Source code for meta_package_manager.specifier

# Copyright Kevin Deldycke <> and contributors.
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
"""Utilities to manage and resolve constraints from a set of package specifiers."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import cached_property
from itertools import groupby
from operator import attrgetter
from typing import Final, Iterable, Iterator, Sequence

from packageurl import PackageURL

from .pool import pool
from .version import TokenizedString, parse_version

VERSION_SEP: Final = "@"
"""Separator used by ``mpm`` to split package's ID from its version:

This has been chosen as a separator because it is shared by popular package managers
and purls.



# 1:1 mapping between purl types and mpm manager IDs.
PURL_MAP: dict[str, set[str] | None] = {mid: {mid} for mid in pool.all_manager_ids}
# Manager IDs collected by looking at packageurl-python source code.
        "alpine": None,
        "bitbucket": None,
        "deb": {"apt", "apt-mint"},
        "docker": None,
        "generic": None,
        "github": None,
        "gitlab": None,
        "golang": None,
        "hackage": None,
        "maven": None,
        "nuget": None,
        "pypi": {"pip", "pipx"},
        "rpm": {"dnf", "yum", "zypper"},
        "rubygems": {"gem"},
        "sourceforge": None,

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Specifier: """Lightweight representation of a package specification. Contains all parsed metadata to be used as constraints. """ raw_spec: str """Original, un-parsed specifier string provided by the user.""" package_id: str """ID is required and is the primary key used for specification.""" manager_id: str | None = None version: str | None = None """Version string, a 1:1 copy of the one provided by the user."""
[docs] @classmethod def parse_purl(cls, spec_str: str) -> tuple[Specifier, ...] | None: """Parse a purl string. Yields ``Specifier`` objects or returns ``None``. """ # Try to parse specifier as a purl. try: purl = PackageURL.from_string(spec_str) except ValueError as ex: logging.debug(f"{spec_str} is not a purl: {ex}") return None # Specifier is a purl, extract its metadata. manager_ids = PURL_MAP.get(purl.type) if not manager_ids: msg = f"Unrecognized {purl.type} purl type." raise ValueError(msg) # The purl can be handled by one manager or more. return tuple( Specifier( raw_spec=spec_str,, manager_id=manager_id, version=purl.version, ) for manager_id in manager_ids )
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, spec_str: str) -> Iterator[Specifier]: """Parse a string into a package specifier. Supports various formats: - plain ``package_id`` - simple package ID with version: ``package_id@version`` - purl: ``pkg:npm/left-pad@3.7`` If a specifier resolves to multiple constraints (as it might be the case for purl), we produce and returns all variations. That way the ``Solver`` below has all necessary details to resolve the constraints. Returns a generator of ``Specifier``. """ specs = cls.parse_purl(spec_str) if specs: yield from specs # Specifier contains a version. elif VERSION_SEP in spec_str: package_id, version = spec_str.split(VERSION_SEP, 1) yield cls( raw_spec=spec_str, package_id=package_id, version=version, ) # The spec is the plain package ID. else: yield cls( raw_spec=spec_str, package_id=spec_str, )
@cached_property def parsed_version(self) -> TokenizedString: return parse_version(self.version) @cached_property def is_blank(self) -> bool: """Is considered blank a ``Specifier`` without any constraint on ``manager_id`` or ``version``.""" return not bool(self.manager_id or self.version) def __str__(self) -> str: """Human readable string of the spec. Dynamiccaly adds version, its separator and manage ID prefix (in purl syntax). """ string = self.package_id if self.version: string = f"{string}{VERSION_SEP}{self.version}" if self.manager_id: string = f"pkg:{self.manager_id}/{string}" return string
[docs]class EmptyReduction(Exception): """Raised by the solver if no constraint can't be met."""
[docs]class Solver: """Combine a set of ``Specifier`` and allow for the solving of the constraints they represent.""" manager_priority: Sequence[str] = [] spec_pool: set[Specifier] = set() def __init__( self, spec_strings: Iterable[str] | None = None, manager_priority=None, ) -> None: if spec_strings: self.populate_from_strings(spec_strings) if manager_priority: self.manager_priority = manager_priority
