0.0) - UNKNOWN micropython-abc (0.0.1) - Dummy abc module for MicroPython abc1 (1.2.0) - a list about my think abcd (0.3.0) - AeroGear Build Cli for Digger abcyui (1.0.0) - Sorry ,This is practice! astroabc (1.4.2) - A Python implementation of an Approximate Bayesian Computation Sequential Monte Carlo (ABC SMC) sampler for parameter estimation. collective.js.abcjs (1.10) - UNKNOWN cosmo (1.0.5) - Python ABC sampler
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- upgrade_one_cli(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Returns the complete CLI to upgrade one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- id: str = 'pip'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- name: str = 'Pip'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- remove(package_id)[source]¶
Remove one package.
► python -m pip --no-color uninstall --yes arrow
- Return type:
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.pipx module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.pipx.Pipx[source]¶
list.- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='aix', name='IBM AIX', current=False), Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='cygwin', name='Cygwin', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='freebsd', name='FreeBSD', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='hurd', name='GNU/Hurd', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='macos', name='macOS', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='midnightbsd', name='MidnightBSD', current=False), Platform(id='netbsd', name='NetBSD', current=False), Platform(id='openbsd', name='OpenBSD', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='solaris', name='Solaris', current=False), Platform(id='sunos', name='SunOS', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='windows', name='Windows', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '1.0.0'¶
► pipx --version 1.0.0
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► pipx list --json | jq { "pipx_spec_version": "0.1", "venvs": { "pycowsay": { "metadata": { "injected_packages": {}, "main_package": { "app_paths": [ { "__Path__": "~/.local/pipx/venvs/pycowsay/bin/pycowsay", "__type__": "Path" } ], "app_paths_of_dependencies": {}, "apps": [ "pycowsay" ], "apps_of_dependencies": [], "include_apps": true, "include_dependencies": false, "package": "pycowsay", "package_or_url": "pycowsay", "package_version": "", "pip_args": [], "suffix": "" }, "pipx_metadata_version": "0.2", "python_version": "Python 3.10.4", "venv_args": [] } } } }
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
operation. There probably is a way to factorize it.► pipx runpip poetry list --no-color --format=json --outdated > --verbose --quiet | jq [ { "name": "charset-normalizer", "version": "2.0.12", "location": "~/.local/pipx/venvs/poetry/lib/python3.10/site-packages", "installer": "pip", "latest_version": "2.1.0", "latest_filetype": "wheel" }, { "name": "packaging", "version": "20.9", "location": "~/.local/pipx/venvs/poetry/lib/python3.10/site-packages", "installer": "pip", "latest_version": "21.3", "latest_filetype": "wheel" }, { "name": "virtualenv", "version": "20.14.1", "location": "~/.local/pipx/venvs/poetry/lib/python3.10/site-packages", "installer": "pip", "latest_version": "20.15.0", "latest_filetype": "wheel" } ]
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- upgrade_one_cli(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Returns the complete CLI to upgrade one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('pipx',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'pipx'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- name: str = 'Pipx'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- remove(package_id)[source]¶
Remove one package.
► pipx uninstall pycowsay uninstalled pycowsay! ✨ 🌟 ✨
- Return type:
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.pkg module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.pkg.PKG[source]¶
list.- name: str = 'FreeBSD System Manager'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='aix', name='IBM AIX', current=False), Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='cygwin', name='Cygwin', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='freebsd', name='FreeBSD', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='hurd', name='GNU/Hurd', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='macos', name='macOS', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='midnightbsd', name='MidnightBSD', current=False), Platform(id='netbsd', name='NetBSD', current=False), Platform(id='openbsd', name='OpenBSD', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='solaris', name='Solaris', current=False), Platform(id='sunos', name='SunOS', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '1.11'¶
1.11 is the first version to support
environment variable.
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► pkg query -e "%a = 0" "%n %v %c" 7-zip 21.07_2 Console version of the 7-Zip file archiver ap24-mod_mpm_itk 2.4.7_2 Run each vhost under a separate uid and gid apache24 2.4.57 Version 2.4.x of Apache web server aquantia-atlantic-kmod 0.0.5_1 Aquantia AQtion (Atlantic) Network Driver arcconf 3.07.23971,1 Adaptec SCSI/SAS RAID administration tool areca-cli-amd64,1 Command Line Interface for ARC-xxxx RAID base64 1.5_1 Utility to encode and decode base64 files bash 5.1.12 GNU Project's Bourne Again SHell beadm 1.4_1 Solaris-like utility to manage Boot Environments on ZFS
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► pkg upgrade --dry-run Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... FreeBSD repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. Checking for upgrades (312 candidates): 100% Processing candidates (312 candidates): 100% The following 466 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): Installed packages to be REMOVED: freenas-files: 13.0_1700495253 py39-midcli: 20190509171453 py39-middlewared: 13.0_1700495253 New packages to be INSTALLED: abseil: 20230125.3 [FreeBSD] argp-standalone: 1.5.0 [FreeBSD] brotli: 1.1.0,1 [FreeBSD] Installed packages to be UPGRADED: 7-zip: 21.07_2 -> 23.01 [FreeBSD] apache24: 2.4.57 -> 2.4.58_1 [FreeBSD] apr: -> [FreeBSD] aquantia-atlantic-kmod: 0.0.5_1 -> 0.0.5_2 [FreeBSD] bash: 5.1.12 -> 5.2.21 [FreeBSD]
We rely on
pkg upgrade
instead ofpkg version
because the latter does not provides the new version:► pkg version --like "<" Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... FreeBSD repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. 7-zip-21.07_2 < apache24-2.4.57 < apr- < aquantia-atlantic-kmod-0.0.5_1 < bash-5.1.12 <
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages.
