Source code for meta_package_manager.output

# Copyright Kevin Deldycke <> and contributors.
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
"""Helpers and utilities to render and print content.

.. todo::

    Some of these are good candidates for upstream contribution to ``click.extra``.

from __future__ import annotations

import builtins
import contextlib
import json
import logging
from functools import cached_property, partial
from io import StringIO
from operator import itemgetter
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterable, Sequence
from unittest.mock import patch

from boltons.iterutils import flatten
from boltons.strutils import strip_ansi
from click_extra import echo, get_current_context, style
from click_extra.colorize import default_theme as theme
from click_extra.tabulate import output_formats
from tabulate import DataRow, TableFormat, tabulate

from .bar_plugin import MPMPlugin
from .pool import pool
from .version import TokenizedString

    from collections import Counter

"""List of fields IDs allowed to be sorted."""

[docs] def colored_diff(a, b, style_common=None, style_a=None, style_b=None): """Highlight the most common left part between ``a`` and ``b`` strings and their trailing differences. Always returns 2 strings. ..todo:: Contribute back to click-extra. """ # Set defaults styling methods. style_common = partial(style, fg="bright_black") style_a = partial(style, fg="red") style_b = partial(style, fg="green") if isinstance(a, TokenizedString): a = str(a) if isinstance(b, TokenizedString): b = str(b) common_size = 0 if a and b: while (min(len(a), len(b)) - 1) >= common_size and a[common_size] == b[ common_size ]: common_size += 1 # Styling of common and different parts. colored_a = "" colored_b = "" if common_size: colored_a = colored_b = style_common(a[:common_size]) if a: colored_a += style_a(a[common_size:]) if b: colored_b += style_b(b[common_size:]) return colored_a, colored_b
output_formats = sorted([*output_formats, "json"])
[docs] class BarPluginRenderer(MPMPlugin): """All utilities used to render output compatible with both Xbar and SwiftBar plugin dialect. The minimal code to locate ``mpm``, then call it and print its output resides in the plugin itself at :py:meth:`meta_package_manager.bar_plugin.MPMPlugin.best_mpm`. All other stuff, especially the rendering code, is managed here, to allow for more complex layouts relying on external Python dependencies. This also limits the number of required updates on the plugin itself. """ @cached_property def submenu_layout(self) -> bool: """Group packages into manager sub-menus. If ``True``, will replace the default flat layout with an alternative structure where actions are grouped into submenus, one for each manager. Value is sourced from the ``VAR_SUBMENU_LAYOUT`` environment variable. """ return self.getenv_bool("VAR_SUBMENU_LAYOUT", False) @cached_property def dark_mode(self) -> bool: """Detect dark mode by inspecting environment variables. Value is sourced from two environment variables depending on the plugin: - ``OS_APPEARANCE`` for SwiftBar - ``XBARDarkMode`` for XBar """ if self.is_swiftbar: return self.getenv_str("OS_APPEARANCE", "light") == "dark" return self.getenv_bool("XBARDarkMode")
[docs] @staticmethod def render_cli(cmd_args: tuple[str | Path, ...]) -> str: """Return a formatted CLI compatible with Xbar and SwiftBar plugin format. I.e. a string with this schema: .. code-block:: shell=cmd_args[0] param1=cmd_args[1] param2=cmd_args[2] ... """ plugin_params = [] # Serialize Path into string. for index, param_value in enumerate(map(str, flatten(cmd_args))): param_id = "shell" if index == 0 else f"param{index}" plugin_params.append(f"{param_id}={param_value}") return " ".join(plugin_params)
[docs] def print_cli_item(self, *args) -> None: """Print two CLI entries: - one that is silent - a second one that is the exact copy of the above but forces the execution by the way of a visible terminal """ self.pp(*args, "terminal=false") self.pp(*args, "terminal=true", "alternate=true")
[docs] def print_upgrade_all_item(self, manager: dict, submenu: str = "") -> None: """Print the menu entry to upgrade all outdated package of a manager.""" if manager.get("upgrade_all_cli"): if self.submenu_layout: print("-----") self.print_cli_item( f"{submenu}πŸ†™ Upgrade all {manager['id']} packages", manager["upgrade_all_cli"], self.default_font, "refresh=true", )
plain_table_format = TableFormat( lineabove=None, linebelowheader=None, linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=None, headerrow=DataRow("", " ", ""), datarow=DataRow("", " ", ""), padding=0, with_header_hide=None, ) """Simple rendering format with single-space separated columns used in the function below."""
