Source code for meta_package_manager.cli

# Copyright Kevin Deldycke <> and contributors.
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import sys
from collections import Counter, namedtuple
from contextlib import contextmanager
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial
from io import TextIOWrapper
from operator import attrgetter
from pathlib import Path
from unittest.mock import patch

import tomli_w
from boltons.cacheutils import LRI, cached
from click_extra import (
from click_extra.colorize import KO, OK, highlight
from click_extra.colorize import default_theme as theme
from click_extra.platforms import reduce

if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
    import tomllib
    import tomli as tomllib  # type: ignore[import-not-found]

from . import __version__, bar_plugin
from .base import (
from .output import (
from .platforms import encoding_args
from .pool import pool
from .specifier import VERSION_SEP, Solver, Specifier

# Subcommand sections.
EXPLORE = Section("Explore subcommands")
MAINTENANCE = Section("Maintenance subcommands")
SNAPSHOTS = Section("Package snapshots subcommands")

XKCD_MANAGER_ORDER = ("pip", "brew", "npm", "dnf", "apt", "steamcmd")
"""Sequence of package managers as defined by `XKCD #1654: Universal Install Script

See the corresponding :issue:`implementation rationale in issue #10 <10>`.

[docs]def add_manager_to_selection(ctx: Context, param: Parameter, selected: bool) -> None: """Store singular manager flag selection in the context. .. important:: Because the parameter's name is transformed into a Python identifier on instantiation, we have to reverse the process to get our value. Example: ``--apt-mint`` => ``apt_mint`` => ``apt-mint`` """ if selected: if ctx.obj is None: ctx.obj = {"single_manager_selector": []} manager_id ="_", "-") # type: ignore[union-attr] ctx.obj["single_manager_selector"].append(manager_id)
[docs]def single_manager_selectors(): """Dynamiccaly creates a dedicated flag selector alias for each manager.""" for manager_id in pool.all_manager_ids: manager = pool.get(manager_id) # Parameters do not have a deprecated flag. # See: deprecated_msg = " (deprecated)" if manager.deprecated else "" yield option( f"--{manager_id}", is_flag=True, default=False, help=f"Alias to --manager {manager_id}{deprecated_msg}.", expose_value=False, callback=add_manager_to_selection, )
[docs]def bar_plugin_path(ctx, param, value): """Print the location of the :doc:`Xbar/SwiftBar plugin <bar-plugin>`. Returns the normalized path of the standalone ` <>`_ script that is distributed with this Python module. This is made available under the :option:`mpm --bar-plugin-path` option. Notice that the fully-qualified home directory get replaced by its shorthand (``~``) if applicable: - the full ``/home/user/.python/site-packages/mpm/`` path is simplified to ``~/.python/site-packages/mpm/``, - but ``/usr/bin/python3.9/mpm/`` is returned as-is. """ # Option has not been called. if not value: return # Options is only available when CLI is installed from sources, not CLI is # a bundled executable. if "__compiled__" in globals(): logging.debug("CLI running as a binary.") logging.critical( "Option --bar-plugin-path is only available for CLI installed from " "sources.", ) ctx.exit(2) bar_path = Path(bar_plugin.__file__).expanduser().resolve() home_dir = Path.home() if bar_path.is_relative_to(home_dir): home_shorthand = Path("~") shorten_bar_path = home_shorthand / bar_path.relative_to(home_dir) assert shorten_bar_path.expanduser().resolve() == bar_path bar_path = shorten_bar_path echo(bar_path) ctx.exit()
# XXX Why is Sphinx skipping Click methods in documentation? @extra_group( # XXX Default verbosity has been changed in Click Extra 4.0.0 from INFO to WARNING. context_settings={"default_map": {"verbosity": "INFO"}}, ) @option_group( "Package manager selection options", option( "-m", "--manager", type=Choice(pool.all_manager_ids, case_sensitive=False), multiple=True, help="Restrict subcommand to a subset of managers. Repeat to " "select multiple managers. The order is preserved for priority-sensitive " "subcommands.", ), option( "-e", "--exclude", type=Choice(pool.all_manager_ids, case_sensitive=False), multiple=True, help="Exclude a manager. Repeat to exclude