Default search on ID substring:
► pkg search --raw --raw-format json-compact --search name nginx { "name": "nginx", "version": "1.24.0_14,3", "comment": "Robust and small WWW server", (...) } { "name": "nginx-devel", "version": "1.25.3_9", "comment": "Robust and small WWW server", (...) } { "name": "nginx-ultimate-bad-bot-blocker", "version": "4.2020.03.2005_1", "comment": "Nginx bad bot and other things blocker", (...) } { "name": "p5-Nginx-ReadBody", "version": "0.07_1", "comment": "Nginx embedded perl module to read a request", (...) } (...)
Exact search on ID:
► pkg search --raw --raw-format json-compact --search name --exact nginx { "name": "nginx", "origin": "www/nginx", "version": "1.24.0_14,3", "comment": "Robust and small WWW server", "maintainer": "", "www": "", "abi": "FreeBSD:13:amd64", "arch": "freebsd:13:x86:64", "prefix": "/usr/local", "sum": "c39a7696e6eda7bfedba251e4480e50d4c65c520d5a783a584b19b3ef883", "flatsize": 1464332, "path": "All/nginx-1.24.0_14,3.pkg", "repopath": "All/nginx-1.24.0_14,3.pkg", "licenselogic": "single", "licenses": [ "BSD2CLAUSE" ], "pkgsize": 473632, "desc": "NGINX is a high performance edge web server with the (...)", "deps": { "pcre2": { "origin": "devel/pcre2", "version": "10.42" } }, "categories": [ "www" ], "shlibs_required": [ "" ], "options": { "AJP": "off", "ARRAYVAR": "off", "AWS_AUTH": "off", "BROTLI": "off", "CACHE_PURGE": "off", "CLOJURE": "off", "COOKIE_FLAG": "off", "CT": "off", "DEBUG": "off", "DEBUGLOG": "off", "DEVEL_KIT": "off", "DRIZZLE": "off", "DSO": "on", "DYNAMIC_UPSTREAM": "off", "ECHO": "off", "ENCRYPTSESSION": "off", "FILE_AIO": "on", "FIPS_CHECK": "off", "FORMINPUT": "off", "GOOGLE_PERFTOOLS": "off", "GRIDFS": "off", "GSSAPI_HEIMDAL": "off", "GSSAPI_MIT": "off", "HEADERS_MORE": "off", "HTTP": "on", "HTTPV2": "on", "HTTPV3": "off", "HTTPV3_BORING": "off", "HTTPV3_LSSL": "off", "HTTPV3_QTLS": "off", "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE": "off", "HTTP_ADDITION": "on", "HTTP_AUTH_DIGEST": "off", "HTTP_AUTH_KRB5": "off", "HTTP_AUTH_LDAP": "off", "HTTP_AUTH_PAM": "off", "HTTP_AUTH_REQ": "on", "HTTP_CACHE": "on", "HTTP_DAV": "on", "HTTP_DAV_EXT": "off", "HTTP_DEGRADATION": "off", "HTTP_EVAL": "off", "HTTP_FANCYINDEX": "off", "HTTP_SUBS_FILTER": "off", "HTTP_TARANTOOL": "off", "HTTP_UPLOAD": "off", "HTTP_UPLOAD_PROGRESS": "off", "HTTP_UPSTREAM_CHECK": "off", "HTTP_UPSTREAM_FAIR": "off", "HTTP_UPSTREAM_STICKY": "off", "HTTP_VIDEO_THUMBEXTRACTOR": "off", "HTTP_XSLT": "off", "HTTP_ZIP": "off", "ICONV": "off", "IPV6": "on", "LET": "off", "LINK": "off", "LUA": "off", "MAIL": "on", "MAIL_IMAP": "off", "MAIL_POP3": "off", "MAIL_SMTP": "off", "MAIL_SSL": "on", "MEMC": "off", "MODSECURITY3": "off", "NAXSI": "off", "NJS": "off", "NJS_XML": "off", "OPENTRACING": "off", "PASSENGER": "off", "POSTGRES": "off", "RDS_CSV": "off", "RDS_JSON": "off", "REDIS2": "off", "RTMP": "off", "SET_MISC": "off", "SFLOW": "off", "SHIBBOLETH": "off", "SLOWFS_CACHE": "off", "SRCACHE": "off", "STREAM": "on", "STREAM_REALIP": "on", "STREAM_SSL": "on", "STREAM_SSL_PREREAD": "on", "STS": "off", "THREADS": "on", "VOD": "off", "VTS": "off", "WEBSOCKIFY": "off", "WWW": "on", "XSS": "off" }, "annotations": { "FreeBSD_version": "1302001", "build_timestamp": "2024-01-07T10:41:34+0000", "built_by": "poudriere-git-3.4.0", "cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:f5:nginx:1.24.0:::::freebsd13:x64:14", "port_checkout_unclean": "no", "port_git_hash": "756e18783", "ports_top_checkout_unclean": "no", "ports_top_git_hash": "756e18783" } }
Extended search:
► pkg search --raw --raw-format json-compact --search name --search comment --search description nginx
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
► pkg upgrade --yes
- upgrade_one_cli(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Returns the complete CLI to upgrade one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- remove(package_id)[source]¶
Remove one package.
