

Replace sub-title above with shorter {commit}`1.0.0 (2016-07-05) <170ce9>` role once sloria/sphinx-issues#116 is resolved.

(The original entry is located in /home/runner/work/meta-package-manager/meta-package-manager/, line 1010.)


Some of these are good candidates for upstream contribution to click.extra.

(The original entry is located in /home/runner/work/meta-package-manager/meta-package-manager/meta_package_manager/ of meta_package_manager.output, line 3.)


Use the removed variable to detect removed packages (which are reported with a (!) flag). See: /reporting_bugs/ and .

(The original entry is located in /home/runner/work/meta-package-manager/meta-package-manager/meta_package_manager/managers/ of meta_package_manager.managers.homebrew.Homebrew.installed, line 31.)


Mimics Pip.outdated() operation. There probably is a way to factorize it.

(The original entry is located in /home/runner/work/meta-package-manager/meta-package-manager/meta_package_manager/managers/ of meta_package_manager.managers.pipx.Pipx.outdated, line 3.)


Evaluate steam-cli as an alternative.

(The original entry is located in /home/runner/work/meta-package-manager/meta-package-manager/meta_package_manager/managers/ of meta_package_manager.managers.steamcmd.SteamCMD, line 11.)


Add arguments to installed command, or an --installed boolean flag to search so we can reduce the searched packages to those installed.

(The original entry is located in /home/runner/work/meta-package-manager/meta-package-manager/docs/, line 173.)


Implement a best matchig strategy, across package managers of different kinds.

(The original entry is located in /home/runner/work/meta-package-manager/meta-package-manager/docs/, line 250.)


mpm doesn’t implement SBOM features yet. This work is tracked by #936.

(The original entry is located in /home/runner/work/meta-package-manager/meta-package-manager/docs/, line 266.)


mpm doesn’t identify CVEs yet.

This feature might be solved with SBOM implementation, as I think there is some tools available around that can check an SBOM export and cross reference it with a CVE database.

Take a look at:

(The original entry is located in /home/runner/work/meta-package-manager/meta-package-manager/docs/, line 341.)


mpm doesn’t collect dependencies yet. Once it does these dependencies can augment the SBOM export.

(The original entry is located in /home/runner/work/meta-package-manager/meta-package-manager/docs/, line 351.)


One future development direction might be to add a way to inventory all components your using on your system and track down their preferred funding platform like GitHub Sponsors, Liberapay or Patreon. Then have a way to fund all those.

Homebrew is already featuring some commands in that direction.

This is being discussed at #501.

(The original entry is located in /home/runner/work/meta-package-manager/meta-package-manager/docs/, line 366.)