multiple managers.", ), option( "-a", "--all-managers", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Force evaluation of all managers recognized by mpm, including those " "not supported by the current platform or deprecated. Still applies filtering " "by --manager and --exclude options before calling the subcommand.", ), option( "-x", "--xkcd", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Preset manager selection as defined by XKCD #1654. Equivalent to: " "{}.".format(" ".join(f"--{mid}" for mid in XKCD_MANAGER_ORDER)), ), *single_manager_selectors(), ) @option_group( "Manager options", option( "--ignore-auto-updates/--include-auto-updates", default=True, help="Report all outdated packages, including those tagged as " "auto-updating. Only applies to outdated and upgrade subcommands.", ), option( "--stop-on-error/--continue-on-error", default=False, help="Stop right away or continue operations on manager CLI error.", ), option( "-d", "--dry-run", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Do not actually perform any action, just simulate CLI calls.", ), option( "-t", "--timeout", type=IntRange(min=0), default=500, help="Set maximum duration in seconds for each CLI call.", ), ) @option_group( "Output options", table_format_option( "-o", "--output-format", type=Choice(output_formats, case_sensitive=False), help="Rendering mode of the output.", ), option( "--description", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Show package description in results.", ), option( "-s", "--sort-by", type=Choice(sorted(SORTABLE_FIELDS), case_sensitive=False), default="manager_id", help="Sort results.", ), # option('--sort-asc/--sort-desc', default=True) option( "--stats/--no-stats", default=True, help="Print per-manager package statistics.", ), ) @option_group( "Xbar/SwiftBar options", option( "--bar-plugin-path", is_flag=True, default=False, expose_value=False, is_eager=True, callback=bar_plugin_path, help="Print location of the Xbar/SwiftBar plugin.", ), ) @pass_context def mpm( ctx, manager, exclude, all_managers, xkcd, ignore_auto_updates, stop_on_error, dry_run, timeout, description, sort_by, stats, ): """Common CLI options for subcommands.""" # Silence all log messages for JSON rendering unless in debug mode. if ( ctx.meta["click_extra.table_format"] == "json" and ctx.meta["click_extra.verbosity"] != "DEBUG" ): logging.disable() def remove_logging_override(): """Reset the logging override to its default state. ``logging.disable()`` mess with the logging module internals at the root level. We need to restore the default behavior when the context is closed, otherwise the logging module will be stuck in a disabled state. See: """ logging.disable(logging.NOTSET) ctx.call_on_close(remove_logging_override) # Merge all manager selectors to form the initial population enforced by the # user. initial_managers = list(manager) # Update with single selectors. if ctx.obj: initial_managers.extend(ctx.obj.get("single_manager_selector", [])) # Update the list of managers with the XKCD preset. if xkcd: initial_managers.extend(XKCD_MANAGER_ORDER) # Normalize to None if no manager selectors have been used. This prevent the # pool.select_managers() method to iterate over an empty population of managers to # choose from. if not initial_managers: initial_managers = None logging.debug("No initial population of managers selected by user.") else: logging.debug( "Initial population of user-selected managers: " f"{' > '.join(map(theme.invoked_command, initial_managers))}", ) # Select the subset of manager to target, and apply manager-level options. selected_managers = partial( pool.select_managers, keep=initial_managers, drop=exclude, keep_deprecated=all_managers, # Should we include auto-update packages or not? ignore_auto_updates=ignore_auto_updates, # Does the manager should raise on error or not. stop_on_error=stop_on_error, dry_run=dry_run, timeout=timeout, ) # Load up current and new global options to the context for subcommand consumption. ctx.obj = namedtuple( "GlobalOptions", ( "selected_managers", "description", "sort_by", "stats", ), defaults=( selected_managers, description, sort_by, stats, ), )() @mpm.command( short_help="List supported package managers and their location.", section=EXPLORE, ) @pass_context