► pkg delete --yes dmg2img Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) Deinstallation has been requested for the following 1 packages: Installed packages to be REMOVED: dmg2img: 1.6.7 Number of packages to be removed: 1 [1/1] Deinstalling dmg2img-1.6.7... [1/1] Deleting files for dmg2img-1.6.7: 100% pkg: Package database is busy while closing!
- Return type:
- sync()[source]¶
Sync package metadata.
► IGNORE_OSVERSION=yes pkg update Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... Fetching meta.conf: 100% 163 B 0.2kB/s 00:01 Fetching packagesite.pkg: 100% 7 MiB 3.6MB/s 00:02 Processing entries: 100% FreeBSD repository update completed. 33804 packages processed. All repositories are up to date.
prevents blocking update:► pkg update Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... Fetching meta.conf: 100% 163 B 0.2kB/s 00:01 Fetching packagesite.pkg: 100% 7 MiB 3.6MB/s 00:02 Processing entries: 0% Newer FreeBSD version for package zziplib: To ignore this error set IGNORE_OSVERSION=yes - package: 1302001 - running kernel: 1301000 Ignore the mismatch and continue? [y/N]:
- Return type:
- cleanup()[source]¶
Removes things we don’t need anymore.
► pkg autoremove --yes Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) Nothing to do.
► pkg clean --yes --all Nothing to do.
- Return type:
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('pkg',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'pkg'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.scoop module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.scoop.Scoop[source]¶
list.- name: str = 'Scoop'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='windows', name='Windows', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '0.2.4'¶
Minimal required version.
Should be a string parseable by
.Defaults to
, which deactivate version check entirely.
- version_regex: str = '^v(?P<version>\\S+)\\s.+'¶
Search version at the start of a line.
► scoop --version Current Scoop version: v0.2.4 - Released at 2022-08-08 'main' bucket: 5a5b13b6c (HEAD -> master, origin/HEAD) oh-my-posh: Update to version 11.1.1
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► scoop list Installed apps: Name Version Source Updated Info ---- ------- ------ ------- ---- 7zip 22.01 main 2022-09-27 08:03:30 dark 3.11.2 main 2022-09-27 08:04:26 git main 2022-09-27 08:03:58 python 3.10.7 main 2022-09-27 08:04:53
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► scoop status Name Installed Version Latest Version Missing Dependencies Info ---- ----------------- -------------- -------------------- ---- demulshooter 16.7.2 18.7.3 eduke32 20220611-10112 20220709-10115 Teracopy-np yuzu-pineapple EA-2804 EA-2830
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages. :rtype:
Search does not support extended or exact matching. So we returns the best subset of results and let
refine them.► scoop search zip Results from local buckets... Name Version Source Binaries ---- ------- ------ -------- 7zip 22.01 main 7zip19.00-helper 19.00 main busybox 4716-g31467ddfc main bunzip2 | gunzip | gzip | unzip bzip2 main gow 0.8.0 main bunzip2.exe | bzip2.exe | zip.exe gzip 1.3.12 main lzip 1.20 main unzip 6.00 main zip 3.0 main
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
► scoop update --all
- upgrade_one_cli(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Returns the complete CLI to upgrade one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- remove(package_id)[source]¶
Remove one package.
► scoop uninstall 7zip --purge Uninstalling '7zip' (22.01). Removing shim '7z.shim'. Removing shim '7z.exe'. Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Scoop Apps-Zip.lnk Unlinking ~\scoopppszip\current '7zip' was uninstalled.
- Return type:
- sync()[source]¶
Sync package metadata.
► scoop status WARN Scoop out of date. Run 'scoop update' to get the latest changes.
► scoop update Updating Scoop... Updating 'main' bucket... Converting 'main' bucket to git repo... Checking repo... OK The main bucket was added successfully. Scoop was updated successfully!
► scoop status Scoop is up to date. Everything is ok!
- Return type:
- cleanup()[source]¶
Removes things we don’t need anymore.
► scoop cleanup --all --cache Everything is shiny now!
- Return type:
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('scoop',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'scoop'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.snap module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.snap.Snap[source]¶
list.- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='aix', name='IBM AIX', current=False), Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='cygwin', name='Cygwin', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='freebsd', name='FreeBSD', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='hurd', name='GNU/Hurd', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='midnightbsd', name='MidnightBSD', current=False), Platform(id='netbsd', name='NetBSD', current=False), Platform(id='openbsd', name='OpenBSD', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='solaris', name='Solaris', current=False), Platform(id='sunos', name='SunOS', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '2.0.0'¶
Minimal required version.
Should be a string parseable by
.Defaults to
, which deactivate version check entirely.
- post_args: tuple[str, ...] = ('--color=never',)¶
Global list of options used before and after the invoked package manager CLI.
Automatically added to each
call.Essentially used to force silencing, low verbosity or no-color output.