[docs] def populate_from_strings(self, spec_strings: Iterable[str]): """Populate the solver with package specifiers parsed from provided strings.""" # Deduplicate entries. for spec_str in set(spec_strings): new_specs = Specifier.from_string(spec_str) self.spec_pool = self.spec_pool.union(new_specs)
[docs] def top_priority_manager( self, keep_managers: Iterable[str | None] | None = None, ) -> str | None: """Returns the top priority manager configured on the solver. ``keep_managers`` allows for filtering by discarding managers not in that list. """ for manager_id in self.manager_priority: # Returns the first manager in the priority list if no filtering needs to # be performed. if not keep_managers: return manager_id # Returns the first matching manager in the priority list. elif manager_id in keep_managers: return manager_id # No single top-priority manager can selected. return None
[docs] def reduce_specs(self, specs: Iterable[Specifier]) -> Specifier: """Reduce a collection of ``Specifier`` to its essential, minimal and unique form. This method assumes that all provided ``specs`` are of the same package (like ``resolve_package_specs()`` does). The reduction process consist of several steps. At each step, as soon as we managed to reduce the constraints to one ``Specifier``, we returns it. Filtering steps: 1. We remove all constraints tied to all by the top priority manager if provided. 2. If no manager priority is provided, we discard constraints not tied to a manager. 3. We discard constraints not tied to a version. 4. We only keep constraints tied to the highest version. If we ends up with more than one set of constraints after all this filtering, an error is raised to invite the developer to troubleshoot the situation and refine this process. """ # Deduplicate specifiers. collection = set(specs) if len(collection) == 1: return collection.pop() # If constraints allows for multiple managers, only keep specs matching # the highest priority. target_manager_ids = {s.manager_id for s in collection} if len(target_manager_ids) > 1: if self.manager_priority: if target_manager_ids.isdisjoint(self.manager_priority): logging.warning( f"Requested target managers {target_manager_ids} " f"don't match selected {self.manager_priority}.", ) raise EmptyReduction top_priority_manager = self.top_priority_manager(target_manager_ids) collection = { s for s in collection if s.manager_id == top_priority_manager } # If no manager priority has been set, discards specs not tied to any # manager. else: collection = {s for s in collection if s.manager_id} if len(collection) == 1: return collection.pop() # Only keep the subset with the higher version. max_version = max(s.parsed_version for s in collection) collection = {s for s in collection if s.parsed_version == max_version} if len(collection) == 1: return collection.pop() # Still too much constraints. msg = ( f"Cannot reduce {collection} any further. More heuristics must be " "implemented." ) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def resolve_package_specs(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, Specifier]]: """Regroup specs of the pool by package IDs, and solve their constraints. Return each package ID with its single, reduced spec, or ``None`` if it ha no constraints. """ # Regroup specs by package IDs. Has the nice side effect of deduplicating specs. keyfunc = attrgetter("package_id") for package_id, package_specs in groupby( sorted(self.spec_pool, key=keyfunc), key=keyfunc, ): # Serialize because of reuse in log message below. specs = tuple(package_specs) # Reduce and cleanup each set of constraints. try: reduced_spec = self.reduce_specs(specs) except EmptyReduction: logging.warning(f"Skip package {package_id}.") continue # Print warning if specifiers were subject to a reduction. if len(specs) > 1: logging.warning( f"{package_id} specifiers reduced from " f"{', '.join(sorted(s.raw_spec for s in specs))} to {reduced_spec}", ) yield package_id, reduced_spec
[docs] def resolve_specs_group_by_managers(self) -> dict[str | None, set[Specifier]]: """Resolves package specs, and returns them grouped by managers.""" packages_per_managers: dict[str | None, set[Specifier]] = {} for _package_id, spec in self.resolve_package_specs(): manager_id = None if spec: manager_id = spec.manager_id packages_per_managers.setdefault(manager_id, set()).add(spec) return packages_per_managers