def managers(ctx): """List all supported package managers and autodetect their presence on the system.""" select_params = { # Do not drop inactive managers. Keep them to show off how mpm is reacting # to the local platform. "drop_inactive": False, } # Machine-friendly data rendering. if ctx.meta["click_extra.table_format"] == "json": manager_data = {} # Build up the data structure of manager metadata. fields = ( "name", "id", "supported", "cli_path", "executable", "version", "fresh", "available", ) for manager in ctx.obj.selected_managers(**select_params): manager_data[] = {fid: getattr(manager, fid) for fid in fields} # Serialize errors at the last minute to gather all we encountered. manager_data[]["errors"] = list( {expt.error for expt in manager.cli_errors}, ) print_json(manager_data) ctx.exit() # Human-friendly content rendering. table = [] for manager in ctx.obj.selected_managers(**select_params): # Build up the OS column content. os_infos = OK if manager.supported else KO if not manager.supported: os_infos += " {}".format( ", ".join(sorted( for p in reduce(manager.platforms))), ) if manager.deprecated: os_infos += f" {theme.warning('(deprecated)')}" # Build up the CLI path column content. cli_infos = "{} {}".format( OK if manager.cli_path else KO, highlight_cli_name(manager.cli_path, manager.cli_names) if manager.cli_path else ( f"{', '.join(map(theme.invoked_command, manager.cli_names))} " "not found" ), ) # Build up the version column content. version_infos = "" if manager.executable: version_infos = OK if manager.fresh else KO if manager.version: version_infos += f" {manager.version}" if not manager.fresh: version_infos += f" {manager.requirement}" table.append( ( getattr(theme, "success" if manager.fresh else "error")(,, os_infos, cli_infos, OK if manager.executable else "", version_infos, ), ) print_table( ( ("Manager ID", "manager_id"), ("Name", "manager_name"), ("Supported", None), ("CLI", None), ("Executable", None), ("Version", "version"), ), table, ctx.obj.sort_by, ) @mpm.command(aliases=["list"], short_help="List installed packages.", section=EXPLORE) @option( "-d", "--duplicates", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Only list installed packages sharing the same ID. Implies " "`--sort_by package_id` to make duplicates easier to compare between themselves.", ) @pass_context def installed(ctx, duplicates): """List all packages installed on the system by each manager.""" # Build-up a global dict of installed packages per manager. installed_data = {} fields = ( "id", "name", "installed_version", ) for manager in ctx.obj.selected_managers(implements_operation=Operations.installed): packages = tuple(packages_asdict(manager.installed, fields)) installed_data[] = { "id":, "name":, "packages": packages, } # Serialize errors at the last minute to gather all we encountered. installed_data[]["errors"] = list( {expt.error for expt in manager.cli_errors}, ) # Filters out non-duplicate packages. if duplicates: # Re-group packages by their IDs. package_sources = {} for manager_id, installed_pkg in installed_data.items(): for package in installed_pkg["packages"]: package_sources.setdefault(package["id"], set()).add(manager_id) logging.debug(f"Managers sourcing each package: {package_sources}") # Identify package IDs shared by multiple managers. duplicates_ids = { pid for pid, managers in package_sources.items() if len(managers) > 1 } logging.debug(f"Duplicates: {duplicates_ids}") # Remove non-duplicates from results. for manager_id in installed_data: duplicate_packages = tuple( p for p in installed_data[manager_id]["packages"] if p["id"] in duplicates_ids ) installed_data[manager_id]["packages"] = duplicate_packages # Machine-friendly data rendering. if ctx.meta["click_extra.table_format"] == "json": print_json(installed_data) ctx.exit() # Human-friendly content rendering. table = [] for manager_id, installed_pkg in installed_data.items(): table += [ ( info["id"], info["name"], manager_id, info["installed_version"] if info["installed_version"] else "?", ) for info in installed_pkg["packages"] ] # Force sorting by package ID in duplicate mode. sort_by = ctx.obj.sort_by if duplicates: "Force table sorting on package ID because of --duplicates option." ) sort_by = "package_id" # Print