- version_regex: str = 'snap\\s+(?P<version>\\S+)'¶
► snap --version snap 2.44.1 snapd 2.44.1 series 16 linuxmint 19.3 kernel 4.15.0-91-generic
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► snap list --color=never Name Version Rev Aufzeichnung Herausgeber Hinweise core 16-2.44.1 8935 latest/stable canonical✓ core wechat 2.0 7 latest/stable ubuntu-dawndiy - pdftk 2.02-4 9 latest/stable smoser -
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► snap refresh --list --color=never Name Version Rev Herausgeber Hinweise standard-notes 3.3.5 8 standardnotes✓ -
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages. :rtype:
Search is extended by default. So we returns the best subset of results and let
refine them.► snap find doc --color=never Name Version Herausgeber Hinweise Zusammenfassung journey 2.14.3 2appstudio - Your private diary. nextcloud 17.0.5snap1 nextcloud✓ - Nextcloud Server skype skype✓ classic One Skype for all.
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
► snap refresh --color=never
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('snap',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'snap'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- name: str = 'Snap'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- upgrade_one_cli(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Returns the complete CLI to upgrade one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.steamcmd module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.steamcmd.SteamCMD[source]¶
Basic SteamCMD usage.
SteamCMD doesn’t seem to be properly documented and maintained to offer a powerful automated integration.
`list of steamcmd commands
Evaluate steam-cli as an alternative.
list.- name: str = 'Valve Steam'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='aix', name='IBM AIX', current=False), Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='cygwin', name='Cygwin', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='freebsd', name='FreeBSD', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='hurd', name='GNU/Hurd', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='macos', name='macOS', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='midnightbsd', name='MidnightBSD', current=False), Platform(id='netbsd', name='NetBSD', current=False), Platform(id='openbsd', name='OpenBSD', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='solaris', name='Solaris', current=False), Platform(id='sunos', name='SunOS', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='windows', name='Windows', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = None¶
Accept any SteamCMD version as it seems it is hardly versioned at all.
- post_args: tuple[str, ...] = ('+quit',)¶
Global list of options used before and after the invoked package manager CLI.
Automatically added to each
call.Essentially used to force silencing, low verbosity or no-color output.
- version_cli_options: tuple[str, ...] = ('+quit',)¶
List of options to get the version from the package manager CLI.
- version_regex: str = 'Valve\\ Corporation\\ -\\ version\\ (?P<version>\\S+)'¶
► steamcmd +quit Redirecting stderr to '~/Library/Application Support/Steam/logs/stderr.txt' [ 0%] Checking for available updates... [----] Verifying installation... Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1648077083 -- type 'quit' to exit -- Loading Steam API...OK
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('steamcmd',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'steamcmd'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.uv module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.uv.UV[source]¶
list.- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='aix', name='IBM AIX', current=False), Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='cygwin', name='Cygwin', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='freebsd', name='FreeBSD', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='hurd', name='GNU/Hurd', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='macos', name='macOS', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='midnightbsd', name='MidnightBSD', current=False), Platform(id='netbsd', name='NetBSD', current=False), Platform(id='openbsd', name='OpenBSD', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='solaris', name='Solaris', current=False), Platform(id='sunos', name='SunOS', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='windows', name='Windows', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '0.5.0'¶
0.5.0 is the first version to introduce
pip list --outdated
- pre_args: tuple[str, ...] = ('--color', 'never', '--no-progress')¶
--color color-choice
Control colors in output [default:
]Possible values: -
: Enables colored output only when the output is going to a terminal or TTY with support -always
: Enables colored output regardless of the detected environment -never
: Disables colored output
Hide all progress outputs.
For example, spinners or progress bars.
- version_regex: str = 'uv\\s+(?P<version>\\S+)'¶
► uv --version uv 0.2.21 (ebfe6d8fc 2024-07-03)
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► uv --color never --no-progress pip list --format=json | jq [ { "name": "markupsafe", "version": "2.1.5" }, { "name": "meta-package-manager", "version": "5.17.0", "editable_project_location": "/Users/kde/meta-package-manager" }, { "name": "myst-parser", "version": "3.0.1" }, (...) ]
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► uv --color never --no-progress pip list --outdated --format=json | jq [ { "name": "lark-parser", "version": "0.7.8", "latest_version": "0.12.0", "latest_filetype": "wheel" }, { "name": "types-setuptools", "version": "", "latest_version": "", "latest_filetype": "wheel" } ]
- install(package_id, version=None)[source]¶
Install one package.
► uv --color never --no-progress pip install "tomli_w == 1.0.0" Resolved 1 package in 574ms Installed 1 package in 2ms + tomli-w==1.0.0
- Return type:
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('uv',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'uv'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- name: str = 'UV'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- upgrade_one_cli(package_id, version=None)[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade the package provided as parameter.