[docs] @staticmethod def render_table( table_data: Sequence[Sequence[str]] | None, ) -> Any | list: """Renders a table data with pre-configured alignment centered around the third column. Returns a list of strings, one item per line. .. code-block:: pycon >>> table_data = [ ... ("xmlrpc", "0.3.1", "β†’", "0.4"), ... ("blockblock", "5.33,VHSDGataYCcV8xqv5TSZA", "β†’", "5.39"), ... ("sed", "2", "β†’", "2021.0328"), ... ] >>> print(render_table(table_data)) xmlrpc 0.3.1 β†’ 0.4 blockblock 5.33,VHSDGataYCcV8xqv5TSZA β†’ 5.39 sed 2 β†’ 2021.0328 ..todo:: Use upcoming ``tabulate.SEPARATING_LINE`` to produce the whole bar plugin table in one go and have all version numbers from all managers aligned. See: """ if not table_data: return [] return tabulate( table_data, tablefmt=BarPluginRenderer.plain_table_format, colalign=("left", "right", "center", "left"), disable_numparse=True, ).splitlines()
def _render(self, outdated_data) -> None: """Main method implementing the final structured rendering in *Bar plugin dialect. ..todo:: Wait for ANSI-aware layout in table to be merged upstream so we can highly version differences in bar plugin. See: """ managers = outdated_data.values() font = self.monospace_font if self.table_rendering else self.default_font # Print menu bar icon with number of available upgrades. total_outdated = sum(len(m["packages"]) for m in managers) total_errors = sum(len(m.get("errors", [])) for m in managers) self.pp( (f"πŸŽβ†‘{total_outdated}" if total_outdated else "πŸ“¦βœ“") + (f" ⚠️{total_errors}" if total_errors else ""), "dropdown=false", ) # Prefix for section content. submenu = "--" if self.submenu_layout else "" for manager in managers: package_count = len(manager["packages"]) plural = "s" if package_count > 1 else "" package_label = f"package{plural}" table = [ ( ( p.get("name") or p.get("id"), p["installed_version"], "β†’", p["latest_version"], ), p["upgrade_cli"], ) for p in manager["packages"] ] # Table-like rendering if self.table_rendering: header = f"{manager['id']} - {package_count} {package_label}" formatted_lines = self.render_table([p[0] for p in table]) # Variable-width / non-table / non-monospaced rendering. else: header = f"{package_count} outdated {manager['name']} {package_label}" formatted_lines = [" ".join(map(str, p[0])) for p in table] upgrade_cli_list = [p[1] for p in table] assert len(formatted_lines) == len(upgrade_cli_list) # Print section separator before printing the manager header. print("---") # Print section header. error = "" if self.submenu_layout and manager.get("errors", None): error = "⚠️ " self.pp(f"{error}{header}", font) # Print a menu entry for each outdated packages. for line, upgrade_cli in zip(formatted_lines, upgrade_cli_list): self.print_cli_item( f"{submenu}{line}", upgrade_cli, font, "refresh=true", ) self.print_upgrade_all_item(manager, submenu) for error_msg in manager.get("errors", []): print("-----" if self.submenu_layout else "---") self.print_error(error_msg, submenu)
[docs] def render(self, outdated_data) -> str: """Wraps the :py:meth:`meta_package_manager.output.BarPluginRenderer._render` function above to capture all ``print`` statements.""" capture = StringIO() print_capture = partial(print, file=capture) with patch.object(builtins, "print", new=print_capture): self._render(outdated_data) return capture.getvalue()
[docs] def add_upgrade_cli(self, outdated_data): """Augment the outdated data from ``mpm outdated`` subcommand with upgrade CLI fields for bar plugin consumption.""" for manager_id, manager_data in outdated_data.items(): if manager_data.get("packages"): manager = pool.get(manager_id) # Produce the full-upgrade CLI. try: upgrade_all_cli = manager.upgrade_all_cli() except NotImplementedError: # Fallback on mpm itself which is capable of simulating a full # upgrade. logging.warning( f"{theme.invoked_command(manager_id)} " "does not implement upgrade_all_cli.", ) mpm_args, _runnable, _up_to_date, _version, _error = self.best_mpm upgrade_all_cli = ( *mpm_args, f"--{manager_id}", "upgrade", "--all", ) logging.debug(f"Fallback to direct mpm call: {upgrade_all_cli}") # Update outdated data with the full-upgrade CLI. outdated_data[manager_id]["upgrade_all_cli"] = self.render_cli( upgrade_all_cli, ) # Add for each package its upgrade CLI. for package in manager_data["packages"]: # Generate the version-less upgrade CLI to be used by the *bar # plugin. upgrade_cli = None with contextlib.suppress(NotImplementedError): upgrade_cli = self.render_cli( manager.upgrade_one_cli(package["id"]), ) package["upgrade_cli"] = upgrade_cli return outdated_data
[docs] def print(self, outdated_data) -> None: """Print the final plugin rendering to ``<stdout>``. Capturing the output of the plugin and re-printing it will introduce an extra line return, hence the extra call to ``rstrip()``. """ outdated_data = self.add_upgrade_cli(outdated_data) echo(self.render(outdated_data).rstrip())