table. print_table( ( ("Package ID", "package_id"), ("Name", "package_name"), ("Manager", "manager_id"), ("Installed version", "version"), ), table, sort_by, ) if ctx.obj.stats: print_stats(Counter({k: len(v["packages"]) for k, v in installed_data.items()})) @mpm.command(short_help="List outdated packages.", section=EXPLORE) @option( "--plugin-output", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Output results for direct consumption by an Xbar/SwiftBar-compatible plugin. " "The layout is dynamic and depends on environment variables set by either Xbar " "or SwiftBar.", ) @pass_context def outdated(ctx, plugin_output): """List available package upgrades and their versions for each manager.""" # Build-up a global list of outdated packages per manager. outdated_data = {} fields = ( "id", "name", "installed_version", "latest_version", ) for manager in ctx.obj.selected_managers(implements_operation=Operations.outdated): packages = tuple(packages_asdict(manager.outdated, fields)) outdated_data[] = { "id":, "name":, "packages": packages, } # Serialize errors at the last minute to gather all we encountered. outdated_data[]["errors"] = list( {expt.error for expt in manager.cli_errors}, ) # Machine-friendly data rendering. if ctx.meta["click_extra.table_format"] == "json": print_json(outdated_data) ctx.exit() # Xbar/SwiftBar-friendly plugin rendering. if plugin_output: BarPluginRenderer().print(outdated_data) ctx.exit() # Human-friendly content rendering. table = [] for manager_id, outdated_pkg in outdated_data.items(): for info in outdated_pkg["packages"]: installed_version, latest_version = colored_diff( info["installed_version"] if info["installed_version"] else "?", info["latest_version"], ) table.append( ( info["id"], info["name"], manager_id, installed_version, latest_version, ), ) # Sort and print table. print_table( ( ("Package ID", "package_id"), ("Name", "package_name"), ("Manager", "manager_id"), ("Installed version", "version"), ("Latest version", None), ), table, ctx.obj.sort_by, ) if ctx.obj.stats: print_stats(Counter({k: len(v["packages"]) for k, v in outdated_data.items()})) # TODO: make it a --search-strategy=[exact, fuzzy, extended] # Add details helps => exact: is case-sensitive, and keep all non-alnum chars # fuzzy: query is case-insensitive, stripped-out of non-alnum chars and # tokenized (no order sensitive) # extended, same as fuzzy, but do not limit search to package ID and name. # extended to description and other metadata depending on manager support. # Modes: # 1. strict (--exact, on ID or name) # 2. substring (regex, no case, no split) # 3. fuzzy (token-based) # 4. extended (fuzzy + metadata) @mpm.command(short_help="Search packages.", section=EXPLORE) @option( "--extended/--id-name-only", default=False, help="Extend search to description, instead of restricting it to package ID and " "name. Implies --description.", ) @option( "--exact/--fuzzy", default=False, help="Only returns exact matches on package ID or name.", ) @option( "--refilter/--no-refilter", default=True, help="Let mpm refilters managers' search results.", ) @argument("query", type=STRING, required=True) @pass_context def search(ctx, extended, exact, refilter, query): """Search each manager for a package ID, name or description matching the query.""" # --extended implies --description. show_description = ctx.obj.description if extended and not ctx.obj.description: logging.warning("--extended option forces --description option.") show_description = True # Build-up a global list of package matches per manager. matches = {} fields = ( "id", "name", "latest_version", "description", ) search_method = "refiltered_search" if refilter else "search" for manager in ctx.obj.selected_managers( packages = tuple( packages_asdict( getattr(manager, search_method)(query, extended, exact), fields, ), ) matches[] = { "id":, "name":, "packages": packages, } # Serialize errors at the last minute to gather all we encountered. matches[]["errors"] = list( {expt.error for expt in manager.cli_errors}, ) # Machine-friendly data rendering. if ctx.meta["click_extra.table_format"] == "json": print_json(matches) ctx.exit() # Prepare highlighting helpers. query_parts = {query}.union(PackageManager.query_parts(query)) highlight_query = cached(LRI(max_size=1000))( partial( highlight, substrings=query_parts,, ignore_case=True, ), ) # Human-friendly content rendering. table = [] for manager_id, matching_pkg in matches.items(): for pkg in matching_pkg["packages"]: line = [ highlight_query(pkg["id"]) if pkg["id"] else "", highlight_query(pkg["name"]) if pkg["name"] else "", manager_id, pkg["latest_version"] if pkg["latest_version"] else "?", ] if show_description: line.append( highlight_query(pkg.get("description")) if pkg.get("description") else "", ) table.append(line) # Sort and print table. headers = [ ("Package ID", "package_id"), ("Name", "package_name"), ("Manager", "manager_id"), ("Latest version", "version"), ] if show_description: headers.append(("Description", "description")) print_table(headers, table, ctx.obj.sort_by) if ctx.obj.stats: print_stats(Counter({k: len(v["packages"]) for k, v in matches.items()})) @mpm.command(aliases=["locate"], short_help="Locate CLIs on system.", section=EXPLORE) @argument("cli_names", type=STRING, nargs=-1, required=True) @pass_context def which(ctx, cli_names): """Search from the user's environment all CLIs matching the query. This is mpm's own version of the `which -a` UNIX command, used internally to locate binaries for each manager. It is exposed as a subcommand for convenience and to help troubleshoot CLI resolution logic. Compared to the venerable `which` command, this will respect the additional path configured for each package manager. It will ignore files that are empty (0 size). On Windows, it additionally suppress the default lookup in the current directory, which takes precedence on other paths. """ if ctx.obj.sort_by: logging.debug("Ignore --sort-by option for which command.") # Machine-friendly data rendering. if ctx.meta["click_extra.table_format"] == "json": cli_data = [] for manager in ctx.obj.selected_managers(): cli_data.append( { "manager_id":, "cli_paths": list(manager.search_all_cli(cli_names)), }, ) print_json(cli_data) ctx.exit() # Print table. table = [] for manager in ctx.obj.selected_managers(): for priority, found_cli in enumerate(manager.search_all_cli(cli_names)): # Resolve symlinks and highlight the CLI name. symlink = "" if found_cli.is_symlink(): symlink = "β†’ " + highlight_cli_name(found_cli.resolve(), cli_names) table.append( (, str(priority), highlight_cli_name(found_cli, cli_names), symlink, ), ) print_table( ( ("Manager ID", None), ("Priority", None), ("CLI path", None), ("Symlink destination", None), ), table, ) @mpm.command(short_help="Install a package.", section=MAINTENANCE) @argument( "packages_specs", type=STRING, nargs=-1, required=True, help="A mix of plain <package_id>, simple <package_id@version> specifiers or full " "<pkg:npm/left-pad> purls.", ) # TODO: add a --force/--reinstall flag @pass_context def install(ctx, packages_specs): """Install one or more packages. Installation will proceed first with packages unambiguously tied to a manager. You can have an influence on that with more precise package specifiers (like purl) and/or tighter selection of managers. For other untied packages, mpm will try to find the best manager to install it with. Their installation will be attempted with each manager, in the order they were selected. If we have the certainty, by the way of a search operation, that this package is not available from this manager, we'll skip the installation and try the next available manager. """ # Cast generator to tuple because of reuse. selected_managers = tuple( ctx.obj.selected_managers(implements_operation=Operations.install), ) manager_ids = tuple( for manager in selected_managers) if len(manager_ids) > 1: "Installation priority: " f"{' > '.join(map(theme.invoked_command, manager_ids))}", ) solver = Solver(packages_specs, manager_priority=manager_ids) packages_per_managers = solver.resolve_specs_group_by_managers() # Install all packages deterministiccaly tied to a specific manager. for manager_id, package_specs in packages_per_managers.items(): if not manager_id: continue for spec in package_specs: try: f"Install {spec} package with " f"{theme.invoked_command(manager_id)}...", ) manager = pool.get(manager_id) output = manager.install(spec.package_id, version=spec.version) except NotImplementedError: logging.warning( f"{theme.invoked_command(manager_id)} " "does not implement install operation.", ) continue echo(output) unmatched_packages = packages_per_managers.get(None, []) for spec in unmatched_packages: for manager in selected_managers: logging.debug( f"Try to install {spec} with {theme.invoked_command(}.", ) # Is the package available on this manager? matches = None try: matches = tuple( manager.refiltered_search( extended=False, exact=True, query=spec.package_id, ), ) except NotImplementedError: logging.warning( f"{theme.invoked_command(} " "does not implement search operation.", ) f"{spec.package_id} existence unconfirmed, " "try to directly install it...", ) else: if not matches: logging.warning( f"No {spec.package_id} package found " f"on {theme.invoked_command(}.", ) continue # Prevents any incomplete or bad implementation of exact search. if len(matches) != 1: msg = "Exact search returned multiple packages." raise ValueError(msg) # Allow install subcommand to fail to have the opportunity to catch the # CLIError exception and print a comprehensive message. with patch.object(manager, "stop_on_error", True): try: f"Install {spec} package " f"with {theme.invoked_command(}...", ) output = manager.install(spec.package_id, version=spec.version) except NotImplementedError: logging.warning( f"{theme.invoked_command(} " "does not implement install operation.", ) continue except CLIError: logging.warning( f"Could not install {spec} " f"with {theme.invoked_command(}.", ) continue echo(output) ctx.exit() @mpm.command(aliases=["update"], short_help="Upgrade packages.", section=MAINTENANCE) @option( "-A", "--all", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Upgrade all outdated packages. " "Will make the command ignore package IDs provided as parameters.", ) @argument( "packages_specs", type=STRING, nargs=-1, help="A mix of plain <package_id>, simple <package_id@version> specifiers or full " "<pkg:npm/left-pad> purls.", ) @pass_context def upgrade(ctx, all, packages_specs): """Upgrade one or more outdated packages. All outdated package will be upgraded by default if no specifiers are provided as arguments. I.e. assumes -A/--all option if no [PACKAGES_SPECS].... Packages recognized by multiple managers will be upgraded with each of them. You can fine-tune this behavior with more precise package specifiers (like purl) and/or tighter selection of managers. Packages unrecognized by any selected manager will be skipped. """ if not all and not packages_specs: logging.warning("No package provided, assume -A/--all option.") all = True # Full upgrade. if all: if packages_specs: # Deduplicate and sort specifiers for terseness. logging.warning( f"Ignore {', '.join(sorted(set(packages_specs)))} specifiers " "and proceed to a full upgrade...", ) for manager in ctx.obj.selected_managers( implements_operation=Operations.upgrade_all, ): "Upgrade all outdated packages " f"from {theme.invoked_command(}...", ) output = manager.upgrade() if output: ctx.exit() # Cast generator to tuple because of reuse. selected_managers = tuple( ctx.obj.selected_managers(implements_operation=Operations.upgrade), ) manager_ids = tuple( for manager in selected_managers) # Get the subset of selected managers that are implementing the installed operation, # so we can query it and know if a package has been installed with it. sourcing_managers = tuple( ctx.obj.selected_managers( keep=manager_ids, implements_operation=Operations.installed, ), ) solver = Solver(packages_specs, manager_priority=manager_ids) for package_id, spec in solver.resolve_package_specs(): source_manager_ids = set() # Use the manager from the spec. if spec.manager_id: source_manager_ids.add(spec.manager_id) # Package is not bound to a manager by the user's specifiers. else: logging.debug( f"{spec} not tied to a manager. Search all managers recognizing it.", ) # Find all the managers that have the package installed. for manager in sourcing_managers: if package_id in map(attrgetter("id"), manager.installed): logging.debug( f"{package_id} has been installed " "with {theme.invoked_command(}.", ) source_manager_ids.add( if not source_manager_ids: logging.error( f"{package_id} is not recognized by any of the selected manager. " "Skip it.", ) continue f"Upgrade {package_id} " f"with {', '.join(map(theme.invoked_command, sorted(source_manager_ids)))}", ) for manager_id in source_manager_ids: manager = pool.get(manager_id) output = manager.upgrade(package_id, version=spec.version) if output: @mpm.command(aliases=["uninstall"], short_help="Remove a package.", section=MAINTENANCE) @argument( "packages_specs", type=STRING, nargs=-1, required=True, help="A mix of plain <package_id>, simple <package_id@version> specifiers or full " "<pkg:npm/left-pad> purls.", ) @pass_context def remove(ctx, packages_specs): """Remove one or more packages. Packages recognized by multiple managers will be remove with each of them. You can fine-tune this behavior with more precise package specifiers (like purl) and/or tighter selection of managers. Packages unrecognized by any selected manager will be skipped. """ # Cast generator to tuple because of reuse. selected_managers = tuple( ctx.obj.selected_managers(implements_operation=Operations.remove), ) manager_ids = tuple( for manager in selected_managers) # Get the subset of selected managers that are implementing the installed operation, # so we can query it and know if a package has been installed with it. sourcing_managers = tuple( ctx.obj.selected_managers( keep=manager_ids, implements_operation=Operations.installed, ), ) solver = Solver(packages_specs, manager_priority=manager_ids) for package_id, spec in solver.resolve_package_specs(): source_manager_ids = set() # Use the manager from the spec. if spec.manager_id: source_manager_ids.add(spec.manager_id) # Package is not bound to a manager by the user's specifiers. else: logging.debug( f"{spec} not tied to a manager. Search all managers recognizing it.", ) # Find all the managers that have the package installed. for manager in sourcing_managers: if package_id in map(attrgetter("id"), manager.installed): logging.debug( f"{package_id} has been installed " f"with {theme.invoked_command(}.", ) source_manager_ids.add( if not source_manager_ids: logging.error( f"{package_id} is not recognized by any of the selected manager. " "Skip it.", ) continue f"Remove {package_id} " f"with {', '.join(map(theme.invoked_command, sorted(source_manager_ids)))}", ) for manager_id in source_manager_ids: manager = pool.get(manager_id) output = manager.remove(package_id) if output: @mpm.command(short_help="Sync local package info.", section=MAINTENANCE) @pass_context def sync(ctx): """Sync local package metadata and info from external sources.""" for manager in ctx.obj.selected_managers(implements_operation=Operations.sync):"Sync {theme.invoked_command(} package info...") manager.sync() @mpm.command(short_help="Cleanup local data.", section=MAINTENANCE) @pass_context def cleanup(ctx): """Cleanup local data, temporary artifacts and removes orphaned dependencies.""" for manager in ctx.obj.selected_managers(implements_operation=Operations.cleanup):"Cleanup {theme.invoked_command(}...") manager.cleanup() @mpm.command( aliases=["lock", "freeze", "snapshot"], short_help="Save installed packages to a TOML file.", section=SNAPSHOTS, ) @option( "--overwrite", "--force", "--replace", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Allow the provided TOML file to be silently wiped out if it already exists.", ) @option( "--merge", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Read the provided TOML file and update each entry with the version currently " "installed on the system. Requires the [TOML_PATH] argument.", ) @option( "--update-version", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Read the provided TOML file and update each existing entry with the version " "currently installed on the system. Requires the [TOML_PATH] argument.", ) @argument( "toml_path", type=file_path( writable=True, resolve_path=True, allow_dash=True, ), default="-", ) @pass_context def backup(ctx, overwrite, merge, update_version, toml_path): """Dump the list of installed packages to a TOML file. By default the generated TOML content is displayed directly in the console output. So `mpm backup` is the same as a call to `mpm backup -`. To have the result written in a file on disk, specify the output file like so: `mpm backup packages.toml`. Files produced by this subcommand can be safely consumed by `mpm restore`. """ def is_stdout(filepath): return str(filepath) == "-" if