► uv --color never --no-progress pip install --upgrade "tomli_w == 0.4.0" Resolved 1 package in 1ms Uninstalled 1 package in 0.54ms Installed 1 package in 0.94ms - tomli-w==0.2.0 + tomli-w==0.4.0
► uv --color never --no-progress pip install --upgrade "tomli_w" Resolved 1 package in 2ms Uninstalled 1 package in 1ms Installed 1 package in 2ms - tomli-w==0.4.0 + tomli-w==1.0.0
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.vscode module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.vscode.VSCode[source]¶
list.- name: str = 'Visual Studio Code'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='aix', name='IBM AIX', current=False), Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='cygwin', name='Cygwin', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='freebsd', name='FreeBSD', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='hurd', name='GNU/Hurd', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='macos', name='macOS', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='midnightbsd', name='MidnightBSD', current=False), Platform(id='netbsd', name='NetBSD', current=False), Platform(id='openbsd', name='OpenBSD', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='solaris', name='Solaris', current=False), Platform(id='sunos', name='SunOS', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='windows', name='Windows', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '1.60.0'¶
Minimal required version.
Should be a string parseable by
.Defaults to
, which deactivate version check entirely.
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('code',)¶
► code --version 1.60.2 7f6ab5485bbc008386c4386d08766667e155244e x64
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► code --list-extensions --show-versions ms-python.python@2021.9.1246542782 ms-python.vscode-pylance@2021.9.3 ms-toolsai.jupyter@2021.8.2041215044 ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap@1.0.0 samuelcolvin.jinjahtml@0.16.0 tamasfe.even-better-toml@0.14.2 trond-snekvik.simple-rst@1.5.0
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- remove(package_id)[source]¶
Remove one package.
► code --uninstall-extension tamasfe.even-better-toml
- Return type:
- id: str = 'vscode'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
- class meta_package_manager.managers.vscode.VSCodium[source]¶
list.- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('codium',)¶
► code --version 1.60.2 7f6ab5485bbc008386c4386d08766667e155244e x64
- id: str = 'vscodium'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- name: str = 'VSCodium'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.winget module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.winget.WinGet[source]¶
list.- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='windows', name='Windows', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '1.7'¶
Minimal required version.
Should be a string parseable by
.Defaults to
, which deactivate version check entirely.
- post_args: tuple[str, ...] = ('--accept-source-agreements', '--disable-interactivity')¶
:Used to accept the source license agreement, and avoid the following prompt:
:Disable interactive prompts.
- version_regex: str = 'v\\s+(?P<version>\\S+)'¶
PS C:\Users\kev> winget --version v1.7.11261
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
PS C:\Users\kev> winget list --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity The 'msstore' source requires that you view the following agreements before using. Terms of Transaction: The source requires the current machine's 2-letter geographic region to be sent to the backend service to function properly (ex. "US"). Name Id Version Available Source ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCleaner CCleaner 6.08 Git Git.Git 2.37.3 2.45.1 winget Microsoft Edge Microsoft.Edge 109.0.1518.70 125.0.2535.51 winget Microsoft Edge Update Microsoft Edge Update App Installer Microsoft.AppInstaller 1.21.3482.0 winget Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7 Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7 7.2208.15002.0 winget Python Launcher Python.Launchez < 3.12.0 3.12.0 winget Microsoft Visual C++ (x86)... Microsoft.VCRedist.2015+.X86 14.34.31931.0 14.38.33135.0 winget
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
PS C:\Users\kev> winget list --upgrade-available --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity Name Id Version Available Source --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Git Git.Git 2.37.3 2.45.1 winget Microsoft Edge Microsoft.Edge 109.0.1518.70 125.0.2535.51 winget Python Launcher Python.Launchez < 3.12.0 3.12.0 winget Microsoft Visual C++ (x86)... Microsoft.VCRedist.2015+.X86 14.34.31931.0 14.38.33135.0 winget 4 upgrades available.
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages.
PS C:\Users\kev> winget search --query vscode --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity Name Id Version Match Source --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Visual Studio Code Microsoft.VisualStudioCode 1.89.1 Moniker: vscode winget MrCode zokugun.MrCode Tag: vscode winget VSCodium Insiders VSCodium.VSCodium.Insiders Tag: vscode winget VSCodium VSCodium.VSCodium Tag: vscode winget Upgit pluveto.Upgit 0.2.18 Tag: vscode winget vscli michidk.vscli 0.3.0 Tag: vscode winget Huawei QuickApp IDE Huawei.QuickAppIde 14.0.1 Tag: vscode winget TheiaBlueprint EclipseFoundation.TheiaBlueprint 1.44.0 Tag: vscode winget Codium Alex313031.Codium Tag: vscode winget Cursor Editor CursorAI,Inc.Cursor latest Tag: vscode winget Microsoft Visual Studio Code CLI Microsoft.VisualStudioCode.CLI 1.89.1 Moniker: vscode-cli winget
PS C:\Users\kev> winget search --query vscode --exact --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity Name Id Version Match Source ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Visual Studio Code Microsoft.VisualStudioCode 1.89.1 Moniker: vscode winget MrCode zokugun.MrCode Tag: vscode winget VSCodium Insiders VSCodium.VSCodium.Insiders Tag: vscode winget VSCodium VSCodium.VSCodium Tag: vscode winget Upgit pluveto.Upgit 0.2.18 Tag: vscode winget vscli michidk.vscli 0.3.0 Tag: vscode winget Huawei QuickApp IDE Huawei.QuickAppIde 14.0.1 Tag: vscode winget TheiaBlueprint EclipseFoundation.TheiaBlueprint 1.44.0 Tag: vscode winget Codium Alex313031.Codium Tag: vscode winget Cursor Editor CursorAI,Inc.Cursor latest Tag: vscode winget
PS C:\Users\kev> winget search --id VSCodium.VSCodium --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity Name Id Version Source ---------------------------------------------------------------- VSCodium Insiders VSCodium.VSCodium.Insiders winget VSCodium VSCodium.VSCodium winget
PS C:\Users\kev> winget search --name Codium --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity Name Id Version Source ---------------------------------------------------------------- Codium Alex313031.Codium winget VSCodium Insiders VSCodium.VSCodium.Insiders winget VSCodium VSCodium.VSCodium winget
PS C:\Users\kev> winget search --id VSCodium.VSCodium --exact --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity Name Id Version Source ---------------------------------------------- VSCodium VSCodium.VSCodium winget
PS C:\Users\kev> winget search --name Codium --exact --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity Name Id Version Source -------------------------------------------- Codium Alex313031.Codium winget
- install(package_id, version=None)[source]¶
Install one package.
PS C:\Users\kev> winget install --id Microsoft.PowerToys --accept-package-agreements --version 0.15.2 --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity Found Power Toys [Microsoft.PowerToys] Version 0.15.2 This application is licensed to you by its owner. Microsoft is not responsible for, nor does it grant any licenses to, third-party packages. Successfully verified installer hash Starting package install... ██████████████████████████████ 100% Successfully installed
- Return type:
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
PS C:\Users\kev> winget upgrade --all --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity Name Id Version Available Source ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Microsoft Edge Microsoft.Edge 109.0.1518.70 125.0.2535.51 winget Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime Microsoft.EdgeWebView2Runtime 109.0.1518.70 125.0.2535.51 winget Python Launcher Python.Launchez < 3.12.0 3.12.0 winget Microsoft Visual C++ (x86)... Microsoft.VCRedist.2015+.X86 14.34.31931.0 14.38.33135.0 winget 4 upgrades available. Installing dependencies: This package requires the following dependencies: - Packages Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.8 [>= 8.2306.22001.0] (1/3) Found Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime [Microsoft.EdgeWebView2Runtime] Version 125. 0.2535.51 This application is licensed to you by its owner. Microsoft is not responsible for, nor does it grant any licenses to, third-party packages. Downloading ██████████████████████████████ 166 MB / 166 MB Successfully verified installer hash Starting package install... Successfully installed (...)
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('winget',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'winget'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- name: str = 'WinGet'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- upgrade_one_cli(package_id, version=None)[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
PS C:\Users\kev> winget upgrade --id Git.Git --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity Found Git [Git.Git] Version 2.45.1 This application is licensed to you by its owner. Microsoft is not responsible for, nor does it grant any licenses to, third-party packages. Downloading ██████████████████████████████ 64.7 MB / 64.7 MB Successfully verified installer hash Starting package install... Successfully installed
Automatically uninstall the package if the technology is different:
PS C:\Users\kev> winget upgrade --id Microsoft.Edge A newer version was found, but the install technology is different from the current version installed. Please uninstall the package and install the newer version.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
- remove(package_id)[source]¶
Remove one package.
PS C:\Users\kev> winget uninstall --id Microsoft.PowerToys --source winget --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity Found PowerToys (Preview) [Microsoft.PowerToys] Starting package uninstall... ██████████████████████████████ 100% Successfully uninstalled
- Return type:
meta_package_manager.managers.yarn module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.yarn.Yarn[source]¶
list.- name: str = "Node's yarn"¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='aix', name='IBM AIX', current=False), Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='cygwin', name='Cygwin', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='freebsd', name='FreeBSD', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='hurd', name='GNU/Hurd', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='macos', name='macOS', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='midnightbsd', name='MidnightBSD', current=False), Platform(id='netbsd', name='NetBSD', current=False), Platform(id='openbsd', name='OpenBSD', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='solaris', name='Solaris', current=False), Platform(id='sunos', name='SunOS', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='windows', name='Windows', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '1.20.0'¶
► yarn --version 1.22.11
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► yarn global --json list --depth 0 {"type":"activityStart","data":{"id":0}} {"type":"activityTick","data":{"id":0,"name":"awesome-lint@^0.18.0"}} {"type":"activityTick","data":{"id":0,"name":"arrify@^2.0.1"}} {"type":"activityTick","data":{"id":0,"name":"case@^1.6.3"}} {"type":"activityTick","data":{"id":0,"name":"emoji-regex@^9.2.0"}} (...) {"type":"activityEnd","data":{"id":0}} {"type":"progressStart","data":{"id":0,"total":327}} {"type":"progressTick","data":{"id":0,"current":1}} {"type":"progressTick","data":{"id":0,"current":2}} {"type":"progressTick","data":{"id":0,"current":3}} {"type":"progressTick","data":{"id":0,"current":4}} {"type":"progressTick","data":{"id":0,"current":5}} (...) {"type":"progressFinish","data":{"id":0}} {"type":"info","data":""awesome-lint@0.18.0" has binaries:"} {"type":"list","data":{"type":"bins-awesome-lint","items":["awesome-lint"]}}
► yarn global list --depth 0 yarn global v1.22.19 info "awesome-lint@0.18.0" has binaries: - awesome-lint ✨ Done in 0.13s.