is_stdout(toml_path): if merge: logging.critical( "--merge requires the [TOML_PATH] argument to point to a file.", ) ctx.exit(2) if update_version: logging.critical( "--update-version requires the [TOML_PATH] argument to point to a " "file.", ) ctx.exit(2) if overwrite: logging.warning("Ignore the --overwrite/--force/--replace option.")"Print installed package list to {}") else: if merge and update_version: logging.critical("--merge and --update-version are mutually exclusive.") ctx.exit(2) if merge:"Merge all installed packages into {toml_path}") elif update_version: f"Update in-place all versions of installed packages " f"found in {toml_path}", ) else:"Dump all installed packages into {toml_path}") if toml_path.exists(): if overwrite: logging.warning("Target file exist and will be overwritten.") else: if merge or update_version: logging.warning("Ignore the --overwrite/--force/--replace option.") else: logging.critical("Target file exist and will be overwritten.") ctx.exit(2) elif merge: logging.critical("--merge requires an existing file.") ctx.exit(2) elif update_version: logging.critical("--update-version requires an existing file.") ctx.exit(2) if toml_path.suffix.lower() != ".toml": logging.critical("Target file is not a TOML file.") ctx.exit(2) installed_data = {} fields = ( "id", "installed_version", ) if merge or update_version: installed_data = tomllib.loads(toml_path.read_text(**encoding_args)) @contextmanager def file_writer(filepath): """A context-aware file writer which default to stdout if no path is provided.""" if is_stdout(filepath): yield sys.stdout else: writer ="w") yield writer writer.close() with file_writer(toml_path) as f: # Leave some metadata as comment. f.write(f"# Generated by mpm v{__version__}.\n") f.write(f"# Timestamp: {}.\n") # Create one section for each manager. for manager in ctx.obj.selected_managers( implements_operation=Operations.installed, ): f"Dumping packages from {theme.invoked_command(}..." ) packages = tuple(packages_asdict(manager.installed, fields)) for pkg in packages: # Only update version in that mode if the package is already referenced # into original TOML file. if update_version: if pkg["id"] in installed_data.get(, {}): installed_data[][pkg["id"]] = str( pkg["installed_version"], ) # Insert installed package in data structure for standard dump and merge # mode. else: installed_data.setdefault(, {})[pkg["id"]] = str( pkg["installed_version"], ) # Re-sort package list. if installed_data.get( installed_data[] = dict( sorted( installed_data[].items(), # Case-insensitive lexicographical sort on keys. key=lambda i: (i[0].lower(), i[0]), ), ) # Write each section separated by an empty line for readability. for manager_id, packages in installed_data.items(): f.write("\n") f.write(tomli_w.dumps({manager_id: packages})) if ctx.obj.stats: print_stats(Counter({k: len(v) for k, v in installed_data.items()})) @mpm.command( short_help="Install packages in batch as specified by TOML files.", section=SNAPSHOTS, ) @argument("toml_files", type=File("r"), required=True, nargs=-1) @pass_context def restore(ctx, toml_files): """Read TOML files then install or upgrade each package referenced in them.""" for toml_input in toml_files: is_stdin = isinstance(toml_input, TextIOWrapper) if is_stdin: toml_input.reconfigure(**encoding_args) toml_filepath = toml_content = else: toml_filepath = Path( toml_content = toml_filepath.read_text(**encoding_args)"Load package list from {toml_filepath}") doc = tomllib.loads(toml_content) # List unrecognized sections. ignored_sections = [ f"[{section}]" for section in doc if section not in pool.all_manager_ids ] if ignored_sections: plural = "s" if len(ignored_sections) > 1 else "" sections = ", ".join(ignored_sections)"Ignore {sections} section{plural}.") for manager in ctx.obj.selected_managers( implements_operation=Operations.install, ): if not in doc: logging.warning( f"No [{theme.invoked_command(}] section found.", ) continue"Restore {theme.invoked_command(} packages...") for package_id, version in doc[].items(): spec = Specifier( raw_spec=f"pkg:{}:/{package_id}{VERSION_SEP}{package_id}", package_id=package_id,, version=version, )"Install {spec}...") output = manager.install(spec.package_id, version=spec.version) echo(output)