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► yarn --json outdated --cwd ~/.config/yarn/global | jq {"type":"warning","data":"package.json: No license field"} { "type": "info", "data": "Color legend :
- “
“ “<red>” : Major Update backward-incompatible updates
- “
“ “<yellow>” : Minor Update backward-compatible features
- “
“ “<green>” : Patch Update backward-compatible bug fixes”
“type”: “table”, “data”: {
- “head”: [
“Package”, “Current”, “Wanted”, “Latest”, “Package Type”, “URL”
], “body”: [
- [
“markdown”, “0.4.0”, “0.4.0”, “0.5.0”, “dependencies”, “git://”
► yarn outdated --cwd ~/.config/yarn/global yarn outdated v1.22.19 warning package.json: No license field info Color legend : "<red>" : Major Update backward-incompatible updates "<yellow>" : Minor Update backward-compatible features "<green>" : Patch Update backward-compatible bug fixes Package Current Wanted Latest Package Type URL markdown 0.4.0 0.4.0 0.5.0 dependencies git:// ✨ Done in 0.95s.
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages. :rtype:
Yarn maintainers have decided to not implement a dedicated search command.
Search is simulated by a direct call to
yarn info
, and as a result only works for exact match.► yarn --json info python | jq { "type": "inspect", "data": { "name": "python", "description": "Interact with python child process", "dist-tags": { "latest": "0.0.4" }, "versions": [ "0.0.0", "0.0.1", "0.0.2", "0.0.3", "0.0.4" ], "maintainers": [ { "name": "drderidder", "email": "" } ], "time": { "modified": "2017-09-16T05:26:13.151Z", "created": "2011-07-11T01:59:04.362Z", "0.0.0": "2011-07-11T01:59:05.137Z", "0.0.1": "2011-07-17T05:23:33.166Z", "0.0.2": "2011-07-20T03:42:50.379Z", "0.0.3": "2014-06-08T00:39:08.562Z", "0.0.4": "2015-01-25T02:48:07.820Z" }, "author": { "name": "Darren DeRidder" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git://" }, "homepage": "", "bugs": { "url": "" }, "readmeFilename": "", "users": { "dewang-mistry": true, "goliatone": true, "sapanbhuta": true, "aditcmarix": true, "imlucas": true, "heyderpd": true, "ukuli": true, "chbardel": true, "asaupup": true, "nuwaio": true }, "version": "0.0.4", "main": "./lib/python.js", "engines": { "node": ">= 0.4.1" }, "gitHead": "69754aaa57658193916a1bf5fc391198098f74f6", "scripts": {}, "dist": { "shasum": "3094e898ef17a33aa9c3e973b3848a38e47d1818", "tarball": "" }, "directories": {} } }
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
► yarn global upgrade --latest yarn global v1.22.19 [1/4] 🔍 Resolving packages... [2/4] 🚚 Fetching packages... [3/4] 🔗 Linking dependencies... [4/4] 🔨 Rebuilding all packages... success Saved lockfile. success Saved 271 new dependencies. info Direct dependencies ├─ awesome-lint@0.18.0 └─ markdown@0.5.0 info All dependencies ├─ @babel/code-frame@7.18.6 ├─ @babel/helper-validator-identifier@7.18.6 ├─ @nodelib/fs.scandir@2.1.5 ├─ array-to-sentence@1.1.0 ├─ array-union@2.1.0 ├─ awesome-lint@0.18.0 ├─ fs.realpath@1.0.0 (...) └─ zwitch@1.0.5 ✨ Done in 19.89s.
- upgrade_one_cli(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Returns the complete CLI to upgrade one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- remove(package_id)[source]¶
Remove one package.
► yarn global remove awesome-lint yarn global v1.22.19 [1/2] 🗑 Removing module awesome-lint... [2/2] 🔨 Regenerating lockfile and installing missing dependencies... success Uninstalled packages. ✨ Done in 0.21s.
- Return type:
- cleanup()[source]¶
Removes things we don’t need anymore.
► yarn cache clean --all yarn cache v1.22.19 success Cleared cache. ✨ Done in 0.35s.
- Return type:
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('yarn',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'yarn'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.
meta_package_manager.managers.zypper module¶
- class meta_package_manager.managers.zypper.Zypper[source]¶
Zypper package manager.
See other command equivalences at:
list.- homepage_url: str | None = ''¶
Home page of the project, only used in documentation for reference.
- platforms: _TNestedSources = frozenset({Platform(id='aix', name='IBM AIX', current=False), Platform(id='altlinux', name='ALT Linux', current=False), Platform(id='amzn', name='Amazon Linux', current=False), Platform(id='android', name='Android', current=False), Platform(id='arch', name='Arch Linux', current=False), Platform(id='buildroot', name='Buildroot', current=False), Platform(id='centos', name='CentOS', current=False), Platform(id='cloudlinux', name='CloudLinux OS', current=False), Platform(id='cygwin', name='Cygwin', current=False), Platform(id='debian', name='Debian', current=False), Platform(id='exherbo', name='Exherbo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='fedora', name='Fedora', current=False), Platform(id='freebsd', name='FreeBSD', current=False), Platform(id='gentoo', name='Gentoo Linux', current=False), Platform(id='guix', name='Guix System', current=False), Platform(id='hurd', name='GNU/Hurd', current=False), Platform(id='ibm_powerkvm', name='IBM PowerKVM', current=False), Platform(id='kvmibm', name='KVM for IBM z Systems', current=False), Platform(id='linuxmint', name='Linux Mint', current=False), Platform(id='mageia', name='Mageia', current=False), Platform(id='mandriva', name='Mandriva Linux', current=False), Platform(id='midnightbsd', name='MidnightBSD', current=False), Platform(id='netbsd', name='NetBSD', current=False), Platform(id='openbsd', name='OpenBSD', current=False), Platform(id='opensuse', name='openSUSE', current=False), Platform(id='oracle', name='Oracle Linux', current=False), Platform(id='parallels', name='Parallels', current=False), Platform(id='pidora', name='Pidora', current=False), Platform(id='raspbian', name='Raspbian', current=False), Platform(id='rhel', name='RedHat Enterprise Linux', current=False), Platform(id='rocky', name='Rocky Linux', current=False), Platform(id='scientific', name='Scientific Linux', current=False), Platform(id='slackware', name='Slackware', current=False), Platform(id='sles', name='SUSE Linux Enterprise Server', current=False), Platform(id='solaris', name='Solaris', current=False), Platform(id='sunos', name='SunOS', current=False), Platform(id='tuxedo', name='Tuxedo OS', current=False), Platform(id='ubuntu', name='Ubuntu', current=True), Platform(id='unknown_linux', name='Unknown Linux', current=False), Platform(id='wsl1', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v1', current=False), Platform(id='wsl2', name='Windows Subsystem for Linux v2', current=False), Platform(id='xenserver', name='XenServer', current=False)})¶
List of platforms supported by the manager.
Allows for a mishmash of platforms and groups. Will be normalized into a frozenset of
instances at instantiation.
- requirement: str | None = '1.14.0'¶
Minimal required version.
Should be a string parseable by
.Defaults to
, which deactivate version check entirely.
- pre_args: tuple[str, ...] = ('--no-color', '--no-abbrev', '--non-interactive', '--no-cd', '--no-refresh')¶
- version_regex: str = 'zypper\\s+(?P<version>\\S+)'¶
► zypper --version zypper 1.14.11
- property installed: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch installed packages.
► zypper --no-color --no-abbrev --non-interactive --no-cd --no-refresh --xmlout search --details --type package --installed-only
- property outdated: Iterator[Package]¶
Fetch outdated packages.
► zypper --no-color --no-abbrev --non-interactive --no-cd --no-refresh --xmlout list-updates <?xml version='1.0'?> <stream> <message type="info">Loading repository data...</message> <message type="info">Reading installed packages...</message> <update-status version="0.6"> <update-list> <update name="git" kind="package" edition="2.34.1-10.9.1" edition-old="2.26.2-3.34.1" arch="x86_64"> <summary>Fast, scalable revision control system</summary> <description> Blah blah blah... </description> <license/> <source url="" alias="repo-sle-update"/> </update> (...) </update-list> </update-status> </stream>
- search(query, extended, exact)[source]¶
Fetch matching packages.
► zypper --no-color --no-abbrev --non-interactive --no-cd --no-refresh --xmlout search --details --type package kopete
► zypper --no-color --no-abbrev --non-interactive --no-cd --no-refresh --xmlout search --details --type package --search-description kopete
► zypper --no-color --no-abbrev --non-interactive --no-cd --no-refresh --xmlout search --details --type package --match-exact kopete
► zypper --no-color --no-abbrev --non-interactive --no-cd --no-refresh --xmlout search --details --type package --search-description --match-exact kopete
- install(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Install one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- upgrade_all_cli()[source]¶
Generates the CLI to upgrade all packages (default) or only the one provided as parameter.
► sudo zypper --no-color --no-abbrev --non-interactive --no-cd --no-refresh update
- upgrade_one_cli(**kwargs: ~typing.~P) T ¶
Returns the complete CLI to upgrade one package and one only.
Allows a specific
to be provided.- Return type:
- sync()[source]¶
Sync package metadata.
► sudo zypper --no-color --no-abbrev --non-interactive --no-cd --no-refresh refresh
- Return type:
- cleanup()[source]¶
Removes things we don’t need anymore.
► sudo zypper --no-color --no-abbrev --non-interactive --no-cd --no-refresh clean
- Return type:
- cli_names: tuple[str, ...] = ('zypper',)¶
List of CLI names the package manager is known as.
This list of recognized CLI names is ordered by priority. That way we can influence the search of the right binary. This was helpful in the case of the Python transition from 2.x to 3.x, where multiple versions of the same executable were named
.By default, this property’s value is derived from the manager’s ID (see the
method above).
- id: str = 'zypper'¶
Package manager’s ID.
Derived by defaults from the lower-cased class name in which underscores
are replaced by dashes-
.This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case, as they’re used as feature flags for the mpm CLI.
- name: str = 'Zypper'¶
Return package manager’s common name.
Default value is based on class name.
- virtual: bool = False¶
Should we expose the package manager to the user?
Virtual package manager are just skeleton classes used to factorize code among managers of the same family.
- cli_errors: list[CLIError]¶
Accumulate all CLI errors encountered by the package manager.